Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Twelve Roots of the Fortress of Demonic Activity

It is fashionable to point out Rome's ONLY errors, which are there and must be seen, but many evangelicals carry evil spirits within them.

Due to the great interest in the issues of the invisible realm, I am publishing another text that I have rewritten.



The Twelve Roots of the Fortress of Demonic Activity


  1. The spirit of impotence

The spirit of impotence can affect both believers and unbelievers. The Bible cites an example of this in Luke 13:11 when Jesus was teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Scripture says that Jesus looked and saw a woman who had had a spirit of impotence for 18 years and was bent over and could not lift her up. This was a faithful, church going daughter of Abraham. She was at the service, probably sitting in the front row. When Jesus saw her, he called her to come to him and said to her: "Woman, you are freed from this impotence." Jesus laid his hands on her, and she immediately straightened up and praised God. The spirit of impotence can take many forms, including a wide range of physical ailments and chronic conditions.

That said, the manifestation of the Spirit of Incontinence found in Luke 13:11 really needs no definition. Sickness means weakness and can manifest itself by physical, mental or emotional lack of wholeness. It can be any long term disorder of the body, weakness, cancer, women's problems, ringworm, fever, allergies, sinus problems, blood pressure problems, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, premature deaths in the family or mental illness including gender confusion .

Jesus' curing of disease was part of His redemptive plan of freedom

Jesus healed the sick. This was one of His primary ministries. He dealt with many organic causes of illness: people afflicted with insanity, birth defects, and infections. The blind, deaf, lame, and other sufferers turned to Him for help.

In today's Hebrew culture, most believed that sickness was a direct consequence of sin, resulting in punishment (John 9: 1-3). However, Jesus changed this concept of understanding in the people of that day by healing a blind man who had been sick since birth. He declared that this sickness was not related to the blind man or his father, but because of His Glory. This changed the paradigm of punishment associated with sin.

Many of our bad choices result in consequences that affect our bodies. However, Jesus came to give us grace, to set us free from the bondage of sin's penalty and healing and wholeness. He had the power to forgive sin and heal (Matthew 9: 1-8; compare Mark 2: 1-12; Luke 5: 17-26).


  1. The Spirit of Fear

Spirit of Fear (2 Timothy 1: 7). The manifestations of the spirit of fear operating in your life are:

Decreased creativity, Dependence on drugs or chemicals, Avoiding people, withdrawing, Nervous behavior (e.g., biting nails, fast pace, fidgeting, can't stop), Always in a hurry, time pressure, Take tranquilizers to relax, Over-react or under-react to stressful situations, do things for you suicidally without confrontation, to forget about stress (e.g., shopping frenzy, eating, cleaning, etc.), being addicted to work (e.g., always working late or bringing work home), having to fill every moment with achievement-oriented behavior, setting unrealistic and often unnecessary deadlines. Other examples include phobias. fear, torment, inferiority, inadequacy, worry, critical spirit, tension, productivity, and fear of anything.


  1. Python spirit, also called the spirit of divination (Acts 16: 16-18)

One of the few named spirits in the Bible, the python spirit is a spiraling spirit that works to squeeze out the breath of life (the Holy Spirit) and cut off your lifeline to God (prayer). To carry out his deadly plan, This spirit will remind you of the wounds of the past, will surround you with ungodly influences that tempt you to compromise God's Word - or simply lead you into a condition that will knock you out. Symptoms of a python attack may include fatigue, loss of passion for prayer, pressure, overwhelm, helplessness, and even hopelessness. The severity of these symptoms depends on how long this enemy has been wrapped around you and how strong the pressure has been. Engaging in any kind of witchcraft, including going to a reader or using a Ouija board or tarot cards, can trigger this spirit in your life. Rebellion, witchcraft, occult practices, and black arts all flow from this spirit. Curses follow involvement in these practices.


  1. The spirit of sexual immorality called harlots or prostitutes (HOS. 4:12),

This insidious spirit is often passed down as a chain, and the victim often becomes the perpetrator later. It can come from childhood exposure to sex, whether from molestation or pornography from family or friends. These spirits hide their plan to mock God through distorted sexuality in terms such as feminism, tolerance, and gender equality. But these are all attempts to mock God. Liberated sexuality hides perversion. The religion of this spirit is the religion of sex - sex with a purpose. It is sex that insults those created in the image of God and is designed to mock their creator. Lust, adultery, pornography, rape, incest, pride and love of the world are all characteristics of this demon. Sexual addiction is also a result of this perverted spirit.


  1. The spirit of bondage - an addictive spirit


This spirit is often accompanied by a spirit of fear (Romans 8:15) and is often rooted in rejection. It is as prevalent in the body of believers as it is around the world. Those who struggle with addictions often feel separated from true love. Love satisfies, but desire is never satisfied. Addictions of all kinds, bulimia, anorexia, bad relationships, codependency and other obsessive disorders are made worse by this demon.


  1. To the spirit of pride also known as Leviathan is often accompanied by a spirit of rebellion (Proverbs 16: 18-19).


This spirit often manifests itself in looking down on others, believing that you are better than another class of people, prejudice, conceit, inability to deal with your heart or listen to others when they are trying to help, feeling that you know more than others , arrogance, constantly being critical, bawdy and "show-off" behavior, gossiping about others and talking behind their backs. Contempt and mockery are manifestations of an evil spirit.


  1. Spirit of perversion (ls. 19:14).


According to Romans 1: 18-32 we see how disobedience can and does lead to a spirit of perversion taking over.

The spirit of perversion can manifest itself in many ways, such as sexual perversion, child abuse, pornography, incest, a dirty mind, chronic anxiety, walking in foolishness, twisting God's word, evil actions, abortion, a broken spirit, doctrinal error, and atheism. This spirit incites homosexuality, sexual perversion and abnormal actions.


  1. The Spirit of Antichrist (1 John 4: 3).


This demon takes away the glory of Christ by denying His Deity, claiming equal status. It denies the existence of God while hating Him (my assessment - admin).

The spirit of antichrist is the opposite of the Spirit of God, and thus rejects taking into consciousness one's sinful nature. It does not show sin.



  1. Spirit of depression or severity (ls. 61: 3).


The main source of entry for this spirit is prolonged, unresolved bitterness.

This spirit darkens the face; it causes hearts to be desolate. It darkens clear vision; it robs hope. It brings a heavy, oppressive feeling. It extinguishes faith. . Can be like a cloud hanging over a place. Causes isolation, steals love and makes you feel lonely. Depression, abnormal sadness, despair, hopelessness, self-pity, loneliness, unconfessed sin, and suicidal thoughts flow from this evil demon.


      10 The Spirit of Lies, one of Satan's favorite tools (1 John 4: 6).


This spirit often gains entrance through self-deception. From this divisive spirit comes moodiness, deception, bluff, mystification, deceit, unbelief, compromise, intellectualism, cults, flattery, and legalism.

7 ways to recognize a lying ghost:

  1. A lying spirit cannot understand the truth. (John 8: 43-45)
  2. A lying spirit denies the deity of Jesus Christ (that He is God). (1 John 2:22)
  3. The lying spirit stands with the majority opinion (the so-called spirit of authority). (2 Chronicles 18: 21a)
  4. A lying spirit acts unrighteously. (1 John 3: 7-8)
  5. A lying spirit does not listen to believers. (1 John 4: 5-6)
  6. A lying spirit speaks words that do not come true. (2 Chronicles 18:27)
  7. A lying spirit encourages people to destruction (harasses other believers). (2 Chronicles 18: 19-21)


  1. The spirit of jealousy, a spirit that destroys a relationship (Lev 5:14) Jealousy, anger, wrath, cruelty, suspicion, unnatural competition, insecurity, divorce, and division are the result of allowing this spirit in.


     12. The spirit of dementia or dreams (Rom. 11: 8). Constant fatigue, passivity, feeling like a flower and pitying this demon. When allowed to control itself, this spirit blocks success and brings weariness to life.


Typical symptoms of demonic activity

    • Uncontrollable feelings:
      • Enormous hatred or fear
      • Irrational guilt
    • Uncontrollable and disturbing thoughts:
      • Blasphemous thoughts against preachers or preaching the gospel and men of God
      • Scary dreams that cause feelings of terror
      • Lethal thoughts
      • Sharply low self-image
    • Abnormal medical problems:
      • Tremors
      • Pain, sharp without reason to abdomen or head
      • Sudden chills or overwhelming heat in the body
    • Dilemmas of cognition
      • A waste of time - power outages
      • A lot of sleepiness, but not on any medication around spiritual things
      • demonstration of extraordinary talents suddenly
      • voices that in your mind are not your own
      • supernatural events - disappearance of objects and other strange things
    • Many other symptoms of compression:
      • Accident tendencies,
      • Persistent depression, oppression and heaviness or sadness,
      • Negative talk,
      • Suicidal thoughts,
      • Chronic ailment,
      • Self-Destructive Thoughts,
      • Inability to concentrate or focus,
      • He is quick to dismiss or attack how he feels about others,
      • He feels like he has a band-aid around his head,
      • Extreme fear, anxiety phobias,
      • Abnormal, irrational loneliness,
      • Violent, reckless behavior (thrill seeker),
      • Hear the voices in your head,
      • Irrational guilt and shame or feelings of impurity,
      • Tormenting thoughts and images,
      • Addictions that control you (gambling, drugs, alcohol, shopping, pornography, masturbation, fantasy lust, etc.),
      • Mental illness,
      • Rejection, unworthiness, insecure feelings - you feel that you are invisible to everyone, even to God,
      • Attacked by sex demons during the night incubi and succubus spirits,
      • Constant confusion in thinking (sometimes difficulty remembering things),
      • Horrible nightmares that cause fear (often having demonic imagery),
      • Hatred and bitterness toward others without good reason,
      • Irrational and uncontrollable anger,
      • Willingness to do what is right (inability to do it),
      • Sudden changes in personality and attitude (severe contrasts - schizophrenic appears),
      • Obsessions with food - bulimia, anorexia nervosa,
      • Compulsive sexual sins (especially perversions),
      • Irrational laughter or crying,
      • Negative reactions to the name and blood of Jesus Christ (verbally or through body language),
      • Vulgar language and actions,
      • Waste of time (minutes to hours - you end up somewhere, not knowing how you got there - regularly doing things you have no memory of),
      • Extreme sleepiness around spiritual things such as reading the word, listening to the preacher, etc.
      • Demonstration of extraordinary skills in the occult (ESP or Telekinesis),
      • Supernatural experiences - hauntings, movement or disappearance of objects, and other strange manifestations,
      • Pain (without reasonable explanation - especially in the head and abdomen),
      • Failures or lost time,
      • Physical ailments alleviated by command of spiritual authority (epileptic seizure, asthma attacks, various pains),
      • Sudden interference with bodily functions (temporary) - buzzing in the ears, inability to speak or hear, sudden severe headache, hypersensitivity in hearing or touch, sudden chills or overwhelming heat in the body, numbness in the arms or legs, temporary paralysis, etc.
      • Enormous hostility or fear when meeting someone involved in liberation work,
      • Strong aversion to scripture reading and prayer (especially one-on-one),
      • Irrational laughter or crying,
      • Exhibitionist - you want to get naked and show it off,
      • Unusual interest in paranormal phenomena, the dark side,
      • Extreme anxiety (especially in a spiritual environment),
      • Agitation for no known reason, such as a feeling of wanting to break something or hurt someone.
      • Has sexual desire with someone of the same sex,
      • Constant feelings of worthlessness, shame, guilt, suicidal thoughts,
      • Disregarding physical appearance,
      • Disappearance of objects and then objects return,
      • Long-term illnesses.








Updated: 22 October 2019 — 18:40


Add a Comment
  1. Thanks for describing this topic, it's worth knowing!!!

  2. The spirit of impotence, the spirit of fear, the spirit of python...etc. - What a company!? And to think that, at the name of the carpenter's son from Nazareth, this whole shady company, whether they want it or not, must bend their knees, and if they don't have them, bend their will. Truly we have a mighty Advocate before the Father who is in Heaven.

    1. Thanks, although I wrote the text from another English language site earlier....
      You're a good resarch 🙂 .

  3. What concerns/affects me
    Irrational guilt
    Lethal thoughts
    Sharply low self-image
    voices that in your mind are not yours (probably)
    Suicidal thoughts
    Self-destructive thoughts
    Irrational feelings of guilt and shame or feelings of impurity
    Obsession with food (I used to eat one meal a day and it still seemed like too much)
    Unusual interest in paranormal phenomena, dark side (I used to have it, now I rather run away from it)
    Extreme anxiety (it happens)
    Has sexual desires with someone of the same sex (not necessarily strictly sexual, but I am strangely attracted to the same sex :/ )
    A constant feeling of worthlessness (maybe not constant, but it comes back to me every now and then)
    Bad with me?

      1. Encouraging, Peter...
        What does it look like for you?
        Please write a few sentences on this topic.

    1. Sviatoslav, you must struggle, as we all do. He who perseveres in the faith to the end will be saved 🙂 .

    2. Maybe wrong. As with many of us, and I would venture that to some degree with everyone. I can also relate a great many of the symptoms listed here to myself (and how many I have had in the past, I won't even mention).
      However, this shows us how much we can do on our own, and most of all, how baaaaar we need the Lord Jesus.
      When we ask Him, He frees us one by one from these and other ailments. He has overcome it all, and through Him you will also overcome.
      I really like your honesty, courage and awareness of evil. These qualities undoubtedly come from the Holy Spirit. And since the Holy Spirit is in you and the Savior says to you: "behold, I am with you all the days, until the end of the world," is it really that bad? No, it is just a trick and an illusion to get you down and out of the fight.
      God Himself is fighting for you, so think how precious you must be in His eyes. As long as we walk in this fallen world in these - sinful bodies, we are weak and vulnerable to the manipulations of the evil one. But when we turn to the Lord Jesus, His power begins to overcome the evil in and around us. So put on the full armor of God, Sister, and stand to fight alongside the Savior. And don't give up 🙂 .

      I bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus.

      1. Boro, Jarek, thank you also for this encouragement, by the way, you have built me up more than once with your comments, and not only you ... ? God bless you ?
        Swietoslaw, I would like to add that I was comforted today by chapter 5 of Mark's gospel, maybe it will help you too? God's blessing for you?

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