Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Can Jackowski and other clairvoyants be trusted? What does the Bible say about this?

According to statistics, in Poland we have about 87% Catholics, so the vast majority of Poles.

However, clairvoyance , astrology, divination services are very popular in our country.

Personally, being a Catholic, I practiced astrology and tarot and Huna.



Taking into account the scale of Krzysztof Jackowski's activities and what he popularizes, I would like to inform all those who do not know and who call themselves Christians that Mr. Jackowski's activity is demonic.

Clairvoyance (literally "clear vision") refers to the practice of seeking information through means other than the human senses.


W księdze Powtórzonego Prawa czyli w księdze Prawa Bożego czytamy w 18 rozdziale :”Gdy ty wejdziesz do kraju, który ci daje Pan, Bóg twój, nie ucz się popełniania tych samych obrzydliwości jak tamte narody. (10) Nie znajdzie się pośród ciebie nikt, kto by przeprowadzał przez ogień swego syna lub córkę, uprawiał wróżby, gusła, przepowiednie i czary; (11) nikt, kto by uprawiał zaklęcia, pytał duchów i widma, zwracał się do umarłych. “



Mr. Jackowski falls into that category of people who are condemned by God.

He addresses the dead and has even written a book popularizing contact with the supposed dead for this purpose, and thus urges, consciously or not, contact with demons.

Anyone who is interested in such issues is sinning.

In the book of Leviticus there is a prohibition against addressing spirit callers and fortune tellers.

31) You shall not turn to spirit callers or fortune-tellers. You shall not seek their counsel, lest you be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God. 



That's why there are prohibitions, because these people have actual contact with demons, or they're just cheating, which is the same thing.


God should take first place in the life of every Christian believer following God's law and not their own and that is why God warns in Isaiah chapter 8:


“A gdy będą wam mówić: Radźcie się czarowników i wróżbitów, którzy szepcą i mruczą, powiedzcie: Czyż lud nie powinien radzić się swego Boga? Czy ma się radzić umarłych w sprawie żywych?”



Later, God, through the mouth of Isaiah, speaks of the consequences of such deviance and demon worship:


21) And they shall wander through the land, oppressed and starved; and suffering famine, they shall be angry and malign their king and their God, looking upward. (22) And they shall look upon the earth, and behold, oppression and darkness, gloom and distress, and shall be driven into darkness.

The consequences of using tarotists or seeking comfort from clairvoyants will always be dire.


Anti-systems people do not want to come to God and His Word, but they place their hopes in a particular medium.

We live in a country where Catholics talk to the dead and the rest seek comfort in astrology , clairvoyants and other people who have contact with demons.

Ludzie zachwyceni sloganami typu “Jackowski miał wiele spełnionych widzeń” bezkrytycznie ufają Jackowskiemu itp  niczym członkowie KC PIS Kaczyńskiemu.


No Christian born of the Spirit of God will go to a fortune teller or clairvoyant. Scripture provides a filter for such behavior.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church itself forbids the use of clairvoyant visions:


paragraph 2116 All forms of divination should be rejected: invoking Satan or demons, invoking the dead, or other practices purporting to reveal the future.


It is interesting to note that on November 1, many Catholics at graveside try to talk to the dead thinking that they can hear them.


That's why Rome is called the Great Babylon, because you can do anything in this religion. All you have to do is go to church.

Let's be honest, it's mostly Catholics who read Mr. Jackowski or Mr. Maciej.

It should also be added that this is a very lucrative business. As states:

In Poland, a consultation with such a person costs about 200-300 PLN.

Natomiast “Wybitny polski krymimnologprof. Tadeusz Tomaszewski, podkreślał, że nie jest mu znany ani jeden przypadek, gdy jasnowidz rozwiązał skomplikowaną sprawę kryminalną.

Przywołuje też badania, które w 2000 roku przeprowadziła Komenda Główna Policji. Zdaniem jej analityków, dotychczasowa pomoc jasnowidzów była kompletnie nieprzydatna, a jej skuteczność oscyluje wokół błędu statystycznego. Jasnowidze wiedzą, że jeśli zaginiona osoba jest chora i mieszka pod lasem, to właśnie w lesie należy jej szukać.”,jasnowidze-nikomu-nie-pomogli-wizyta-kosztuje-300-zl-i-nic-nie-daje



Using clairvoyance is not only exposing yourself to God. Clairvoyance is often a hoax.

“«Przeklęty mąż, który pokłada nadzieję w człowieku
and who sees his strength in the flesh,
a od Pana odwraca swe serce.”” Jeremiasza.


Każdy kto opiera się na jasnowidzach jest przeklęty i lepiej by taki człowiek się nawrócił.




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