Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jesus is not the only way to salvation and is equal to Mohammed and Buddha according to 60% born again

According to new study in the U.S. More than 60% born again Christians in America between the ages of 18 and 39 believe that Buddha, Mohammed and Jesus are good ways to salvation, and over 30% say they either believe, that Jesus sinned just like other people did when he lived on Earth or are unsure.


There has been a "striking decline" in evangelical religious beliefs and practices over the past 10 years, as the number of self-proclaimed believers who adhere to these beliefs has increased by nearly 25%, Probe Ministries says in a statement announcing the results of its Religious Views. & Practices Survey.


The study, which interviewed 3,100 Americans ages 18 to 55 in 2020 and looked at various other previous studies, found a decline in the "basic biblical worldview" - attributes of God, accuracy of the Bible, salvation, and sinlessness of Jesus - from 47% in 2010 to 25% in 2020 among born again Christians.


"This result is a startling degradation of the worldview beliefs of born again Christians in just 10 years." This means that even born again Christians "can have a false view of Jesus Christ and embrace a pluralistic worldview," said Kerby Anderson, president of Probe Ministries.


Pastors and church leaders can no longer assume that members of their church or Christian organization have a biblical worldview." The study found that the decline in the general population is even greater. For the basic biblical worldview there is a drop from 13% to 6%. For an expanded biblical worldview, the decline is from 9% to just over 3%.


My comment.


One can hardly be surprised at the decline in the quality of faith when most pastors recognize that God's Law does not apply. If pastors say the Decalogue was nailed to the cross, that means you can do what you want. There is relativism in teaching when Jesus came to restore a correct understanding of the Law.


No one is interested in the message coming from Ezekiel:


"26 And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will breathe into you; I will take away your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 My Spirit I want to breathe into you and make you, to live by my precepts and keep my commandments, and they acted according to them."


Now pastors like Andrew Cyrikas and many ecumenical pastors believe that the 2nd commandment is important, but the 4th is not. Is it any wonder then that we have 0.38% evangelicals in Poland.

Such an embarrassing outcome is the result of departure from the Law of God. This in turn predestines acceptance of the beast's cultural system and its economic system. Unfortunately, most of Protestantism is pro-Israel.


I deal constantly with attacks from people who reject God's Law. They call the Decalogue Judaizing.

I am one of the biggest opponents of this Edomite-Khazar religion.

I regret to say that conformism and liberalism rule in Protestantism.

Jesus is an element of religion for them.

It's impossible to look uncritically at what's going on and I'm just applying that criticism.

One only has to look at the support of stabbing among Protestantism to feel the gag reflex.


Finally, I will repeat what I have recently come to:




That Catholics believe deceiving priests is understandable, but that supposedly people who have the Holy Spirit just before giving the mark of the beast don't know who the biblical beast of chapter 13 is a compromise. One can be mistaken. Adventists at least think it is the papacy. But what about the rest?

We see how the system does not allow people to buy or sell and while this is not yet the final mark of the beast this system is being put in place by the beast and the evangelicals are quietly sh...

No beast....

The quality of teaching will decline but in that decline there will be a separation of the wheat from the chaff.





Updated: 23 August 2021 — 17:27

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