Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Koronawirus testem na wiarę chrześcijan, a to jeszcze nie jest Wielki Ucisk…

Signs are coming to me that Christians are afraid.

I'll be honest, I have some fears as well, but I can't help what is to come. I can deal with what is now...


Tak, to już się zaczyna. Będzie źle. Jeśli nie będzie pochwycenia, to sprawdzi się wiara wielu….


Ale część z Was jest sama sobie winna. Wchodzicie na strony, które nie mają w sobie Ducha Bożego, a nawet na strony spiskowe bez Boga. Tam jest tylko strach, a czym się karmicie tak wyglądacie i to czujecie…

I warn you. If you go on the fear channels, i.e. informing about the crash, the illuminati but God is not there, you will be spiritually oppressed!


W zborach fajnie było uwielbiać Boga, śpiewać piosenki. Teraz jest rzeczywistość postzborowa…

Forget both the so-called LOVCE and the conspiracies without God.

Hold to the promises of God's Word and not conspiracies. Not financial disasters.

Where is your Sword of the Spirit?

Now is the time to pray for others, for your families that is the time to fight, not to despair and fear.


Paul the apostle wrote that death is gain for him:


" Dla mnie bowiem żyć – to Chrystus, a umrzeć – to zysk.”

Philippians 1.


Nie jest celem nas tutaj na ziemi przeżyć, ale celem jest być zbawionym…

Każdy umrze, ale nie każdy zostanie zbawiony….


Who is to set the example if not Christian?

The coronavirus is a false flag for the introduction of NWO rule, or one world religion, one currency, and one religion.


Matthew 10


A pupil is not superior to his teacher, nor a servant to his mastera. 25 It is enough if the student is like his teacher and the servant like his master. If the master of the house is called Beelzebub13, how much more his domestics will be called so. 26 14 So don't be afraid of them! For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, nor anything secret that shall not be known. 27 What I say to you in the dark, repeat at the light, and what you hear with the ear, proclaim on the rooftops! 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Fear him rather who can lose soul and body in hell. 29 Do they not sell two sparrows for an ace? And yet none of them will fall to the ground without the will of your Father. 30 And with you, even the hairs on your head are all numbered. 31 Therefore do not be afraid: you are more important than many sparrows.
32 15 To everyone, therefore, who confesses to me before men, I also will confess before my Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies me before men, him I will also deny before my Father who is in heaven.








Updated: 27 March 2020 — 22:13


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  1. The lies of this world have many lines of defense and people pursuing the truth often fall into this trap ( Reset 2024, UFOs, all sorts of pseudo-prophecy predictions) But the truth in God's Word allows us to read the signs of Jesus' coming and we should watch and wait. Other ways bring terror and fear. For me, the best comfort at this time is the Books of Henoch. With God

    1. And it's interesting what you write, because I'll tell you that I also devoted a lot of time to the book of Henoch, although all the churches run away from this book because it was considered to be unsanctified, but they read especially the first book of Henoch there is also a lot of guidance, after all, not by chance it was quoted by Judah or its confirmation is also in the book of Job, cool that someone also reads it.
      Greetings 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

      P.S. I am a new user in the sense of registration because I have been visiting this site for several years and I must admit that this is a site that confirms the word of God and does not add unnecessary theories, I am especially glad that we can read here about the apocalypse which unfortunately is so little in Protestant churches (except maybe Adventists)

    2. There will be no universal capture. There is much truth in the 2024 reset theory.
      Just before a disaster strikes, a select few will be evacuated from specific points. But they will be handfuls of people.
      Individuals selected for species preservation.
      The gospel has been pretty much hypocritical.
      Skąd to wiem… w jaki sposób do tego doszedłem, tego i innych rzeczy.

      If you are at all interested in what I have written about, I will write back. I will not write in vain. I have already written to many pastors, priests, so-called Christians. Nobody wants to hear about it.
      Everyone is sitting on suitcases and expecting a Trump from heaven. Which won't be.

      1. ja się im nie dziwie poniewaz jest setki teorii…

        1. Lecz napisano “kto ma uszy, niechaj słucha..”.
          Whoever is to be physically saved, that is, according to the plan to be the beginning on the new Earth, will be saved.
          He who is to be taken already to the Father will be taken.
          The populated earth, no matter what, must continue to exist. Because such situations have occurred many times in the past.

  2. Dziękuję bardzo za pocieszenie…

    1. *a właściwie za przypomnienie o pocieszeniu od Boga… 😀

  3. Hello, let's pray for each other. Pray for me and my family. I will tell you that I felt strange watching the broadcast of the Adventist service recently. They have locked us in our homes under unconstitutional laws and no one is doing anything about it. Everyone is asleep. Greetings to you, Peter. I've been reading the blog for 7 miu years maybe longer. It is a pity that there are no more such lively discussions here as there used to be because there was a community value in them. This site is the only one left to me, may it last as long as possible. I pray for your work. Luke

    1. Yes, everyone is asleep, but God has made it clear about these people:

      “A dla TCHÓRZÓW, niewiernych, obmierzłych, zabójców, rozpustników, guślarzy, bałwochwalców i wszelkich kłamców:
      participation in a lake burning with fire and brimstone.
      To jest śmierć druga»”

      The idyllic, couchsurfing church life is over.
      To przykra sprawa, że ;ludzie musza wchodzić po prawdę na blog lub YT bo w zborze jej nie znajduja….


    The detective is worth seeing
    Jeden z najpopularniejszych raperów KALI opublikował nagranie dotyczące afery pedofilskiej oraz spisków wokół koronawirusa! Czegoś takiego jeszcze nikt z mainstreamowych gwiazd nie zrobił! Wygląda to na przebudzenie, nie w stronę Jezusa ale wskazujące na to że ludzie zaczynają widzieć zło, masonów…

    1. It's not like that, I'll record it tomorrow

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