Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

More and more pastors are taking their own lives.

As an initial reminder, due to Facebook forcing me to provide a location each time, I have set up a new Truth Detective page profile:




Not long ago, I reported on a pastor from the US who took his own life leaving behind a wife and child.

Tymczasem we wtorek 11 lutego kolejny pastor Richard Logan, odebrał sobie życie a w jego domu znaleziono także martwego syna i żonę…


Increasingly, we are hearing about an increase in cases of Protestant church leaders suffering from depression or suicidal thoughts.

Richard Logan was both pastor and CEO of Poverty.



According to Newsweek, a former Texas pastor shot his wife and 11-year-old son, then assaulted his daughter and took his own life.

No one knows the motives for the killing. Suicide seems obvious in this situation. Remorse.


This situation as well as many others which speak not so much about pastors' suicides show firstly that salvation is lost. Secondly, pastors are ordinary sinful people exposed like others to temptations and weaknesses.


But not long ago I read about a personnel crisis in the Catholic Church.



“Co czwarte święcenia księdza diecezjalnego w Europie mają miejsce w Polsce. Jednocześnie od ponad dekady wzrasta w całym Kościele katolickim, także w naszym kraju, liczba księży odchodzących z kapłaństwa. Średnio w latach 2000-2017 w Polsce odchodziło 56 księży rocznie – wynika z danych przedstawionych przez Instytut Statystyki Kościoła Katolickiego.”.


What can I say about all this?

When everything is going well for someone, they have financial stability, family stability, it will be easier for them to believe. But God burns in the fire.

I observe the world of Polish pastors. Those who shine on the stage practically have the same worries as the pagans, or maybe even fewer. A large proportion live in ecumenism, so they are captives in Satan's world, which does not have to harass them in this situation.


Nie wiem w jaki sposób ten pastor prowadzący organizację na rzecz ubóstwa podupadł psychicznie, ale napiszę trywialnie “jak jest dobrze to jest dobrze.

It all depends on what you do. At times I have had various attacks. Preaching an ecumenical Jesus and working with ecumenical religions is much simpler not to say idyllic.






Updated: 17 February 2020 — 09:39


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  1. Thank you for this article, and as much as possible let us pray for brave people like this Pastor as well as you for publishing such information.

    Could you explain the difference between the Law of God and the Law of Moses ? thanks in advance.

    1. with this type of question, I write back with the article 🙂 .

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