Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

All the YT ad earners will have their ads turned off if they question global warming.

Teraz się okaże przynajmniej po części komu zależy tylko na pieniądzach a komu na propagowaniu prawdy. W zasadzie dobra idea….



Google and YouTube have announced that they will take action to strip web content of its ability to generate revenue if it expresses skepticism about global warming.

According to a report by TheBlaze , in a statement from Google's advertising team on Thursday, the giant Internet company said it would deny ad revenue from content that goes against "well-established scientific consensus on the existence and causes of climate change."


Google said the new rules are a response to advertisers expressing frustration that their ads appear in content they disagree with. "Advertisers simply don't want their ads appearing alongside this content," the company said. "And publishers and creators don't want ads promoting these claims to appear on their sites or in videos."


"This includes content that refers to climate change as a mystification or hoax, claims that deny that long-term trends show that the global climate is warming, and claims that deny that greenhouse gas emissions or human activities are contributing to climate change."


If something is banned by YT, it means they are lying and don't want the world to know the truth in an area. This is the case with criticism of Islam, lgbt, c19 and now with a powerful instrument to bring communism i.e. criticism of climate change.


Jest takie przysłowie: “nadzieja umiera ostatnia”

Parafrazując można rzec “Prawda umiera ostatnia”.


Updated: 8 October 2021 — 16:07

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