Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Bergolio compares the work of a pro-LGBT priest to that of Jesus. Catholics are servants of the LGBT.

To be a Catholic these days is a great shame, and the more one knows, the greater the dissonance and disgrace.


 The pope of Sodom with a marketing-chosen nickname Francis sent an encouraging letter to an American priest known for his ministry affirming LGBTQ Catholics, comparing his work to Jesus.


The pope's letter follows more oppositional moves by the Vatican - which were authorized by Francis - on gay rights. And it adds to the confusion faced by many LGBT Catholics, as to where the pope stands eight years after he famously said, "Who am I to judge?"


The Reverend James Martin, one of the nation's best-known Catholic priests for his work on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" and his advocacy for gay Catholics, shared Pope Francis' June 21 letter on Sunday. In the letter, which was written in Spanish, Francis thanks Martin for the conference Martin led on Saturday with 1,000 attendees on serving LGBTQ Catholics.

You read that right: Catholics serve LGBTQ people.

"I want to thank you for your pastoral zeal and your ability to be close to people, with a closeness to Jesus that reflects the closeness of God... Thinking about your pastoral work, I see that you are constantly trying to imitate this style of God," Francis wrote.

„I modlę się za twoich wiernych, twoją ‘trzodę’ i wszystkich, których Pan powierza twojej opiece.” Biuro prasowe Watykanu nie odpowiedziało natychmiast w niedzielę na wiadomość, w której chciał potwierdzić autentyczność listu. Ale oficjalna organizacja informacyjna Watykanu poinformowała o notatce.


Poszperałem trochę w necie i okazało się, że wielebny Martin doskonale wie co czyni…


James Martin announces the group Metallica on "The Colbert Report" show Photo: Screen from "The Colbert Report" show


Jest przykładem księdza-medialnego celebryty: jego wpisy na  na Twitterze śledzi 67 tys. osób; to on komentuje wizyty Franciszka w CNN; to jego zapraszają do BBC… Wreszcie, jest obecny nie tylko na łamach jezuickiego magazynu „America”.



 James Martin to announce major pro-gay conference in Cardinal Dolanalan archdiocese

Dear Brother Compatriots Catholics, you are in the church of Satan and the gates of hell not that they have overrun this church, but it is and has been a foothold of Satan.

10 lat temu poczułem się oszukany tak jak Wy i nie mogłem uwierzyć w to, że byłem okłamywany. Obejrzałem dziesiątki jak nie setki filmów i jeszcze więcej tekstów i materiałów dowodowych. Po tym wszystkim nie chciałem być hipokrytą i wypisałem się z KRK – dokonałem apostazji.


By supporting this church in any way you are not only betraying God but supporting the coming tribulation, the NWO.


The main backbone of the NWO, the beast system during the great tribulation will be the LGBT which can be seen and heard.


Dear Priests of Rome, you must decide whom you want to serve! Pull the sheep out of the devil's church before the punishment reaches you.


Updated: 27 June 2021 — 21:18

1 Comment

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  1. I applaud you for apostasy, I'm trying to do that too.

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