Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Jewish Messiah will come between September 2020 and September 2021.


Według portalu Breaking News Israel “rabin Matityahu Glazerson, ekspert w dziedzinie kodu biblijnego, ujawnił lata, w których Mesjasz mógł teoretycznie przybyć, ale tego nie zrobił. Ujawnił także, kiedy przybędzie Mesjasz. Rabin Glazerson rozpoczyna prezentację od wyjaśnienia, że ​​są chwile, kiedy Mesjasz ma przyjść „naturalnie”, ale jego przyjście zostało opóźnione z powodu grzechów Izraela.


The point is that the Messiah was already on earth but they did not recognize him

This messiah they are expecting will, of course, be the antichrist for Christians.


The Rabbi argues , as the Torah Codes show, that in the Jewish calendar year 5775 (2014-2015) the Messiah was supposed to come, but did not arrive because of the sinful behavior of present-day Israel.


These are important words, even though they announce the coming of their savior every year. But from what is he to save them if they rule the whole world?


According to the rabbi a similar situation occurred the following year: 5776 (2015-2016)and also in the next one where through sin the messiah got offended and did not come and that was the year 5778 (2017-2018). This time the reason for the messiah's turning back from his way to the earth was lack of faith in God, (sexual) impurity and desecration of the Sabbath. These were the reasons why the Messiah did not come in those years.


Rabbi Glazerson then reveals that the Messiah will arrive in the Jewish calendar year 5781, which could be any time from the night of Rosh Hashanah on September 18, 2020. Until the end of 5781 on September 6, 2021. Rabbi Glazerson adds that when this happens, lThe thigh of Israel will cover the land, as recorded in the book of Numbers 33.

Are these 33 a coincidence? Well yes their messiah must be a 33 degree initiate.

However, the rabbi adds that the coming of the messiah can only happen if the Jewish people repent.

Curious in some way?

All in all, there's a lot to be made of. The music industry, the International Monetary Fund, national debt, etc.

Why did I find it important?

Well, because all the politicians in the world in March and April were talking about a period of one and a half years, which means three times six months. From let's say March 2020, one and a half years pass exactly in September 2021, so I would treat this date as very important for them and consequently for the world.

For now, they are preparing the ground for their messiah.
It speaks of Sabbath desecration and sexual impurity.
Does that tell you anything?
Because he tells me. The 7 Noachian Laws will most likely be a universal law throughout the world.
I may be wrong on this trope, but so far that's how I see it. Take a look at these laws for yourself:

Me thinks those laws will be overturned.

For example, 6 animal laws will result in a ban on raising animals and eating meat , and you must know or recall that Bil Gates has invested millions in just this type of food substitute.

As for the prohibition of murder there is also mention of the prohibition of abortion. Now it becomes clearer that there is such a great involvement of the Edom-Khazarian church as the Catholic church in anti-abortion movements.
I do not support abortion, but once it has happened I would never sentence such a woman to death. The punishment itself is already an eternal torment if such a person has a conscience.

What do they mean by promiscuity?

Among other things, the order to formalize marriage, but also to prohibit sodomy, so as I have told you many times gays and lesbians can become victims of this system of antichrist. If Duda wins, it's more likely to be what I say. If Trzaskowski then it will be more likely that I am wrong about the role of LGBT.

There was talk of the Sabbath. Adventists would be bought in a beautiful way. I do celebrate the Sabbath, but I will tell you that if someone has a horseshit about it, pushing it hard, it is suspect to me.

Finally: the prohibition of idolatry.

Do you know that they command? to pray only to God.

Do you know what consequences this could have? Well, that the name Jesus will be banned or that it will be forbidden to pray in the name of Jesus. The whole world is fighting against the name of Jesus. Not with Buddha, Allah but with Jesus.

I don't know about you, but it's slowly starting to come together for me now. We'll see how it goes.


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Updated: 26 June 2020 — 17:40

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