Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Gates has been exposed as a media sponsor around the world. He donated $319 million.

The struggle continues.

Masses of people are fighting for the truth to come out and one of them is investigative journalist Alan Macleod, who has released financial data:


Billionaire Bill Gates secretly contributed $319 million to selected mainstream media outlets around the world in an attempt to "brainwash the public," a new report has revealed.


In this way, you can build beliefs and values about any topic.


According to Macleod, the cash flow was revealed during a review of more than 30,000 individual grants from an online database Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation .

Among the beneficiaries on the list are  CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS ,  Atlantic ,  New York Public Radio and other far-left stations.


"The Gates Foundation's money for media programs is divided into several sections, presented in descending numerical order, and includes a link to the appropriate grant on the organization's website." -  Macleod wrote in his report on the subject.

Awards directly to Media Outlets:


  • NPR- $24,663,066
  • The Guardian (including $12,951,391
  • Cascade Public Media - $10,895,016
  • Public Radio International ( $7,719,113
  • The Conversation- $6,664,271
  • Univision- $5,924,043
  • Der Spiegel (Germany)- $5,437,294
  • Project Syndicate- $5,280,186
  • Education Week - $4,898,240
  • VET- $4,529,400
  • NBCUniversal Media- $4,373,500
  • Nation Media Group (Kenya) - $4,073,194
  • Le Monde (France)- $4,014,512
  • Bhekisisa (South Africa) - $3,990,182
  • El País - $3,968,184
  • BBC– $3,668,657
  • CNN– $3,600,000
  • KCET- $3,520,703
  • Population Communications International ( - $3,500,000
  • The Daily Telegraph - $3,446,801
  • Chalkbeat - $2,672,491
  • The Education Post- $2,639,193
  • Rockhopper Productions (U.K.) - $2,480,392
  • Corporation for Public Broadcasting - $2,430,949
  • UpWorthy - $2,339,023
  • Financial Times - $2,309,845
  • The 74 Media- $2,275,344
  • Texas Tribune- $2,317,163
  • Punch (Nigeria) - $2,175,675
  • News Deeply - $1,612,122
  • The Atlantic- $1,403,453
  • Minnesota Public Radio- $1,290,898
  • YR Media- $1,125,000
  • The New Humanitarian- $1,046,457
  • Sheger FM (Ethiopia) - $1,004,600
  • Al-Jazeera– $1,000,000
  • ProPublica- $1,000,000
  • Crosscut Public Media - $810,000
  • Grist Magazine- $750,000
  • Kurzgesagt - $570,000
  • Educational Broadcasting Corp - $506,504
  • Classical 98.1 - $500,000
  • PBS - $499,997
  • Gannett - $499,651
  • Mail and Guardian (South Africa)- $492,974
  • Inside Higher Ed.- $439,910
  • BusinessDay (Nigeria) - $416,900
  • - $412,000
  • Nutopia- $350,000
  • Independent Television Broadcasting Inc. - $300,000
  • Independent Television Service, Inc. - $300,000
  • Caixin Media (China) - $250,000
  • Pacific News Service - $225,000
  • National Journal - $220,638
  • Chronicle of Higher Education - $149,994
  • Belle and Wissell, Co. $100,000
  • Media Trust - $100,000
  • New York Public Radio - $77,290
  • KUOW - Puget Sound Public Radio - $5,310


 Together these donations amount to 166,216,526 USD. The money is generally directed to causes close to Gates' heart. For example, grant CNN worth $3.6 million was earmarked for "reporting [on] gender equality with a focus on least developed countries, creating journalism about the everyday inequalities faced by women and girls around the world."

The Gates Foundation also donated nearly 63 million to charities with close ties to big media, including nearly  $53 million  on the BBC Media Action, more than $9 million for  MTV 's Staying Alive Foundation and 1 million for the fund The New York Times Neediest Causes Fund. While not specifically funding journalism, donations to the media player's philanthropic arm should still be noted.

Gates also continues to support a wide network of journalism centersand investigative work, totaling just over $38 million, more than half of which was donated to the Washington-based International Center for Journalists for the growth and development of African media.


These centers include:

  • International Center for Journalists - 20,436,938 $
  • Premium Times Center for Investigative Journalism (Nigeria) - 3,800,357 $
  • Pulitzer Crisis Reporting Center - 2,432,552 $
  • EurActiv Politech Foundation - 2,368,300 $
  • International Media Foundation for Women - 1,500,000 $
  • Investigative Reporting Center - 1,446,639 $
  • InterMedia Institute Survey - 1,297,545 $
  • Bureau of Investigative Journalism - 1,068,169 $
  • Internews Network - 985 126 $
  • Communications Consortium Media Center - $858,000
  • Non-Profit Institute News - $650,021
  • Poynter Institute for Media Studies –  382 997 $
  • Wole Soyinka Center for Investigative Journalism (Nigeria) - 360 211 $
  • Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies - PLN 254.5 thousand
  • Global Media Development Forum (Belgium) - $124,823
  • Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting - 100,000 $

In addition, the Gates Foundation also supports press and journalism associations with cash of at leastj $12 million. For example, the National Newspaper Publishers Association - a group representing more than 200 outlets - received $3.2 million.

The list of these organizations includes:

  • Education Writers Association - 5,938,475 $
  • National Newspaper Publishers Association - $3,249,176
  • National Press Foundation - $1,916,172
  • Washington News Council - 698 200 $
  • American Society of News Editors Foundation - 250,000 $
  • Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press - 25,000 $

This brings our total to $216.4 million.


The Foundation also provides money for direct training of journalists around the world in the form of scholarships, courses and workshops. Today, thanks to a Gates Foundation grant, one can train as a reporter, find a job at a Gates-funded outlet, and belong to a Gates-funded press association. This is especially true for journalists covering health, education and global development, where Gates himself is most active and where scrutiny of the billionaire's actions and motives is most needed.

Gates Foundation grants for journalism education include:

  • Johns Hopkins University - 1,866,408 $
  • Teachers College, Columbia University - $1,462,500
  • University of California at Berkeley - $767,800
  • Tsinghua University (China) - $450,000
  • Seattle University - 414,524 $
  • Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies - PLN 254.5 thousand
  • Rhodes University (South Africa) - 189,000 $
  • Montclair State University - 160,538 $
  • Pan-Atlantic University Foundation - 130,718 $
  • World Health Organization - 38,403 $
  • The Aftermath Project - 15,435 $

BMGF also pays for a wide range of specific media campaigns around the world. For example, since 2014, it has donated $5.7 million to the Population Foundation of India to create dramas that promote sexual and reproductive health, with the intention of increasing family planning methods in South Asia. 



Media projects supported by the Gates Foundation:

  • European Journalism Centre - 20 060 048
  • Światowa Służba Uniwersytecka Kanady –  12 127 622 $
  • A story well told limited - 9,870,333 $
  • Solutions Journalism Inc. - USD 7,254,755
  • Entertainment Industry Foundation - 6,688,208 $
  • Indian Population Foundation - $5,749,826 -.
  • Participant Media - $3,914,207
  • Réseau Africain de l’Education pour la santé –  3 561 683 $
  • New America - 3,405,859 $
  • AllAfrica Foundation - 2,311,529 $
  • Steps International - 2,208,265 $
  • Center for Advocacy and Research - 2,200,630 $
  • Sesame Workshop - 2,030,307 $
  • Panos Institute West Africa - 1,809,850 $
  • Open Cities Lab - 1 601 452 $
  • Uniwersytet Harvarda –  1 190 527 $
  • Science Matters - 1 078 048 $
  • Aaron Diamond Aids Research Center - $981,631
  • Thomson Media Foundation - $860,628
  • Communications Consortium Media Center - $858,000
  • StoryThings - 799, 536
  • Center for Rural Strategies - 749,945 $
  • New venture fund - 700,000 $
  • Helianthus Media - 575 064 $
  • University of Southern California - $550,000
  • World Health Organization - 530,095 $
  • Phi Delta Kappa International - 446,000 $
  • Ikana Media - $425,000
  • Seattle Foundation - 305,000 $
  • EducationNC - 300,000 $
  • Beijing Guokr Interactive - 300,000 $
  • Upswell - $246,918
  • African Academy of Sciences - 208 708 $
  • Seeking Modern Applications for Real Transformation (SMART) - $201,781
  • Bay Area Video Coalition - $190,000
  • Powerful Primer - 185.953 $
  • Florida PTA Parent and Teacher Congress - 150,000 $
  • ProSocial - 100,000 $
  • Boston University - 100,000 $
  • National Center for Family Learning - 100,000 $
  • Development Media International - $100,000
  • Ahmadu Bello University - 100,000 $
  • Indonesian Society for e-Health and Telemedicine - 100,000 $
  • Filmmaker Collaboration - 50,000 $
  • Public Broadcasting Foundation of Georgia Inc. - 25,000 $
  • SIFF - 13.000$

Total: 97 315 408 $



$319.4 million and (much) more.



Together, these Gates-sponsored media projects total $319.4 million. However, this non-exhaustive list is clearly flawed, meaning that the actual number is undoubtedly much higher. First, it doesn't count sub-grants - money given by recipients to media outlets around the world. And while the Gates Foundation promotes an atmosphere of openness about itself, there is actually little public information about what happens to the money from each grant, except for a brief one- or two-sentence description written by the foundation itself on its website . Only donations to news organizations themselves or projects that could be identified from information on the Gates Foundation's website as media campaigns were counted, meaning that thousands of grants with some sort of media component are not on this list.

One example is BMGF's partnership with ViacomCBS, the company that controls  CBS  News ,  MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon i  BET . Media reports at the time noted that the Gates Foundation paid the entertainment giant to include information and PSAs in its programs and that Gates intervened to change storylines in popular shows such as  ER  i  Law & Order: SVU.




Media Gates custodians

The fact that the Gates Foundation funds much of our media ecosystem leads to serious problems with objectivity.



Research Schwab showed that this conflict of interest reaches to the very top: two columnists New York Times has written enthusiastically about the Gates Foundation for years without disclosing that they also work for the group - Solutions Journalism Network - which, as shown above, has received more than $7 million from the tech billionaire's charity.

Earlier this year, Schwab also declined to co-report an article on COVAX for  Bureau of Investigative Journalism , suspecting that the money Gates had pumped into the facility would prevent accurate reporting on a subject so close to Gates' heart. Indeed, when the article was  published in  last month, repeated the claim that Gates had little to do with the COVAX debacle, echoing the BMGF's position and quoting it throughout. Only at the very end of the 5,000-plus word story did she reveal that the organization she was defending paid the salaries of its employees.

"I don't believe Gates said.  Office of Investigative Journalism,  what to write. I think the bureau indirectly, albeit subconsciously, knew it had to find a way to tell this story that wasn't directed at their funder. The damaging effects of financial conflicts are complex but very real and plausible," Schwab said, describing this as "a case study of the dangers of Gates-funded journalism."


Gates, who has amassed a fortune by building a monopoly and zealously guarding his intellectual property, has a big stake in the rhetoric of plandemi.


Pictured below with pedophile Epstein.




In most accounts, Gates' donations are widely portrayed as altruistic gestures. However, given the endowment of hundreds of media outlets, we see that the media is not independent.


Philanthropy is used intentionally to distract from various forms of economic exploitation and the implementation of the digital totalitarian agenda.

Linsey McGoey , Professor of Sociology at the University of Essex, UK said;

New "philanthrocapitalism" threatens democracy by increasing the power of the corporate sector at the expense of public sector organizations, which increasingly face budget constraints, in part by overcompensating for-profit organizations for providing public services that could be provided more cheaply without private sector involvement."


The truth these days is presented in small blogs and YT channels that are banned by the system.


Dodam ze swego doświadczenia, że ja sam musze się użerać w tym wszystkim z “chrześcijanami” nominalnymi, którzy nie walczą z systemem bestii, ale innymi chrześcijanami. Niejedna “biblijna” osoba wypominała mi moją działalność, to, że ktoś mnie wspiera, choć sami ani złotówką nie wsparli, nadal czytuje i ogląda. Perfidia ludzi nienarodzonych i zawistnych nie zna granic.



The bottom line is that the money spent on lies, is incomparably more than on the truth.

This is why some of the people stabbed believe in the effectiveness of stabbing thinking that everyone would not collude, but the above data is an example.

There are many more lies, as they are not limited to the intended demoniac.








Updated: 22 November 2021 — 13:50

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