Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

An Orthodox priest poured acid on the bishops for stripping him of his clerical position.

"There was a dangerous incident in the Greek capital. An Orthodox priest poured caustic acid on seven bishops of the Greek Church. The clergyman did this during a meeting of an ecclesiastical court, which was to deprive him of the right to hold clerical office.

The clergy were taken to the hospital with burns to their faces and hands of various degrees. The injuries to three of them are serious.

Jak przekazał dziennik “Kathimerini”, w incydencie rany odniosło również dwóch prawników oraz policjant, który zatrzymał księdza, gdy ten próbował uciec z klasztoru Petraki – siedziby greckiej Cerkwi. Również funkcjonariusz znajduje się obecnie pod opieką lekarzy.




This is very important news, because it proves once again that it is not the function that proves belonging to Jesus, but the character of a person.



Updated: 25 June 2021 — 21:44

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