Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

“Wy, którzy otrzymaliście zakon, jak wam go dali aniołowie, a nie przestrzegaliście go”.

“Wy, którzy otrzymaliście zakon, jak wam go dali aniołowie, a nie przestrzegaliście go”.
BW – Dzieje Apostolskie  7:53


What is this all about? The angels gave the law, not God.


Niektórzy błędnie uważają zwiedzeni naukami ludzi bezprawia, że Prawo zostało nadane przez aniołów a więc nie należy lub nie należało  go przestrzegać, że aniołowie byli poza kontrolą Boga i dali swoje drastyczne prawo… Co za nonsens. Tak chyba naucza niejaki pan Pomazańcowy. Jeśli się mylę, to poprawcie mnie.

But what does the law given by angels mean?


The expression now means, in the Jewish sense, that angels were the mediators through whom Israel received the Law; that it was their voice that was heard at Sinai. In Galatians also Paul, speaks of the law " holy through angels"


” Czymże więc jest zakon? Został on dodany z powodu przestępstw, aż do przyjścia potomka, którego dotyczy obietnica; a został on dany przez aniołów do rąk pośrednika.” Ga 3:19.



Paul resisted like any wise man on the Torah:


” Powiedział: PAN przyszedł z Synaju i z Seiru wzeszedł dla nich, zajaśniał z góry Paran i przyszedł z dziesięcioma with thousands of saints; z jego prawicy wyszło dla nich ogniste prawo.”


In the Brest Bible it says this:


” I rzekł tak: Przyszedł Pan do Synaj, a w Seir okazał się im i objaśnił się z góry Faran, a przyszedł for the holy hosts, mając w swej prawicy zakon oddany w ogniu dla nich”


Dobrze wiemy, że “zastęp” oznacza kategorie wojsk niebieskich, czyli aniołów.

This event is confirmed in Psalm 68:


“Obozu Bożego jest dwadzieścia tysięcy i miliony aniołów, a Pan jest miedzy nimi na miejscu najświętszym jako na Synaj.”



You who have received zakon….

As it was established by the angels, since by the disposition of angels ,

This sentence, otherwise formulated ( εἰς διαταγὰς ἀγγέλων ), is one of the extremely difficult ones: διαταγή actually means an appointment, or " rite ", as in Romans 13: 2 ; and εἰς , which has many different uses in Greek in the New Testament means "by," "through," or "on occasion," as Matthew 12:41, "For the preaching of Jonah."


So here they received the Law "at" or "by the way" of "ordering" or "appointing" angels. When the angels, who were appointed by God and spoke in His Name, gave the Law, the Israelites accepted it. The true meaning, however, is rendered "according to the disposition of the angels"!

Paul speaks of the role the angels took in giving the Law, and in language strikingly reminiscent of the text. He speaks of the fact that it was „wyświęcone przez aniołów”.

This understanding gives even greater meaning to the Law of God that David loved so much.

God ordained or established the Law, but the angels were the instruments or stewards of his announcement. where in the Septuagint . we read:


"At his right hand the angels were with him." 



So the LAW was given in extremely solemn circumstances because it was a beacon and a beacon to a broken world including the Israelites themselves.


After they came out of Egypt and built the bullock, they received the Law in such a great way that it made their sin worse by violating the Law, which NO man could or can perfectly fulfill. Therefore, God foretold that He would give new hearts of flesh, which should be understood to mean that we would have a desire to keep the Law. Jesus' sacrifice is therefore the blotting out of all sins (Law-breaking) of every Christian's future sins, if that Christian apologizes. Legal Basis:


“Jeśli wyznajemy grzechy swoje, wierny jest Bóg i sprawiedliwy i odpuści nam grzechy, i oczyści nas od wszelkiej nieprawości.” 1 Jana. 



Dear God will purify us from our ILLUSTRATIONS through the blood of Jesus Christ if we apologize, which does not mean it is a gateway to sinning. God knows our hearts and He knows if we sin against the Holy Spirit.


In summary, the Law was given "in the midst" of the various ranks of angels, present to witness its announcement.

Prawo zostało dane w obecności aniołów, a ewangelia od Ducha Świętego. I tak jak Żydzi za czasów Jezusa nie przestrzegali tego prawa tak część chrześcijan jest oporna na Ducha Bożego uważając, że Prawo Boże nie obowiązuje, mimo, że grawitacja nadal obowiązuje…


The FULL 10 commandments are still in force and are a blessing to us . The immanent characteristic of a converted Christian is to keep the whole decalogue. Not 5 commandments, not 2 or 8, but 10.




Updated: 22 October 2019 — 18:11


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  1. To smutne, że ludzie traktują te Zasady jak bar z jedzeniem na wagę – biorę to, ale tamto już mi nie pasuje…

  2. You have brought up an interesting subject, Peter. This is an attempt to clarify some questions that have been troubling me, and possibly many of you, about certain passages of Scripture. This is my interpretation, you may consider it heresy, I am researching this and of course I may be wrong in all this, so please be understanding.

    John 16:12-13
    12 I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.
    13 But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will bring you into all truth. For he will not speak from himself, but will speak what he hears, and will declare to you future things.

    In the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, in Deuteronomy chapter 32 and verses: 8 and 9, Moses narrates:
    How the Most High (Eljon) divided the nations, how He scattered the sons of Adam, how He established the boundaries of the tribes according to the number of the angels of God. The property of the Lord (Yahweh) became His people Jacob, His inherited portion Israel (Hebrews in general). We also learn from Genesis 10:25 that in the days of Eber, the father of the Hebrews, specifically his son Peleg, the land was divided: to Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for in his days the land was divided; and the name of his brother was Joktan (UBG).
    The angels became Stewards guardians of the nations, but also Gods to the people. Yahweh became the guardian and God of the Hebrews, and for example the Ammonites became Kemosh, this is described in Judges 11:24, the story of Jephthah: Shall you not take possession of that which Kemosh your god gives you to possess? So shall we also possess the land of him whom the LORD (Yahweh) our God has banished before us (UBG). Moses' conversation with the Angel (God) who appeared to him in the burning bush is also interesting:
    Exodus 3:13-18:
    13 Moses said to God: When I go to the children of Israel and say to them, The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me what is his name, what shall I answer them?
    14 Then God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM (Haya). And he added, Thus shall you say to the children of Israel, I AM (Haya), he has sent me to you.
    15 And still God said to Moses, Thus shall you say to the children of Israel, The LORD (Yahweh), the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is my name for ever, and such is to remain in memory after all generations.
    16 Go, gather together the elders of Israel, and say to them: The LORD (Yahweh), the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has appeared to me, and said, I have visited you and seen what was done to you in Egypt.
    17 And I decreed: I will bring you out of the tribulation of Egypt into the land of the Canaanites, the Chetites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Chivites, and the Jebusites, into a land flowing with milk and honey.
    18 Then they will listen to your voice. And you and the elders of Israel will go to the king of Egypt and say to him: The LORD (Yahweh), the God of the Hebrews, has met with us. Therefore now let us go, please, three days' journey into the wilderness to sacrifice to the LORD (Yahweh) our God.
    Such Names are presented in the Hebrew-Polish interlinear translation.

    Nasuwa się taka interpretacja tego fragmentu Pisma; Bóg JESTEM – HAYA posłał Elohim Jahwe do synów Israela. Jahwe powiedział do Mojżesza, gdy pytał się o imię Boga, że brzmi HAYA, ale potem każe iść Mojżeszowi już w swoim imieniu, czyli Jahwe do starszych Israela. Jahwe tytułuje się Bogiem Israela, ma do tego prawo, bo jemu został przydzielony ten naród. Słowo Elohim tłumaczy się jako bogowie, ale też aniołowie, synowie Boży. Bóg w liczbie pojedynczej to El lub Eloah.
    It can be said that until the time of Christ Israel was under the Administrator. Yahweh brought Israel out of Egypt, made a covenant with them, became their Ruler, gave them the Law, but also a curse if they did not keep the Law.

    If we take a closer look, for example, at the Decalogue, we can see that the Law was connected with a curse and punishment. Grace was obtained by fulfilling the Law; one had to deserve it, to do something. It looked like the payment of laborers for work was given not as earned wages, but as the grace of the employer. The grace of Yeshua Christ and the Father is acquittal from sins, forgiveness, and power to transform lives. The Old Covenant law did not have this power. The Law was based on the fear of punishment, because most often death was threatened for breaking it. Therefore, whoever kept the Law lived by it. Moreover, the Law could not make anyone perfect, nor could it justify anyone before God; it was not tied to faith. The Law was a shadow of things to come, that is, it was not an image of the reality of God; it did contain elements of the Royal Law and many good things, but it was really only a copy of the Law of God, an imitation of it, a shadow showing only a certain outline. The Law was a keeper until faith came. Yahweh's mission fails, Israel and Judah, despite the tremendous punishments falling upon it because of the transgression of the Law, falls away from Yahweh, falls, is scattered, abducted from its land. Only a handful of people who are faithful to Yahweh return from captivity.
    Yahweh is someone different than everyone thinks. Christ Himself said that no one had ever seen or heard God (John 5:37). Something was wrong, even though Yahweh gave a good law, He Himself often disrespected it. He said not to kill, and he sent people to murder nations; he said not to steal, and the Israelites stole from other nations by murdering them first. Even if this was a just punishment on these nations, what were the children and animals guilty of, who were also killed? Does the commandment ; Thou shalt not kill, apply only to not killing Israelites. Why was the law not given later? It could be said that the Israelites were still under sin. In Deuteronomy 24:16 it says: Fathers shall not suffer death for children, nor shall children suffer death for fathers. Everyone will suffer death for his own sin. Yet Yahweh God punished Jeroboam for his sin by the death of his son. David committed adultery with Bathsheba and contributed to the death of Uriah her husband, and God, having forgiven David, killed his son who was born of Bathsheba and caused the sword and blood to enter his house. David's son Amnon was killed first, and then the rebellious Absalom. Yahweh God forgave, but He did not leave without punishment. When David sinned by ordering Israel to be counted then God as punishment kills 70,000 people so that David himself is shocked and says: Behold, I have sinned, I have done wrong. But these sheep have done what? Please let your hand turn upon me and upon my father's house ( 2 Samuel 2:17). Very strange and some descriptions are more suited to the adversary than God e.g. giving a lying spirit into the mouth of the prophets to punish Ahab (1 Kings 22:19-23), or earlier an evil spirit to Saul to oppress him. Christ cast out evil spirits. Jesus Christ was born of a woman and under the Law to redeem all those under the Law (Galatians 4:4-5). He redeemed us with His blood from under the power of the Administrator and his angels. Yahweh gave the Law that the wages of sin was death. Only an innocent and perfect sacrifice could redeem. Animal sacrifices covered sin and had no redeeming power, so Christ died as an innocent, sinless lamb, the Son of God, to redeem us, He fulfilled the Law perfectly with His life. He fulfilled it through love. Christ, in fulfilling the Law, nailed it to the Cross, thereby disarming the Authority. The power of sin was the Law, the sting of sin was death. The Law gave the Authority power over people, it was the basis for keeping people in obedience under the threat of punishment, it turned against us when we fell, it brought death. This is why the apostle Paul speaks of the ministry of death engraved on tablets of stone. In fulfilling the Law, Christ took away Yahweh's weapons that he used against people, disarmed the Authority, satisfied his righteous anger:

    Isaiah 53:4-6,10

    4 Verily he took upon him our sufferings and bore our sorrows. AND WE THOUGHT THAT HE WAS WOUNDED, SMITTEN BY GOD, AND AFFLICTED.
    5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, grated for our iniquities. The punishment for our peace was upon him, and by his wounds we were healed.
    6 We have all gone astray like sheep, each of us has strayed from his way, and the LORD (YAHWEH) has put on him the iniquity of us all.
    10 But it pleased the LORD (YHWEH) to grind him down and to crush him. And having offered his soul as a sin offering, he shall see his offspring, he shall prolong his days, and that which pleases the LORD (YHWE) by his hand shall happily be fulfilled.

    The question arises, what is this all about, why was it necessary until the sacrifice of Christ, the Son of God?
    The answer to this question is not very easy; God Most High gave the angels the earth for their protection, divided the nations among them. Perhaps the angels did not intend to rule these nations, but they desired power and entered into a covenant with men to be their rulers through their power. Various mythologies speak of this: for the Greeks it was Zeus, who was also a law-giver, and for others it was Kemosh, Dagon or Baal. It follows that Yahweh was precisely one of the Elohim. His purpose was to raise up Israel in righteousness and bring them to the Most High God. Now, too, e.g. Mary appears and says she is from God, but often demands worship for herself, desires separate worship. The covenant that Yahweh made with Israel was to be an everlasting covenant. Yahweh was powerful and also had his angels. Israel, through the covenant, submitted voluntarily into slavery. The law in their case had failed, they were unable to fulfill it. Since Israel was Yahweh's property, the Most High had to reclaim Israel in some way. Deliver them. The only legal way to redeem them was through the sacrifice of Christ. A sacrifice that would cleanse them of their sins, pay their debts and free them from the Law. A payment in accordance with Yahweh's Law because the Scriptures closed everything under sin.
    Then Paul's words make sense; that the Law no longer applies to those who are in Christ.

    Someone will now say that if there is no Law, I can now sin? If you think so, you haven't really died with Christ and been born again yet. The Holy Spirit, whom we receive, fills our hearts with love, bequeaths to us the Law of Love - agape love, selfless love, the perfect Law of Christ. Jesus Christ now is our Ruler, our Lord and Administrator. He received from the Father all authority on earth and in heaven He redeemed us with His Blood and He also established the Law. From that moment on, we love people, we stop hating, we do no harm to anyone, we want the good of our neighbor. The perfect fulfillment of the Law is love ( Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 5:14).

    Matthew 25: 31-46
    31 When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory.
    32 And all the nations shall be gathered together before him, and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
    33 And he will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
    34 Then the king will say to those who will be at his right hand: Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
    35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in;
    36 I was naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.
    37 Then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink?
    38 And when did we see you a stranger and receive you or naked and clothe you?
    39 Or when we saw you sick or in prison and came to you?
    40 And the king shall answer them, Verily I say unto you, What you did to one of the least of these my brethren, you did to me.
    41 Then he will say also to those who will be on his left: Go from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
    42 For I was hungry, and you did not give me food; I was thirsty, and you did not give me drink;
    43 I was a stranger, and you did not receive me; I was naked, and you did not clothe me; I was sick and in prison, and you did not visit me.
    44 Then they also shall answer him, Lord, when did we see thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not serve thee?
    45 Then he shall answer them, Verily I say unto you, what you did not do to one of the least of these, you did not do also to me.
    46 And they shall go to eternal torment, but the righteous to eternal life.

    Just for contrast:
    Deuteronomy 28:58-63
    58 If thou wilt not take heed to fulfil all the words of this law which are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and terrible name: LORD (Yahweh), your God;
    59 The LORD will send unusual plagues on you and on your offspring, plagues that are great and unending, also severe and long-lasting diseases.
    60 And he shall bring upon you all the diseases of Egypt which you have feared, and they shall cling to you.
    61 Also every disease and every plague that is not written in the book of this law, the LORD will bring upon you until he exterminates you.
    62 And there will remain few of you, who before were as numerous as the stars of heaven, because you disobeyed the voice of the LORD your God.
    63 And it shall be, as the LORD rejoiced in you, doing you good, and multiplying you, so the LORD will rejoice in you, destroying you, and smiting you; and you shall be uprooted from the land to which you go to possess it.

    Acts 10:38
    38 As God anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power Yeshua of Nazareth, who walked around doing good and HEALING all those controlled by the devil, because God was with him.

    God Most High will hold the gods accountable;

    Psalm 82
    1 Psalm. Asaph. God arises in the assembly of the gods, in the midst of the gods judgment takes place:
    2 Wherefore will ye judge the wicked, and keep the side of the wicked?
    3 Take hold of the orphan and the oppressed, bring justice to the unfortunate and the poor!
    4 Free the oppressed and the destitute; deliver him from the hand of the wicked!
    5 But they comprehend not, and understand not; they wander in darkness: the whole earth totters in the foundations.
    6 Ja rzekłem: Jesteście bogami i wszyscy – synami Najwyższego.
    7 But ye shall FALL AS PEOPLE, as one man, princes, ye shall fall.
    8 O God, arise, receive judgment over the earth, for all nations are your property.

    1. Ok this time let the readers answer, by the way I will pick two answers from the fey:


      “Aniołowie często pośredniczyli w przekazywaniu informacji od Boga dla ludzi. To jest proste. Wtedy ludzie mieli liczyć się z aniołami tak jak z samym Bogiem, bo było w nich Jego Imię. To też jest proste. Ludzie zwiedzeni, których umysły zaślepił diabeł nie zrozumieją najprostszych rzeczy. ——— (20): Oto posyłam Anioła przed tobą, aby cię strzegł w drodze i doprowadził do miejsca, które przygotowałem. (21): Zważaj na niego i słuchaj jego głosu; nie pobudzaj go do gniewu, bo nie przebaczy waszych przestępstw, gdyż moje imię jest w nim. [Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska, Wj 23”



      “Jahwe wygłosił wszystkie przykazania. “Potem WIEKUISTY powiedział do Mojżesza: Tak powiesz synom Israela: Widzieliście, że przemawiałem do was z niebios.” (Wj 20:22)
      A następnie Mojżesz spisał to wszystko co zostało powiedziane po tym jak lód się przeraził i wolał słuchać pośrednika Mojżesza “Więc Mojżesz spisał wszystkie słowa WIEKUISTEGO. Nadto wstał rano i u stóp góry wystawił ofiarnicę oraz dwanaście słupów, stosownie do dwunastu pokoleń israelskich.” (Wj 24:4) Po czym Jahwe powiedział Mojżeszowi aby przeszedł na górę po tablice kamienne z Dekalogiem i prawa którymi miał nauczać lud. I tam właśnie aniołowie przekazali te regulacje. “I rzekł PAN do Mojżesza: Wstąp do mnie na górę i bądź tam, a dam ci tablice kamienne i zakon, i przykazanie, którem napisał, abyś je nauczył.” (Wj 24:12) O wiele lepiej to widać w interlini hebrajskiej. Ale tutaj dodać tego nie mogę z powodu ograniczenia komentowania obrazami”

    2. The Lord Jesus is not the son of God He is God.

  3. Ja poprzez slowo aniolowie rozumiem tez “posłanców”. Aniołem byl Mojzesz i apostolowie. Dlatego Pan Jezus mowil “powiedziano wam” “a Ja wam mowie”

    1. Yes, angels are called messengers, and hence some have considered John the Baptist in their search to be an angel because in some instances he was called an angel.

  4. Daniel chapter 10 verse 21 Michael the angelic prince of Israel not Elohim as Robert writes. In spite of the 99% truth as Robert writes there is 1 percent acid that leavens all the leaven, the only thing that matters is the truth and that is Jesus.

  5. Michael is an angelic prince or captain of angelic armies, the word used there is also translated that way, but it does not mean that he is a Ruler like Yahweh. The one does not contradict the other.
    The original Hebrew in Genesis uses the word Elohim Yahweh.
    Yahweh's statement in Genesis 3:22 is also interesting;
    Then the LORD God (Yahweh Elohim) said, Behold, man has become like ONE OF US, knowing good and evil. So let us banish him, lest he stretch out his hand and take from the tree of life to eat and live forever.
    Bible translators hide the fact that there is a plural and insert the word Lord God.

    For comparison:
    Exodus 14:18-19
    18 And Melchisedec, king of Salem, brought out bread and wine. He was a priest of the Most High God (EL Eljon-a).
    19 And he blessed him, saying, Let Abram be blessed by the Most High God Eljon-a), the owner of heaven and earth.
    Since there is a Supreme God, there are also lower ones.

    As it is written in Hebrew you can check this page:

    1. Juz było pisane tutaj. Słowo bóg nie określa istoty naszego Pana. Są bogowie np. Egiptu, którzy zostali osądzeni. Ludzi Jezus nazywa bogami. Mojżesz miał być jak bóg dla Aarona. Ale Jahwe jako jedyny ma imię co oznacza: TEN, KTÓRY JEST . JESTEM, KTÓRY JESTEM. Jezus mówi o sobie: zanim Abraham się narodził JA JESTEM. Nie mówi byłem, czy będę. Jest zawsze. Nie potrzebuje fajnych przydomków. Ono jest najprawdziszym i najpotężniejszym imieniem bo zawiera prawdę o Nim. A jest on nieskonczony, wcielony w Jezusa jest jednocześnie w niebie. Dlatego występuje w wielu osobach( moje przemyślenia ). I dlatego w prawie było, że na podstawie dwóch albo trzech świadków bo prawo wynika z jego charakteru. Słowo jest jednym ze świadków. Za duzo myśli mam, a mowa tak to ogranicza… ?

      1. Christ has revealed to us the name of God as: Father, He revealed to us His character as He really is. God is love. Christ saved human lives, showed love and compassion. That is why people flocked to Him. You will say that Christ is already the New Covenant, this is partially true. Christ spoke to people under the old covenant and did what the old covenant commanded. The new covenant does not begin until the death of Yeshua, because a will takes effect after the death of the person making it. Just compare the character of Yeshua and Yahweh. Jesus did not avenge himself and did not desire glory for himself. He brought Glory to the Father by what He did. He did Good. Elohim Yahweh was vindictive, He punished whole nations if they opposed Him, He often used collective responsibility and had no regard for individuals; women, children, babies even animals were killed. He gloried in being feared and destroyed. He gave good for good and evil for evil. When Christ was in Samaria and they did not receive Him there: the disciples asked if they could bring down fire from heaven to punish them as Elijah had done. Christ answering rebuked them and said; ye know not WHAT SPIRIT ye are, the Son of man came not to destroy human life, but to save it(Luke 9:51-56). If we realize that Elohim Yahweh was a strict Administrator and Judge sharply demanding respect for the law and administering punishment, that it was not God the Father, then we have a different relationship with God based on love, respect and trust, not fear. Praise be to God the Father and Jesus Christ.

        Matthew 5:43
        43 You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor, and you shall hate your enemy.
        44 But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who do evil to you and persecute you;
        45 That you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
        46 For if ye love them that love you, what reward have ye? Do not the publicans also do this?
        47 And if ye greet your brethren only, what special thing do ye do? Do not the publicans also do this?
        48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your FATHER which is in heaven is perfect.

        Galatians 4:1-6
        1 So I say: As long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a servant, although he is master of everything.
        2 But he is SUBJECT to the CUSTOMERS and MANAGERS until the TIME appointed BY DAD.
        3 Likewise we, when we were children, were in bondage to the elements of this world.
        4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law;
        5 That he may redeem those who were under the law, that we may be made sons of God.
        6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying out: Abba, Father!

        Exodus 34:6-10
        6 Then the LORD (Yahweh) passed by before him and cried out: The LORD, the LORD, a merciful and compassionate God, slow to anger, and rich in mercy and truth;
        7 Keeping mercy on thousands, FORGIVING iniquity, transgression, and sin, but UNFORGIVING the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on their sons and on the sons of their sons to the third and fourth generation (to forgive means to forget).
        8 So Moses hurriedly bent down to the ground and worshiped;
        9 And he said, If I have now found favor in your sight, O Lord, let the Lord go, please, among us, for this people is hard-hearted. Forgive our iniquities and our sin, and take us for an inheritance.
        10 He answered, Behold, I will establish a covenant. Before all your people I will do wonders that have not been done in all the earth and in any nation. And all the people among whom you sojourn shall see the work of the LORD, WHAT I WILL DO WITH YOU WILL BE Dreadful.

        1. God is the same

          If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him. The temple of God is holy, and you are it.

          The apocalypse is total destruction and the wrath of Yahweh

          1. Yes, true, God will judge, but it will be a just judgment. He will not murder innocent infants. People have fought religious wars for centuries, Christians and Muslims alike, because that's the image they had of God, their God did that, fought, killed. They also fought for their faith, in their view they were doing God's will. They defended the faith handed down from their fathers, they conquered territories to increase the number of believers, using the sword as a means of intimidation and evangelism. What image of God you have, you grow up to have. I believe that God is love and is not a ruthless and bloody judge as portrayed in the Old Testament. God gave the earth to the angels and God will hold them accountable.

            1. Robert, in Jermiah God said that the Judeans would eat their children and they did.

              We do not know what was in the background of all this, such as the ban on eating pork has only now become clear: pork is simply very unhealthy for us.

              Likewise with this, or maybe it was the seed of the fallen or something else we don't know.
              You are undermining Robert's Word. Anything can be undermined in this way.

              1. Peter this was already delivered as a curse on Mt. Garizim, Exodus 28:53-57 A curse for disobeying the Law given by Elohim Yahweh.
                Peter I am not undermining the Word, I am trying to interpret it correctly. Thank Christ for redeeming us from the curse of this law. There is a cost to seeking the truth. God bless you all.

        2. What is the hypocritical image Robert portrays of God?
          To jest niezrozumienie podstaw…jakiś zwodniczy duch Cię oszukuje.
          Pan Jezus Chrystus przyszedł na Ziemię po to,Aby ukazać prawdziwy obraz Boga JWHW. Nic nie robił od siebie…wypełnił wolę Ojca.Ojciec I Syn I Duch to Jedno. Jeden Bóg.
          Return to your first love for the Lord Jesus Christ And the simplicity of the gospel
          Całe Pismo ukazuje nam wspaniałości Boga od pierwszych słów…Bóg jest Bogiem Świętym
          And this obliges
          Dlatego wcielony Bóg rodzi się jako człowiek po to żeby zapłacić za nas wszystkich …
          He is grated AND crushed so that we can come to the Father directly without blemish AND tarnish.
          Remember Robert
          And start reading Revelation, there you will see the wholeness of the God of Jesus Christ.
          What is the rejection of His Holy Blood.

  6. W księdze rodzaju ta liczba mnoga jest liczba podwójną, w języku hebrajskim z tego co wiem to jest pojedyncza, podwójna i mnoga, aczkolwiek mogę się mylić. Nie jestem w stanie słowami tego sprecyzować, poszukajcie sobie podstaw ‘gramatyki’ hebrajskiej bo tam to jest wytłumaczone (ja nie umiem dobrze tłumaczyć)

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