Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Chinese Christians are tortured and re-educated.

This is what I've been saying, writing for a year: oppression varies from place to place.

It all depends on how much the communists are allowed. There is no longer any question of democracy in China.

Oppression resulting from plandemi is one thing, but Christians are persecuted all over the world because of their faith.

New Ageists do not have this problem, because the New Age will be the official religion of the United Nations.



According to the report Christian Post , a member of an underground "house church" in the southwestern province of Sichuan recently told Radio Free Asia , that he is being held in a facility run by the Labor Department of the United Front of the ruling Communist Party of China by 10 people, months after a raid on his church in 2018.


„To była mobilna placówka, którą można było po prostu ustawić gdzieś w jakiejś piwnicy” – wspomina człowiek o imieniu Li. „Obsługiwali go ludzie z kilku różnych departamentów rządowych. Miał swoją własną grupę roboczą (KPCh) ds. Politycznych i prawnych, and they mainly target Christians who are members of house churches " he said.



Li described the facility in which he was confined, which included a room with no windows, no ventilation, and that he was absolutely forbidden to go outside while he was held at the facility. There Li was subjected to various forms of torture, from beatings to mental manipulation.

"You must accept the statement they have prepared for you. If you refuse, you will be seen as a person with a bad attitude, and they will keep you in custody and continue to beat you ". Even more shocking in this report is the fact that Li testified that most of the inmates were also people who had been released on bail while in custody for participating in what the communist regime called "church activities" and because the authorities could not prosecute them for certain crimes, they were sent to so-called "transformation" facilities.



„Stosowali metody prania mózgu wobec tych z nas, którzy zostali zwolnieni za kaucją z aresztu” – powiedział. „To było w sekretnym miejscu, w piwnicy. Nie ma ograniczeń czasowych dla procesu prania mózgu. Nie wiem, jak długo ktoś tam był przetrzymywany, But I was detained for eight or nine months.

You can't see the sun, so you have no concept of time." Li sadly stated that suicidal thoughts and self-harm were common in the facility due to the constant torture the inmates endured. "I couldn't sleep; after a week, death starts to look better than staying there, "Li said.

„Rozwaliłem się o ścianę, żeby się samookaleczyć”. „Pewnego razu byłem tam oszołomiony i próbowałem otworzyć oczy, ale nie mogłem” – powiedział. „Czterech lub pięciu z nich chwyciło mnie za ręce i nogi i przyszpiliło do ziemi. Wstrzyknęli mi jakiś narkotyk i przywrócili mi przytomność ”.



I guess you don't have to be particularly smart to conclude that we living in Poland have heavenly conditions, but with time everything may change.

The passivity of good people is enough for the evil of China to come to Poland.

Let us pray for both the Poles and our Chinese brothers and sisters who do not deny the name of Jesus even in such difficult situations.



Updated: 6 April 2021 — 10:55

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