Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Adventist Church the church of WHO and Gates?

I used to respect the denomination a lot, but over time I have come to see that it is the same with this religion as any other: it is in the system of the beast.

The AD& church is in ecumenism, as I have written about. Of course, just as the priests in the Church of Rome disagree with the Pope, the average Adventist, or lukewarm Adventist, has no objection to still being a member of the denomination.


Do you know what Adventists do in deciding the morality of vaccination?


Adventists are guided by the view  General Conference Institute of Biblical Research, which is the same as Governing Body Jehovah's Witnesses.


Adwentyści są tak ogłupieni i bezwolni, że nie mogę samodzielnie stwierdzić czy szczepienia są szkodliwe czy nie…Decyduje o tym organ biurokratyczny…


Byłem kiedyś w pewnym zborze adwentystów. Nie w Kielcach, choć i tu byłem. Ale w tym pierwszym nie powitano nas na przerwie, a jeszcze starszy zboru zakłócał moją rozmowę  z pewną parą adwentystów, która się ucieszyła na widok nowych ludzi, relacją z konferencji adwentystów….Oto religijność.

Satan has 100% religions.

You will find God's people in every denomination. But 100% denominations are under the boot of the Bible beast.

The Adventist church is no exception. Religiously (organizationally) speaking, it is the church of Satan.


Here is the General Bible Conference's response:


“„Globalne zamieszanie spowodowane przez pandemię COVID-19 wywołało niemałe spekulacje związane z wydarzeniami czasów końca oraz doprowadziło do błędnych interpretacji Biblii. According to a view spread on social media and websites, the vaccine to combat COVID-19 is part of the control process that leads to the imposition of the mark of the beasti.:



Jednak należy zauważyć, że adwentyści trzymają się przekonania, że konflikt w czasie końca będzie dotyczył prawa Bożego, a konkretnie czwartego przykazania Dekalogu (Ap 14,12). Ponadto przesłanie trzeciego anioła ostrzega przed przyjęciem znamienia (Ap 14,9-11) i oświeci ludzkość w kwestii związanych z tym zagadnień.”


Ok I agree with the theory saying that the mark of the beast will be about the Law of God. This is in 100% of the Bible.

But this claim is no longer true:


Vaccinations along with hygiene and clean water are the basis for extending age people's lives observed around the world where these agents are used. Seventh-day Adventists have long submitted to vaccination. In addition to good health practices, vaccinations offer protection against many infections, preventing illness and death.


Vaccines for COVID-19. a reference to concerns and a word of advice


Jerzy Zięba has shown from doctor's statements that these vaccines will make people sick in the long or short run:




Will Adventists take on this responsibility?

Again, I emphasize: at this stage, the vaccine itself is not the mark of the beast, but is a prelude to the system described in Revelation chapter 13.

The current issue is the safety of the vaccines and the fact that they have raised concerns about implanting the Luciferase enzyme in the future.

Adventists also don't see plandemism, which makes them completely unbelievable, which in turn makes me averse to the denomination.

After all, their position as against vaccination as above is similar to: C. Pazura, Morawiecki, Gates, Miller, Kwasniewski, and Francis.


As you can see, celebrating the Sabbath accomplishes nothing if one does not walk in Spirit and in Truth.



Below is evidence of Adventist prostitution:


Prof Veith o ekumenii adwentystów i innych chrześcijan – „Chcę powrotu mojego kościoła”



Adventist anti-ecumenical stitch-up. Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.


The LGBT movement in the Seventh-day Adventist church.





Updated: 8 January 2021 — 17:45

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