Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The communist and co-founder of the BLM lived a life of luxury.

The world is saturated with lies. Good is called evil and evil is called good according to the Word of God.

In pseudo-Protestantism, leaders talk about selling what you have and giving to churches when they themselves live in luxury.


Communism is advancing in the United States.

As protests erupted across the country in the name of Black Lives Matter , The group's co-founder began buying properties, capturing four luxury homes for $3.2 million in the United States alone, according to real estate data. Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37, also looked at properties on Bahamas at an extremely exclusive resort, in which Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods have homes.

According to a local agent, luxury condos and townhouses in the seaside resort of Albany on the outskirts of Nassau cost between $5 million and $20 million.


Communism from the embryo was for the stupid masses who were told that:


“„Od każdego at his abilities, each according to its needs.” ”


Nie tyle ile włożysz pracy, ale tyle ile potrzebujesz. W efekcie, masy dostawały minimum na przeżycie a ideolodzy i podżegacze żyli jak pączki w maśle i historia się powtarza nie tylko w USA. Zrównoważony rozwój zakłada likwidację własności prywatnej “każdy będzie się cieszył z tego, że nic nie posiada”.

But as usual, there will be equals and equals.



BLM has a communist logo and the same program. It is the same ideology.

Andrew Kerr, an investigative reporter for the Daily Caller, pointed out that a Los Angeles-based prison reform group led by Cullors paid Cullors "more than $20,000 a month" in 2019 and spent tens of thousands of dollars on "meetings" at a luxury seaside resort in Malibu.

Marxist Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors announced Thursday that she is withdrawing from the organization, which comes with the organization facing widespread criticism over the violent riots that erupted last year in the United States, the group's extreme ideas and controversy over Cullors' lavish lifestyle


Anna Pawełczyńska w książce  ,,Głowy Hydry – o przewrotności współczesnego zła” napisała:


,,Every revolution demolishes the existing structure, but does not provide a positive proposal for solving the swollen social problems. By dismantling the foundations of the old order and destroying the traditional barriers to anarchy, it creates a culturally empty space, open to the infiltration of another, stronger culture. Short-term imagination and limited knowledge of the demolishers do not allow them to accurately predict the outcome of the destruction or the foreign principles, norms, and content that will fill the cultural void.
One of the narcotic illusions limiting the consciousness of rich Western societies is the belief that they have lived in peace since the end of World War II. Meanwhile, a modern war has been waged for many years by a fourth power, the mass media, which exerts an overwhelming influence on people's views and attitudes. They complement the methods of warfare carried out by the fifth estate, i.e. by mafia systems penetrating state structures. The consciousness of people has been attacked in such a way that many have lost the ability to distinguish good from evil. The relativization of values, the fight against religion, tradition, culture, custom and the sense of duty to other people has weakened human resistance to falsehood, hypocrisy and various forms of evil. In the process of stress-free parenting, the character of today's generations of youth has been attacked. Under the slogans of freedom and moral relativism, a community of unscrupulous, unpunished aggressors and a community of lazy, indifferent people were produced at the same time, niezdolnych do samodzielnych ocen moralnych ani do obrony czegokolwiek poza własną wygodą.”

It is hard to disagree with the author of these words.


Patrisse Cullors liderka BLM utwierdza ludzi identyfikujących się z BLM w postawach roszczeniowych, ponieważ są oni “niezdolni do samodzielnych ocen moralnych ani do obrony czegokolwiek poza własną wygodą”.





The problem is not with BLM itself, but with the leftist culture of the 20th and 21st centuries. A culture devoid of God's Law, which Protestants and especially Pentecostal factions fight so hard against.


Guaranteed income and socialism is a denial of God's Word:


"Who doesn't want to workdon't let him eat either!” 2 Tes 3.





Updated: 28 May 2021 — 10:30

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