Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

“Zaprawdę powiadam ci: Dziś będziesz ze mną w raju”.


“Zaprawdę powiadam ci: Dziś będziesz ze mną w raju”.


It is said that these words have been stripped of the comma, that it should be here:




“Zaprawdę powiadam ci  Dziś ->, <- będziesz ze mną w raju”


Perhaps such a theory was forcefully fitted, or perhaps not.


Jesus said to the evildoer


Here Christ tells us, first, that He went not only to αδης, the invisible world, but in this part it is called paradise. His human soul was moving to the place of separated souls; not to the place of the damned, but to the place of the blessed.

All holiness means to be SEPARATE, but this is not taught. Holy in the Gospel teachings is without sin. This is a misrepresentation. We are all sinful but not all righteous and SEPARATE to God. The churches today teach how to be good but do not teach how to be holy (separated). Hence the power of the ecumenical movement.

You can go to church but not be separated for God, and the proverbial paradise is that, just as the souls of the dead are separated from the souls of the righteous in Sheol.


When repentant believers die, they go to a place of separation. Jesus became the high priest by buying happiness and is ready, as king, to bestow happiness on them.

It also has cultural significance because in those days the mighty would throw parties in gardens and Revelation speaks of paradise:



(7) Kto ma uszy, niech słucha, co Duch mówi do kościołów: Temu, kto zwycięży, dam jeść z drzewa życia, które jest pośrodku raju Boga. ” Objawienie 2. 



Paradeisos comes from the Persian word pardes , which means park or garden.


In the story of Lazarus, on the other hand, he is called is Abraham's womb and was a common expression among Jews for the residence of beatified souls in their separate state.


(23) A będąc w piekle i cierpiąc męki, podniósł oczy i ujrzał z daleka Abrahama i Łazarza na jego łonie. ” 



Paradise being the womb is a Hebrew metaphor in which Hebrew beliefs clothed their thoughts about the invisible world, the Garden of Eden taking the place of the womb and vice versa. " as a synonym for the eternal blessedness of the righteous, providing a stark contrast to the horrors of Gehenna.


To rozdzielenie z Łazarza ma tez sens w odniesieniu do  ..’twórczości” zespołów metalowych gdzie ludzi oddani diabłu przebywają oddzieleni w społeczności z demonami…..

The two worlds confronted: Abaraham's womb full of happiness and eternal torment awaiting judgment. At this point I would like to defend God right away. Eternal torment is not a punishment from God, but a consequence of moving away from him. It is the choice of bad company in the symbolic place called hell. In my estimation there will be no fire, but notorious condemning thoughts and accusations of the soul...



In the second Adam we have restored all that we lost in the first Adam; and more, to the heavenly paradise instead of the earthly second, It is there with Christ . It is the happiness of paradise and heaven to see Christ, to be with Him, and to share His glory. Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, to see my glory and so on, John 17:24.Thus Paul expected that when will leave, be with Christ


“Jedno i drugie bowiem mnie naciska: chcę odejść i być z Chrystusem, bo to o wiele lepsze” Filipian




The early Christians were generally convinced that when they absent from the body, should To be present with the Lord. In Abraham's bosom we will be joined to Jesus by His Spirit.



Third, holy souls enter this place or state immediately after death. That day, That is, before six in the evening, when their earthly day was over. "The souls of the faithful, are freed from the burden of the body immediately in joy and happiness."


Być może dlatego Paweł powiedział, że śmierć jest dla niego zyskiem….co nie oznacza jakiegoś masochizmu, skłonności samobójczych, ale wolności od nieszczęść, grzechu itd.


Word σημερον , today, nie może być połączone z “powiem” As if that makes sense, I tell you today; but with the following words to include the promise that thief [in reference to his soul]. should even be in paradise that day, follows from the familiar phrase of the Jews who speak of the death of the righteous man, On that day He will sit in Abraham's bosom. Christ undoubtedly spoke in such terms as the thief could understand. Now he, being a Jew, would certainly understand him according to the received opinion of his people concerning paradise, that is, that it is a place where pious souls, separated from the body, were immediately received. This could not be understood a la the Catholic understanding of paradise in heaven because no one had articulated such an understanding to the thief, if only for the reason that Catholicism fortunately did not yet exist.



There is another aspect. What must the promise have been to the thief dying in torment if not a paradise from torment?


Jesus said to Peter:

"“A ja ci mówię: ty jesteś Piotr (Kamień), a na tej skale zbuduję moje zgromadzenie i bramy Hadesu nie przemogą go..”


The kingdom of death will have no division in Abraham's bosom. Therefore, ONLY in Jesus (the Rock) is there rescue from the second death and from the place set apart for the unsaved, those not at peace with God.


When we look at today's celebrities, men in suits on TV or businessmen we see successful people. They usually show themselves to be calm, kind and likable. However, the vast majority of these people will end up in the predestined place along with demons. The same is true of ecumenical pastors. Despite their sometimes great knowledge in connection with spiritual fornication they will end up in the Hades of the devil. These gates will pass through these people.







Updated: 28 October 2019 — 09:18


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  1. Do rozważenia tego cytatu przydadzą się inne wypowiedzi np. Jana 20:17 Gdzie po 3 dniach w grobie zmartwychwstały Jezus mówi do Marii: nie dotykaj mnie bo jeszcze nie wstapilem do Ojca. Można wysunąć wniosek, że “dzis” Jezus i złoczyńca nie byli w raju Bożym. Przez 40 dni ukazuje się uczniom A potem wstępuje do nieba dz.ap 1

  2. Jezus składa łotrowi umierającemu na krzyżu obietnicę, że po zmartwychwstaniu będzie tam gdzie On. Ap. Paweł napisał w liście do Efezjan:”(Bóg)Ożywił nas wraz z Chrystusem i wraz z nim wzbudził i posadził w okręgach niebieskich”. Jest to obietnica złożona wobec nas -wierzących.

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