Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Why do they want to vaccinate the entire planet?

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Important information: why the Cabal wants to inoculate the entire planet
Chyba znalazłem odpowiedź (której długo szukałem) na globalne pytanie – dlaczego Kabala chce zaszczepić całą planetę.
The person whose letter I have translated for you below is a US judge. I listened to some impressive interviews. Is aware of many such concepts as the existence of a U.S. corporation and management company, birth certificate fraud, birth certificate wexels.
′′It's time for everyone to remember of the legal definition of ¡°deathi “.
In the strange world of corrupt treasonous masters, the word ¡°death¡± can mean a real, physical, confirmed coroner's death, but it can also mean political alienation, or it can mean relinquishing property or other inheritance.
Skoncentruj się na ostatnim znaczeniu – ′′ wyrzeczenie się spadku czy innego dziedzictwa”.
Is your unique DNA a legacy?
Wouldn't knowingly taking a vaccine that changes your DNA forever relinquish that God-given heritage?
Is it possible to thus lose your identity and rights as a living man or woman and be identified as something ¡°another as a genetically modified organism?
That's exactly what can happen.
They keep trying the same way to deceive people.
They are using an artificially created pandemic to force people to accept their ′′ vaccine ′′ for a disease that supposedly ′′kills ′′ millions.
Co masz na myśli mówiąc ′′ zabija “?
Here, a different kind of ¡°death¡± is involved, and you will magically see the number of deaths increase geometrically as more people take the vaccine.
Read it again.
As the vaccine is received, the number of ′′deaths ′′ will increase astronomically.
Po szczepieniach każdy z nich zostanie usunięty ze stada i uznany za ′′ martwego “. Nie są już w naturalnym stanie jako żyjący mężczyźni i kobiety, have been introduced into the ¡°state¡± of a genetically engineered organ that owns one bank. Czy teraz zaczynacie rozumieć cały sens szczepień?”
Gives much food for thought. I will explore the topic of the death of identity further. One thing is for sure, they want to patent people, and the bible clearly states who will take the mark of the beast in the end times.
And He makes all: small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves receive a birthmark on their right hand or forehead and that no one can buy or sell , kto nie ma znamienia – imienia Bestii lub liczby jej imienia . Tu jest [ potrzebna ] mądrość . Kto ma rozum , niech liczbę Bestii przeliczy : liczba to bowiem człowieka . A liczba jego : sześćset sześćdziesiąt sześć. Ap 13.
Updated: 4 March 2021 — 09:54

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