Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Koronawirus i Prawa Noachidzkie – prof. Veith.

A reader of the blog was kind enough to summarize this hour-long almost interview with the good-hearted Prof Veith, known to us from great movies.





Rozmowa przeprowadzona pomiędzy Walter Veith oraz Martin Smith w ramach specjalnej serii What’s Up Prof? Na początku dyskusji Walter Veith wskazał, że w internecie jest wiele teorii odnoszących się do wybuchu pandemii koronawirusa, w tym wskazał na książkę autorstwa Sylvia Browne (współautor Lindsay Harrison), End of Days. Predictions and Prophecies About the End of the World from 2008, in which the author wrote that there will be a pandemic in the world around 2020 that will flare up quickly but also disappear in a short time. Also online are TED Talks featuring Bill Gates, during which he hinted at the possibility of a pandemic in the near future that the world would not be ready for (The next outbreak? We’re not ready). As a result, there is a worldwide belief (many point out) that this type of situation - the spread of a coronavirus or other epidemic is only a matter of time.

Walter Veith indicated at the outset that no conspiracy theories will be analyzed by him during the talk, nor will he address the question of whether these are valid, true theories, because we should approach any of this information with great restraint. We should be responsible in these judgments. In the course of the discussion Walter Veith will try to consider what the outcome of this crisis might be and the direction in which all this is heading.

During the recording, he also pointed to the issue of further restrictions introduced by the German government on movement, among others. He then reported that Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg of the National Institute for Strategic Studies was interviewed on German television. In the video, the expert, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, reported that he is greatly surprised at how the coronavirus issue is being managed. Never in the past has a virus received so much attention. He pointed out that the case of swine flu, although very dangerous, has never received as much attention as the current coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The same story applies to bird flu. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg does not understand why there is such media hype around coronavirus and who might be the beneficiaries of this.

In Germany, the government issued a document in 2012 Report on Risikoanalyse im Bevölkerungsschutz 2012 (pol. Report of the Risk Analysis in Civil Protection 2012), print no. 17/12051 issued from 2013, which analyzes possible pandemics and disasters and indicates the countermeasures that should be applied in such cases. In the first part of the document is an analysis of the issue of flooding, and in the second part entitled Pandemic durch virus "Modi-SARS" (A pandemic caused by the Modi-SARS virus.) The document contains about 80 pages, two-thirds of which concern the pandemic.

In the opinion of Walter Veith this is the scenario we are experiencing today. In the document is an analysis of how such a pandemic could look like, which the German government determines the probability of occurrence at a high level In the document is a table in which there are three columns (the effect of the pandemic on - human life, environment, economy, other effects, damage and the extent of damage). Recently, Angela Merkel indicated that 70% German citizens (about 58 million) may be infected with coronavirus. According to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who was also asked about these numbers, 70% of the population may also be infected in a normal flu.

The document indicates that a total of 7.5 million people (German citizens) could die. The impact on the environment will be limited, the impact on the economy will be greatest (not only large companies but also smaller companies), the impact on public order will be high, while the impact on human behavior will also be high. It will be a global pandemic. According to the scenario, it will most likely be SARS-Coronavirus (CoV). The document indicates that symptoms will appear after 5 days to a maximum of 14 days. As for where the pandemic will occur, it will be Asia, Europe and North America. According to the scenario, the source of the pandemic in Germany will be 10 cases, which will then spread to other regions of Germany. According to the document, the pandemic could occur in February in Asia (the source of the pandemic) and then spread to other areas a few weeks later (it will be tested and identified as coronavirus in April). The coronavirus would occur in markets where animals are sold. Regarding the duration of this pandemic in the German government's assessment it will likely last 3 years (there is also a chart in the document of how the pandemic could spread). In terms of countermeasures that may be introduced, the document indicates quarantine, including self-isolation. Restrictions on civil rights are also anticipated. At the same time, it is indicated that probably each country will react differently to the situation. Life will change completely.

What areas of the economy will suffer - the energy industry to a small extent, the tourism industry will suffer, also airlines and maritime transport. There will be traffic problems as the use of public transport will be restricted (there will be restrictions on the number of people who can stay in vehicles). The document points to possible problems with food supplies. Many countries will also close their borders (Walter Veith quoted here the example of Poland and Italy, where such restrictions are already in force). Problems will arise in the context of food production. Such solutions are reminiscent of those introduced during World Wars I and II, when there were also restrictions on food (e.g. flour - only the military could use it. In Sweden and Norway during the war pork was confiscated and was only used by the army. People then had to change their eating habits and interestingly enough the number of diseases decreased, the society was healthier, while in the army the situation was different - soldiers were getting sicker and sicker, so Erwin Rommel - German Field Marshal forbade eating pork). Walter Veith quoted the phrase that "what we eat affects our mind", so a simpler diet should improve thinking. The judicial system will also be affected by the pandemic, but verdicts will not be made by jury (limiting the number of people, one judge will decide the outcome of the trial).

Walter Veith then quotes Ellen G. White's words from the publication Education (Chapter 25, p. 228).

At the same time anarchy is seeking to sweep away all law, not only divine, but human. The centralizing of wealth and power; the vast combinations for the enriching of the few at the expense of the many; the combinations of the poorer classes for the defense of their interests and claims; the spirit of unrest, of riot and bloodshed; the world-wide dissemination of the same teachings that led to the French Revolution-all are tending to involve the whole world in a struggle similar to that which convulsed France. Such are the influences to be met by the youth of today. To stand amidst such upheavals they are now to lay the foundations of character. (At the same time anarchy seeks to sweep away all law, not only divine, but human. The centralization of wealth and power; the vast combinations for the enrichment of the few at the expense of the many; the combinations of the poorer classes to defend their interests and claims; the spirit of unrest, riot, and bloodshed; the spread throughout the world of the same doctrines which led to the French Revolution-all tend to involve the whole world in a struggle similar to that which shook France. Such influences are to be encountered by the youth of today. To face such shocks, they must lay the foundation of character.)

He went on to present the words of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who spoke of the "guillotine of the rich" (a similar ideology that relates to the French Revolution). The government will probably have to provide loans or will have to subsidize airlines, among other things. It was then pointed out that phones can be spied on in Israel - legislation is being drafted.

Who will benefit from this? It is either a preparation for something greater, or it is the last events of this planet. Walter Veith then quotes Ellen G. White's words from the publication The Adventist Home (chapter 21, p. 141).

Again and again the Lord has instructed that our people are to take their families away from the cities, into the country, where they can raise their own provisions; for in the future the problem of buying and selling will be a very serious one. We should now begin to heed the instruction given us over and over again: Get out of the cities into rural districts, where the houses are not crowded closely together, and where you will be free from the interference of enemies (pol. The Lord has instructed anew that our people are to take their families out of the cities into the country, where they can gather their own supplies; for in the future the problem of buying and selling will be very serious. We should now begin to heed the instructions we are being given anew: Get out of the cities into the country districts, where the houses are not strictly crowded, and where you will be free from the interference of enemies).

We had these instructions for a long time. The banking system will probably work, but the problem may be access to goods. He then cited an instance of a conversation with a young man with whom he had spoken a year earlier. At the time, this person was surprised that Walter Veith had vegetables (tomatoes) in his garden, given that there were stores nearby. This young man pointed out that there would never be a shortage of goods in the stores. Whereas now the situation is as he said - empty regiments in the stores. Hard times are coming, and governments will introduce various regulations. In France, more and more restrictions are already being introduced, and in the U.S., the National Guard has been used. In some countries, martial states may be introduced - in which case the provisions of the constitution are restricted.

He then referred to the philosophy associated with the Naochida Laws (seven truths). In the opinion of people who support the New Order, these truths should be introduced throughout the world.

He then quotes seven laws. Are these just theoretical laws? There are many negative words in the Talmud regarding Jesus Christ. Already in the past George Bush Sr., the president of the USA referred to this, and the US Congress in 1991 referred to the traditions of the USA which also refer to the seven Noahide truths (as the foundation of civilization). A document can be found in Congress (H.J. Res. 104-102nd Congress (1991-1992) concerning this issue. However, in a situation where martial law is imposed and the provisions of the Constitution are suspended then the Seven Noahide Truths may apply. That is, theoretically these truths are in the U.S. legislation, but they are not active.

In the assessment, the world situation will deteriorate until finally there is a direct clash between divine and human law.

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I am very glad that prof knows who is behind the future law or rather lawlessness.

We actually have a very common view on most issues.

It merely omits the issues of vaccination and the mark of the beast.

Updated: 27 March 2020 — 21:11

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  1. Bardzo ciekawy materiał, cieszę się że wywiad został streszczony (świetnie przygotowane!), dzięki czemu mogłam poznać punkt widzenia prof. Veitha (trafny swoją drogą)…

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