Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Devil's War on the Sabbath.

I don't know who started this war, but it is the devil's war. For several weeks now people have been sending me teachings denying the Sabbath.
I could name a minimum of 3 names, nicknames in YT.


I paused to answer, to respond, to consider, because in these times when unsaved souls must be saved scoring Sabbath-keepers or non-Sabbath-keepers for not observing this day, ist straight from the devil. Anyone who submits to this is subject to the devil in this matter. Every believer condemning the one who does not observe the Sabbath and every one condemning those who observe as if they are not saved because they live under the old covenant also is an employee of the devil.


Believers who condemn people who celebrate the Sabbath say that such people live under the Old Covenant and have no love in them.
Ja prowadzę blog prawie 10 lat i wiem, że miłości brakuje zarówno jednym jak i drugim. Ci, którzy oskarżają szabatowców o brak miłości bardzo często jej nie mają i widać to niekoniecznie po zwracaniu się do innych – choć często – ale po rozpatrywaniu sytuacji życiowych, a jakże niby w oparciu o biblię. Uwierzcie mi, jest wielu żyjących po tzw Nowym Przymierzem, którzy pierwsi wydali by wyrok, sąd nad danym człowiekiem. Bardzo często to ludzie chłodni, niepilnujący języka religijni i bez serca.


Oglądaliśmy film oparty na faktach “Przełęcz Ocalonych” w reżyserii Mela Gibsona. Ten człowiek był Adwentystą, który nie chciał zabijać podczas wojny i ratował nawet wrogów. Niesamowita odwaga i chyba jeszcze większa miłość. Fajnie się oglądało co?
I too am guided by Desmond Doss's motto “Boże pozwól mi uratować jeszcze jednego”.
I defend God's Law, but it is more important to me to save others.
I also know Sabbath-keepers who believe that those who do not celebrate the Sabbath will not be saved because they have not entered into the Covenant. Such are indeed in the clutches of the devil and I am already proving it.
Now we have the Internet, thanks to which you can both live in the sin of pornography, but you can also find information about God's Law. For example, I found information about the second commandment:


4You will not make yourself image engraved nor any likeness of what is on heaven up and what on land low, nor of those things which are in underground5You shall not bow down to them nor serve them. I am the LORD your God, strong, envious, punishing the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me; 6and the doers mercy To thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.


When I learned about this PRINCIPLE, I threw out all the pictures from my house and the pictures I received after so-called "caroling".
But later I learned about the 4th commandment:


Remember to keep SUNDAY day holy. 9Six days thou shalt do and perform all thy works; 10But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: thou shalt not do any work therein, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy servant, and thy maidservant, thy cattle, and the stranger that is within thy gates. 11For for six days the Lord made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; and therefore the Lord blessed the day Saturday  and dedicated it.


If it weren't for the internet, I wouldn't know the truth.
Dlatego uważam, że część katolików będzie zbawiona, gdyż nie mieli okazji poznać prawdy. Ale tylko garstka…


I wrote about it:


There are certainly a bunch of people who don't celebrate the Sabbath, which is like Jesus, and a bunch of people who celebrate, which is like the horrible and cold Pharisees.


Ze swojego doświadczenia wiem, że Szabat i stosowanie się do wskazówek pokarmowych – zakaz spożywania świni, węży, kruków, wielbłądów – pomaga w uświęcaniu, ale nie zbawia.
Some argue this recommendation thoughtlessly for deceptive leaders:

” „Let then no one judges because of food and drink or from due to święta lub nowiu księżyca”


If we are to understand this verse in this way, then let's go to the liquor store today and buy ourselves a pint of vodka, because NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO JUDGE US ON THE BASIS OF DRINKING.



Let us kill the crow and eat ourselves, for no one can judge us because of pokarmu….


Those who use this quote to forbid eating hogs show an elementary lack of biblical knowledge as it pertained:



a) Lamb consumed 14 Nisan

- From the 10th day of Nisan a lamb was buried in every house (2 Maccabees 12:1-5)

- On 14 Nisan this lamb was to be killed, its blood was to be sprinkled on the doorframe of houses to save from death, and its meat (without breaking its bones) was to be roasted in the fire and eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs (2 Macc. 12:6-14.46). The fulfillment of this symbol became Jesus, the Easter Lamb, who was slain because of our sins (1 Corinthians 5:7). His bones were not broken (John 19:31-36), and His blood cleanses and frees from death (Heb 1:3; 9:14; 1 Pet 1:10-19; 1 John 1:7).

- The old acid is a symbol of sin (1 Cor 5:7), hence the unleavened bread with which the lamb was eaten further indicated the sinlessness of the chief sacrifice - the Lamb, Christ Jesus (1 Pet 2:22);

- Every Israelite was required to eat the Easter lamb (2 Maccabees 12:1-4);

- Whoever would willfully and voluntarily abstain from eating it was to be judged and killed (4 Maccabees 9:4-13; cf. Hebrews 10:28).

The significance of this symbolic sacrifice ended at the sacrifice of God's Son, Jesus Christ. Henceforth, no one need eat the paschal lamb. And this is why ap. Paul writes: "Let no one judge you because of the food...." (Col 2:16).

 A specific portion of the sacrifices were to be eaten by the priests (3 Maccabees 10:12-15).

- They were also required to eat the meat of sin offerings (3 Maccabees 10:16-17);

- Moses was angry because of Aaron's failure to do so under certain circumstances. However, Aaron's explanation, giving specific reasons for this, held back his anger (3 Maccabees 10:17-20).

The bearer of the sins of the people became Jesus Christ on Golgotha (1 Peter 2:24; 2 Corinthians 5:21), and henceforth everything that took place in the temple and its service was annulled (Matthew 24:50-51). Thus also the priests, of whom there were many among the believers (Acts 6:7), were not obliged to eat the prescribed food. Also relevant to them were Paul's words: "Let no one judge you because of your food....".




A similar lack of understanding is demonstrated, for example, by those who believe that in Isaiah 1 God condemned the Sabbaths as the Anointed Christ:



"I can't stand these new moon days of yours anymore, these shabbats nor that great day." – Izajasza 1:13
Izajasz z woli Boga poinformował Izraelitów, że ma już dość szabatów. Tych sobotnich świąt, o które walczą zażarcie dzisiaj niektóre ugrupowania nazywające siebie chrześcijanami Bóg już w Izraelu miał dość.”



But that's what happens when you follow leaders and not Jesus:


4) For thus saith the Lord, Unto the Romans which keep my Sabbaths, and advocate that which is pleasing to me, and hold fast my covenant, (5) I will give them a place in my house and within my walls and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them a name eternal and indestructible. (6) Cudzoziemców zaś, którzy się przyłączyli do Pana, ażeby Mu służyć i ażeby miłować imię Pana i zostać Jego sługami – wszystkich zachowujących szabat bez pogwałcenia go i trzymających się mocno mojego przymierza, Iz 56.


Just 55 chapters later, God Himself said


To the Romans who observe my Sabbaths and stand for what pleases me and hold fast to my covenant, (5) I will give them a place in my house and within my walls and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them a name eternal and indestructible.


And further:


(23) Sprawdzi się to, że każdego miesiąca podczas nowiu i każdego tygodnia w szabat, przyjdzie każdy człowiek, by Mi oddać pokłon – mówi Pan.
Isaiah 66:23


Do we have a new Covenant or a renewed one?

What is the New Covenant all about?


"But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put my law within them and write it on their heart. I will be their God, and they shall be my people."JER. 31,33


The covenant is about receiving the Law (the Law) into the hearts of men. I accepted both the 2nd and 4th commandments, but the most important commandment:



Przykazanie nowe daję wam, abyście się wzajemnie miłowali”




What promises were made by the people in establishing the old covenant?


"So Moses came and announced to the people all the words of the Lord and all the laws, and the people answered in unison, saying, All the words which the Lord has spoken we will fulfill."2 MOJZ. 24.3 (BW)


What promises were made by God in establishing New Covenant?


"And this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel at the end of those days, says the LORD: My laws I will put in their minds and on their hearts I will write them, and I will be to them a God, and they shall be my people." HEBR. 8,10



Różnica jest na motywacjach i podejściu: muszę – chcę.

Levitical law does not apply to us, but the Decalogue does.


We all differ in knowledge and sanctification. So if you celebrate the Sabbath, do it to the Glory of the Lord by shining and smelling Christ. Be His warrior and set an example for others.

I hardly urge anyone in real life to celebrate Shabbat.

There is no better evangelism than your own person. If others see that you disagree with evil, with lawlessness, with pagan holidays, they will wonder, they will ask questions: why does he do that, what does it give him, who is he, what does he read?


Therefore, let us not condemn one another and let us not tear each other apart in such difficult times, where the most important thing is to fight for unsaved souls, not for the Sabbath or the hog. Let people judge the overall work of anyone who evangelized without celebrating the Sabbath as well as those leaders who do. In the New Covenant there is no commandment and the Law is the same. In the New Covenant man wills and not musts.


Let us do our part and be good soldiers of Christ. Let us support each other and not accuse or judge.


Let the point be this passage from Matthew:


 Because I was hungry, and you gave Me food;
I was thirsty, and you gave me drink;
I was a stranger, and you took me in;
36 I was naked, and you clothed me;
I was sick, and you visited me;
byłem w więzieniu, a przyszliście do Mnie”.Mt 25




Updated: 16 December 2020 — 12:30

1 Comment

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  1. Iz. 66:23 I będzie tak, że w każdy nów i w każdy sabat przychodzić będzie każdy człowiek, aby mi oddać pokłon – mówi Pan.
    In the Psalms, we learn that it is God's will that time be determined by the moon.
    Seemingly, the topic seems difficult as we read philosophies on blogs.
    Miesiąc kalendarzowy miał przed 710rpne dokładnie 29 dni,wtedy to nastąpił kataklizm i oś ziemi uległa zmianie, jest to odnotowane nie tylko w Biblii ale w 7 innych źródłach,teraz miesiąc ma 29,5 dnia i to powoduje brak synchronizacji bożej co nie znaczy ze nie da sie celebrować Szabatów co kwartał czy rok czy co 4 lata wystarczy dodać jeden dzien wolny odpowiednio i aby się pory roku nie rozjeżdżały zresztą podobny zabieg mamy przecież w kalendarzu gregorianskim….
    The month begins with a New Moon
    Now-1 day of the month
    together makes 29 days,
    Anyway in the media today much about the 3 days of darkness and again the darkness that can be touched will come down to earth and God will restore the harmony of time, the seed of the serpent has planned for this day probably the 3rd war so that no one will think that these are the judgments of God.

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