Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Mohammad bin Salman a serious candidate for antichrist. Part I.

Many apocalypse scholars believe that much of the interpretation will only be possible after the events of the apocalypse have already taken place, and I agree.


Since the beginning of my journey with the Bible, and therefore Revelation, which is about 10 years, I have learned about the various types and candidates of the antichrist.

Such antichrist candidates as Prince William, Obama, and the Pope were fashionable.


Later I considered Trump or Jared Ksuhner myself. Unfortunately, nobody can guarantee that his type will be the antichrist on 100%.


Obecnie czeka się na antychrysta z Izraela lub związanego człowieka z Izraelem, ale mam kandydata, którego nikt – przynajmniej w Polsce –  nie bierze pod uwagę. Spędziłem nad tym wiele godzi i uwierzcie mi, nie jest to artykuł typu “szokuj i podbijaj licznik odwiedzin”. Zresztą gdybym tak chciał postepowac to zapewne więcej odwiedzin miałbym z pisania o ufo czy Repitilianach , a ot dlatego, że Jezus nie jest modny. Z innej strony bardziej medialny jest książę William. W serwisach plotkarskich od dawna triumfuje ta rodzina… 



Here is a man who fulfills many of the biblical characteristics of the antichrist:


Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, son of the king and heir to the throne...



Three years ago I already wrote about him:


Super miasto Neom powstanie na pustyni tam gdzie jest góra Synaj. Mohammad bin Salman bardzo ważna persona…


Now see how the global media and Polish media write about him:




The headline has a title like this

The most dangerous man in the world?

Rok 2016…



Important events and attitudes from his life:


  1. He was the only one who did not go, unlike his older half-brothers, to study abroad, choosing instead to remain in Riyadh, where he studied at King Saud University.
  2. Co-His co-workers regarded him as a serious young man who neither smoked nor drank and had no interest in partying.
  3. Every step of the way, Prince Mohammed was with his father, who would take his privileged son with him. It was well understood in the Saudi religious and business elite that if you wanted to see the father, you had to go through the son.
  4. It is loved by the youth and this is very important given that as much as 70% of Saudi Arabia's population is under the age of 30 and youth unemployment remains high at around 25%.
  5. Last March, he launched an air campaign against the rebellious Houthi forces that ousted Saudi Arabia's installed President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi from the country. 
  6. "Jest dość wojowniczy” – mówi Jason Tuvey, ekonomista z Bliskiego Wschodu w Capital Economics. Ale Tuvey, podobnie jak wielu innych analityków, był pod wrażeniem zrozumienia księcia Mohammeda złożonych problemów gospodarki królestwa. „Pod względem gospodarczym poradził sobie bardzo dobrze. Zmienił politykę i należy się za to pochwalić – mówi Tuvey.
  7.  The prince is a strong opponent of Shiite Iran. The Saudis also blame themselves for defeating Assad.


And she sawAnd, behold, there was a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went forth as a conqueror to go on conquering. (Revelation 6:2)


What rulers still use horses these days? In Arabia for sure.


Another headline, this time Polish:



Child prodigy or successful technocrat? The most powerful man in the Arab world.,119,0,2337143.html


I have posted important news about modern technology in Arabia and Emirates many times on the blog, and as we know the beast system will be based on digitalization and modern technology.


The beast with the antichrist will control the whole system.

Surely the Antichrist will be a supporter and advocate of modern technology?



Corporations are pro Islam:




Sports company Nike put Allah's name on the shoes:


“Niemal 10 tysięcy osób podpisało petycję, w której prosi firmę Nike o o wycofanie ze sprzedaży butów Air Max 270. Fragment odwróconego logotypu wygląda podobnie do słowa Allah napisanego w języku arabskim.”



I once wrote about Nike burqas:






Prince Mohamed has several leaders of the world's superpowers on his side because of oil, because of arms deals, money and geopolitical alliances. No one will go against him because of these various deals, agreements, alliances and understandings. He has many world leaders in his "back pocket."



He is a friend of Russia (oil), he is a friend of America (arms deals), he is a friend of Israel (mutual hatred of Iran), he is a friend of Europe and the Kings of the East (monetary investments), he is the de facto leader of Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa.

The only thing he's missing at this point... is a large military force (but that's coming!).



The beast you saw was there and it's gone, it's about to come out of the Hells, and it's headed for extinction. And the inhabitants of the earth will be amazed, ci, których imię nie jest zapisane w księdze życia od założenia świata – spoglądając na The beast that it was and is not and is to come. (9) Here it is necessary to understand, O possessing wisdom! Seven heads are seven mountains where the Woman sits on them. (10) And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one exists, another has not yet come, and when he comes he is to remain for a short time. (11) And the beast that was, and is not, and she is the eighth, and is of the seven, and is come to destruction



Imperium Osmańskie (islamskie) trwało od końca XIII w. do roku 1922….



The prince is the eighth king.


The current king, the seventh, will reign for a very short time. He is about eighty years old and is said to be in poor health (supposedly dementia). This "future" eighth king has concentrated the major powers of his kingdom directly under his control. He is constantly waiting... waiting... until his father (the current king, the seventh ) dies or becomes so incapacitated that he is forced to give his current kingdom to the next in line, his chosen son, the crown prince.

I prepared the text over the weekend and today.


Tymczasem w weekend dowiedziałem się , że książę Muhammed ibn Salman kazał aresztować tych członków rodziny królewskiej, którzy – podaje “New York Times” – “mogą stanowić zagrożenie dla jego rządów”. Wśród nich jest brat króla Salmana oraz były następca tronu.


Muhamed is playing out a battle with Iran for supremacy in the Islamic world.


He may be the only link between the world of Zionism and Islam.


In 2015. Muhammad ibn Salman became the world's youngest defense minister. In doing so, he managed one of the largest military budgets in the world.




Islam as I repeat is the half brother of Edom. Esau was married to an Ishmaelite woman. This is unity.


The question remains:

How does the prince's power relate to contact with the Freemasons?


Freemasonry specialist Mr. Krajski said that

Freemasonry has the same god as Islam.

In the book "The Death Trap," 32nd degree Freemason Jim Shaw, converted to Christianity and describes the world of Freemasonry as we do not know it.



Islamists do not recognize Christ, the Son of Allah. They believe that immediately after Allah was Muhammad. This was the "truth" that Muhammad was supposed to have been told angel.

"And no wonder. For Satan himself claims to be an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14).


Tadeusz Cegielski is a former Grand Master of the Grand National Lodge of Poland. His son Max Cegielski is a promoter of Islam in Poland.

The entire left supports Islam and in the U.S., Jewish Democrats lead the way, with one congressman among them being of the Islamic faith.


Here's a screen shot of a comment that YT deleted twice:



“„Rodzina Saudi, od której nazwiska pochodzi nazwa kraju, sa wahhabitami,czyli z y d o ws kim odłamem islamu. Saudi’s i ISIS (israeli secret inteligence service) dziaja reka w reke””


As the coronavirus rages Prince Mohamed does a purge of his family.


Now look at how the folks at Netflix are preparing us for the messiah:



What the Messiah from I Pet Goat Looks Like



What the prince looks like:




W I pet Goat nie ma nikogo a la Trump, czy Kushner…

What if this impulsive ruler promises Israel to rebuild the 3rd temple.


What is equally interesting is that he will build a city on the site of Mount Sinai:



Do I remind you of something?


How about this:







Islam would like to turn Europe into a Eurocaliphate.




And I saw one of her heads as if mortally wounded,

and her mortal wound was healed



When the beast's head has a mortal wound, it symbolizes the death of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, meaning that it will come back to life to wage jihad on the world. The second beast of Revelation is Islam, the two horns representing the two factions, Sunni and Shiite.




Islam zakodował w swoich naukach – murder, lying, looting, slavery, rape, warfare, and even terrorism as part of official religious doctrine. Jesus said that the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, and that is exactly what Islam has done from the very beginning.

Islam murdered and continues to murder Christians and everyone turns a blind eye to it.



Islam is different from all other religions that do not believe in Jesus because Islam officially declares that Jesus is not the Son of God (Quran 4: 171; 18: 4-5), which is the biblical definition of the Antichrist: "Is he a liar who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son "(1 John 2:22).


Islam ruled the second largest empire in history, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the borders of China.


Now they have been installed as refugees in Western Europe and Scandinavia, where peace is a twilight era.


Millions of Christians have already suffered and died under Islam's army of conquest, and Christians are still dying today in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Sudan, and many other places.




Bin Salman's grandfather and father were Zionists , as close friends of Zionist leaders. Logic suggests that Bin Salman comes from a Zionist dynasty.

As the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, Prince bin Salman has imprisoned dozens of Palestinians, including Hamas representatives. In doing so, he serves the interests of Israel. Moreover, he has blamed the Palestinians for the lack of peace with the occupied state.




For hundreds of years, Muslims from North Africa raided European and then American ships. They even raided coastal towns and dragged people out of churches into slavery, where they were beaten and used to pressure them to convert to Islam.


Look at the growth of Muslims in Europe. Why the wars?








Updated: 10 March 2020 — 17:20


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  1. Dobrze opracowane, faktycznie może to być kandydat…

  2. Frankly he is a weak candidate. Who will be fooled by an Islamist????
    Let's see:
    (11) And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, which had two horns like rams, and spoke like a dragon.

    (12) And she exercises all the power of the first Beast before her eyes. She causes the earth and its inhabitants to worship the first Beast, whose mortal wound was healed.

    (13) And he does great miracles, so that he also brings down fire from heaven to the earth before the eyes of the people.

    (14) I zwodzi mieszkańców ziemi przez cuda, jakie dano jej czynić na oczach Bestii, namawiając mieszkańców ziemi, by wykonali ikonę Bestii, która ma ranę od miecza, a jednak została przy życiu.” Ap 13

    With the universally bad reputation of Islam, can an Islamist deceive anyone?
    No. Whom the Beast will seek to deceive:
    (23) If anyone then should say to you, Behold, here is the Anointed One or there, do not believe.

    (24) Powstaną bowiem fałszywi prorocy i czynić będą wielkie znaki i cuda, aby, o ile można, zwieść i wybranych.”Mat 24

    Well, even the chosen ones, i.e. Christians and peoples of the white race, and not the Islamists, whose secondary level of intellect and other human faculties is lower than that of other peoples due to Islam and the widows.

    Besides, if Mecca and Medina were destroyed and contaminated with radioactive dust most nations would show joy rather than sorrow.

    Now the leftist media itself, TVN, Wybrocza, have a negative narrative towards the current Islamic invasion of Greece.

    1. Yes, but the world-ruling Israel can be bribed with peace with Palestine and the building of the 3rd Temple.
      Until recently, no one expected this mwirus and the start of nwo, and here bang

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