Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The stained history of the Red Cross.

Secret societies have it that they are secretive and you can only follow the path of circumstantial evidence to infer and track down the truth.


The Red Cross officially is an international humanitarian movement created to protect human health and life, to ensure respect for human beings, and to alleviate and prevent human suffering while rejecting discrimination based on national origin, race, class, religious belief, or political opinion. wikipedia.


Although it's sometimes hard to find anything beyond the symbolism, which I'll come back to, in the case of the Red Cross we have some very important information.


First of all, its founder was the Freemason Henri Dunant, incidentally a Protestant.


Famous and prominent Freemasons


It is important to know that Freemasons do the opposite of Jesus' injunctions and instead of not knowing what the right hand is doing they proudly preach about all humanitarian aid.


The action of the Freemasons is contrary to the Law of God. The people of these organizations for the privileges the organization gives them are building a system of Satan, and even though it looks like help, it will still be a system of the devil.


Founder of the Red Cross, Henry Dunant był masonem, który dostał nagrodę, którą dostają budowniczowie tego systemu przeciwnego Bogu – nagrodę Nobla. Te nagrodę dostał Polak pochodzenia chazarskiego niejaki Lech W. jak i ultra komunista i propagator LGBT p. Barack Obama.


The origins of Freemasons go back to the time of the Templars, whose logo was exactly a red cross.



Czerwony Krzyż ma swoją siedzibę w Genewie, w Szwajcarii – kraju, którego flaga jest odwrotna do własnej. Szwajcaria, podobnie jak Czerwony Krzyż, zajmuje neutralne stanowisko we wszystkich wojnach, ale często otrzymuje krytykę za czerpanie zysków z obu stron. Trop Templariuszy po ich kasacie wiedzie również do Szwajcarii.


Zresztą Dunant podejrzewany był o homoseksualizm podobnie jak Templariusze…

They don't teach about Freemasonry in schools and that's why you have to look for signs, symbols on sites like mine.

The red cross has appeared in various orders of chivalry, country flags, and even in the name of the esoteric Rosicrucian order (order of the Pink Cross), and can be seen in the symbol of the Gnostic movement, in the logo of the killer movie Zodiac.




W rzeczywistości te cztery punkty kompasu reprezentują punkty zwrotne roku (przesilenia i równonocy) – wszystkie rzeczy, które w czasach inkwizycji i polowań na czarownice były karane śmiercią (zwykle przez spalenie na stosie).


The sign of the Red Cross is not the sign of the cross of Jesus, because the cross on which Jesus was murdered by the Romans and Jews had one (vertical) beam longer.



In fact, the full name of the Red Cross is

The International Red Cross Movement and Red Crescent




Jego założyciel dobrze wiedział co buduje….

The organization is seen as transcending religion and yet the symbol of Islam guides the organization.


Until 2006, Israel as a Red Cross cooperating state had the name of the Red Star of David, which by the way as some of you know, was never a Star of David but the god Remphan.

In contrast, the military medical services in Persia were named after the Red Lion and the Sun.

W Chinach była to czerwona Swastyka….

Dunant's biography adds that he "founded the International Society for the Revival of the Orient in 1864." For European Jews wishing to "return to their homeland in Palestine" and establish a colony. Shortly thereafter, he founded the International Palestine Society and the Syrian and Palestinian Colonization Society for this purpose, but the efforts failed because of the Russo-Turkish War. A Turkish newspaper suggested in 1865 that Dunant "was one of the persons very close to the French emperor". It added that Adolphe Cremieux, founder of the Alliance Israélite Universelle, invited him to join the organization's board

On the idea of an international organization of the Red Cross. Dunant's speech was met with great applause, and the old baron James de Rothschild undertook to head the office of treasurer of the French Committee for the Relief of Wounded War Veterans. And suddenly Dunant, a friend of Napoleon and Rothschild, suddenly became a prominent defender of the Jewish state in Palestine. Konsultanci cesarza Franciszka Józefa – i Austriackiej Organizacji Tajnej Służby Policyjnej – uważają, że to więcej niż przypadek i obawa, że ​​Napoleon III odniesie sukces, z pomocą ludzi takich jak Lesseps i Rothschild, w czymś, czego Napoleon nie był w stanie zrobić.


Let's move on to the fruits of the Red Cross:


  1. The American Red Cross has been exposed: built just six homes after raising half a billion dollars in donations for the Haiti earthquake

  2. Red Cross refuses to disclose how it spent money on Hurricane Sandy, says it's a "trade secret."

  3. Nearly fifty people convicted of fraud at Red Cross Call Center.


Ludzie zazwyczaj wpłacają innym byle wpłacać i inie interesują się czym są te organizacje….


World War II.


The Red Cross and the Vatican helped thousands of Nazis escape.


Vatican assistance was based on an anticipated revival of European Christianity and fear of the Soviet Union. But thanks to the Vatican Refugee Commission, war criminals were knowingly given false identities.

The Red Cross, overwhelmed by millions of refugees, essentially relied on Vatican references and often cursory military checks Allies when issuing travel documents, known as 10,100...]\


The organization was based in Genoa and Rome and worked closely with the Vatican.


How can we be sure now whether the current refugees whom Pope Francis, Pastor Cyrikas, and Majdylo have urged us to accept are not mercenaries, bandits?



We live in a total Matrix. Evil is called good.


Szacuje się, że dzięki Czerwonemu Krzyżowi 90% bandytów niemieckich – nazistów – uciekło przez Włochy.






Updated: 17 February 2020 — 14:25

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