Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


Worshiping God is an important part of a Christian's life, though even more important is POSSESSION.

Below is a very cool rendition of the well-known song Awesome God.



Note. the song is on a channel called Molodymwinemsieupili which may indicate a group of charismatics that I have a great distance from.

Updated: 5 December 2019 — 08:17


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  1. Detective!

    Today there is no one, true, right and infallible faith /religion/.
    KAŻDA z nich jest pod kontrolą “złego”.

    Gdy znajdzie się dwoje lub troje szukających PRAWDY i BOGA STWÓRCY tam zaraz “zły” nasyła swoich sługusów, którzy wiedzą co mają czynić.

    GOD Himself in the Revelation of John informs us of this in the Letters of JESUS to the Seven Churches. All the churches have something wrong with their assumptions. To each of them the WRITER has some minor or major objection.

    Jak wiemy “siedem” u BOGA to liczba doskonałości i nie oznacza, że ma być ich tylko tyle.

    Apparently there are over thirty thousand registered denominations professing to believe in the CREATOR and RECEIVER.

    The followers of each denomination are convinced by their overseers that only they have a monopoly on mediation between the faithful and GOD, and only with them can one be saved and according to the rules that apply to their denomination.
    These rules are more or less incompatible with the WORD OF GOD, and often they even contradict and negate this WORD.

    Furthermore, these denominations are busy fighting other denominations and throwing mud at their followers. While not abhorring lies.

    I am not criticizing anyone, I am not judging anyone. Everyone has their own mind and everyone is to seek TRUTH and GOD and ask HIM to direct them to the path of HIS Salvation.

    Nie szukam u innych “belek lub drzazg w oczach”. Szukam PRAWDY.
    I know that the whole TRUTH will not be known and it is not possible for any of us. Solomon was endowed by GOD with wisdom and it struck his wits, he fell into pride and idolatry.

    So far, I do not know whether GOD is One GOD, or GOD in two PERSONS, or perhaps in three FATURES. I'm still not sure if I should address our RECEIVER as JESUS, JASZUA, JESUS, IZUS, ISUS, or something else. I still use the name JESUS.
    Nie wiem nadal jakie jest prawdziwe imię BOGA OJCA, jak je wymawiać, pisać – JAHWE, JAWE, JAŁE, JECHOWA, czy może jeszcze inaczej.
    I do not use the title Lord because there are too many of them. In my prayers I address HIM: CREATOR, RULER, GOD. I don't have the courage yet to call HIM DAD.

    Nie interesuje mnie czy Listy Pawła są dla nich ważniejsze niż Słowo BOGA i JEGO SYNA, czy też jest on /Paweł/ “fałszywym apostołem”.

    I have no intention of discussing the shape and structure of the world. It is indifferent to me whether it is round or angular, whether it has horns and whether it dances the oberek.

    I know that there is a CREATOR GOD and HIS SON our REDEEMER and SAVIOR. I know that what I see was created by HIM in six days.
    Wiem. że dlatego ja mam sześć dni pracować, a w siódmym dniu – dniu pobłogosławionym i uświęconym mam odpoczywać – wolny czas w tym dniu przeznaczyć na wspominanie BOŻEGO dzieła stworzenia naszej rzeczywistości, zapoznanie się z buntem naszych przodków, rozmyślanie nad BOŻYM planem wybawienia nas z niewoli grzechu, z więzienia “złego”, kłamcy i zabójcy.

    I know that I am to obey the LAW OF GOD. This Law is good and unchanging, and this Law gives life.

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