Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

WHO gets the power to rule the world like in the covi fiction movie "Songbird".


Plandemia is supposed to be the means of the WHO, or in truth the UN, the de facto still informal world government (NWO) to confer powers that will result in the relinquishment of the sovereignty of all countries in the world.


The report, called "Covid19: Make it the Last Pandemic," is a sketch of what the world should look like to prevent a "pandemic" in the future.


First, they explain in the report how this plandemic caused great damage so that, for example, 90% students were unable to
attend school or that 115-125 million people have been pushed into extreme poverty.

This is communism: they create a problem in order to fix it and build a caste of equals over the equals. Before, the enemy was the bourgeoisie and the Tsar and now this fictional enemy is something that had a mortality rate of around 0.5% last year, which is as high as the flu.


Another example of manipulation from the report:


“Rządy zaoferowały wsparcie dochodu milionom ludzi w
places where it was considered political before the pandemic
impossibility. Campaign-based health services, such as immunizations, have
rapid rebound. The delivery of health services is changing to
better through people-centered initiatives such as telemedicine or
z wielomiesięcznym wydawaniem leków.”


Where did this support come from if not through debt. First companies were shut down to be bailed out later.


Calling on the Panel to take immediate action
stop the COVID-19 pandemic


Among the mass of points they want to implement, there are some that may cause concern, to say the least.


  1. Surveillance.

“Biorąc pod uwagę to, co już wiadomo, wszystkie kraje powinny stosować
public health measures consistently and on the scale that the epidemiological situation requires.
the epidemiological situation demands it. Vaccination alone will not end this pandemic. They must
be combined with testing, contact tracking, insulation, quarantine, masking,
physical distance, hand hygiene and effective communication with



2. Animal husbandry control


“Większość nowych patogenów ma pochodzenie odzwierzęce. Napędzając ich wzrost
emergence is land use and food production practices .

 Global surveillance systems must monitor developments
infrastructure, environmental damage and animal health."


3. WHO is to take over the authority of countries to publish pandemic information. 


WHO should receive an explicit mandate from the World Assembly
Health to publish information on outbreaks
with pandemic potential immediately, without
requiring the prior approval of national governments


4. independence of the WHO director and a 7-year term of office. 


“Wzmocnienie autorytetu i niezależności dyrektora generalnego,
including by providing for a single seven-year term without the possibility of
the possibility of re-election. The same principle should be adopted for regional directors.
dyrektorów regionalnych.”


   5. increase the importance of the so-called Executive Council and funding.


“Wzmocnienie zdolności zarządzania Rady Wykonawczej,
w tym poprzez ustanowienie stałego komitetu ds. sytuacji nadzwyczajnych”

Establish an international pandemic financing facility to mobilize long-term (10-15 years) contributions of approximately $5-10 billion annually to fund preparedness. The facility should have the ability to disburse up to $50-100 billion in the short term in the event of a crisis. Use existing global and regional organizations, based on their functions, to manage and target funds. A capacity-to-pay formula should be adopted whereby larger and wealthier economies pay the most, preferably from budget lines outside of foreign development assistance and additional to established levels of foreign development assistance budgets.


6. WHO leadership in aspects of emergency response.


Empowering WHO to play a leading, convening and coordinating role in the operational aspects of a pandemic emergency response without, in most cases, assuming responsibility for supply and delivery.


7 IMF and World Bank surveillance.


As part of the Article IV consultation with member countries,
IMF (International Monetary Fund) should routinely include a pandemic preparedness assessment,
including evaluation of economic policy response plans.
IMF should consider public health policy assessments undertaken by other organizations. Five-year pandemic preparedness . Assessment programs should also be introduced in each member country, in the same spirit as the Financial Sector Assessment
Programs jointly run by the IMF and the World Bank.


My thoughts.


Are we made aware of the biblical beast? Where do these people come from?

Bank Światowy, MFW…..

Rozumiecie o co chodzi. Nie mogę pisać aby nie być posądzonym o anty….m.

The descendants of Esau, Ashkenaz and Ishmael are on the verge of creating a World Government and the bible was right about it, as usual. Here is a conspiracy of 10 kingdoms that symbolize the merging of all nations opposed to God:


Psalm 83:


«Pójdźcie – mówią – Let us wipe them out from among the nations,
that the name of Israel be no more mentioned".

Indeed, they collude in unison
And against Thee they make a covenant:
 Tents of Edom with the Ishmaelites,
Moab and the Hagrites,
Gebal, Ammon and Amalek,
The land of the Philistines and the people of Tyre.
Also the Assyrians joined with them,
For the sons of Lot became a shoulder.

10 Make them like the Midianites and Sisera,
like Jabin at Kishon Creek,
11 who fell at Endor,
They became fertilizer for the earth.
12 With their princes proceed as with Oreb,
as with Zeeb, with Zebach, and with Salmunna,
With all their leaders,
13 who said: "Let's seize
for yourself the land of God!"

14 O my God, make them like blades of thistle,
To the chaff driven by the wind.
15 How fire devours forests,
As the conflagration scorches the mountains,
16 so chase them with your storm
and thunder them into confusion!
17 Cover their face with shame,
That they may seek your name, O Lord!
18 Let shame and trepidation envelop them forever,
Let them be disgraced and perish!
19 Let them know You and know,
That you alone have Yahweh's name,
You are Supreme over all the earth.



If the present Israel was the Israel of God it would not form a world government. Unfortunately, the Zionist pastors are deceiving people. They will not tell you that.

Who does this verse refer to?


Let us wipe them out from among the nations,
that the name of Israel be no more mentioned



The present Israel or the people of Jesus Christ? Does someone want to destroy their World Bank? Or the people faithful to God's commandments?



"Namioty Edomu z Izmaelitami” się łączą co widać w Knesecie po wejściu w koalicję partii arabskie w skład …izraelskiego rządu.



    This Masonic report implies stopping plandemi on the condition of offering WHO (World Health Organization) more power in the world, which means countries relinquishing that power to the WHO (read UN).

    Conspiracies for a year now have ceased to be conspiracies in the traditional lying sense, i.e. to find something that supposedly does not exist.



    Humanity is taught in schools but not taught. They look and do not see the meaning and symbols. The language, let's say Polish in our country, is an art for art's sake. There is no pragmatism in it except for beautiful words.

    No use analyzing poems and the world of symbols.

    No one wonders, except conspiracy fans, why the railings in the Polish Sejm are in the shape of a snake.




    No one is puzzled by the Vatican audience room.




    Yes, and similar ignorance applies around the world when it comes to the WHO symbol:



    The serpent rules the world according to the words of the Bible, which in Catholics is an interior design element...






    My blog is an alternative to the systemic and anti-systemic but unbiblical new age media.


    For about 10 years I have been growing in the knowledge of God's Law and based on this Law I relate reality. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which humanity is already experiencing with "plandia", which is a time of grace: a time to repent, that is, to forsake sins and walk away from this broken world.


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    Updated: 10 June 2021 — 09:22

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