Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

U.S. evangelicals are more concerned about health care, economics than religious freedom.

A new survey found that Americans with evangelical beliefs are more politically concerned about health care and economic issues than they are about issues typically associated with evangelical political engagement, such as religious freedom and abortion.


"Our respondents surprised us by how little they cared about stereotypically evangelical causes," Georgetown University professor Paul Miller wrote in a white paper analyzing the survey results released by the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.


It is strange that such a result surprises Professor Miller. American evangelicals are more lukewarm than Polish Catholics.

This is my personal view based on observation and not research. Although, on the other hand, I also get an overview of people on the blog and am familiar with forums and feeb groups.




LifeWay Research released a new ERLC-sponsored survey this month examining U.S. evangelicals' views on politics, social civility and their engagement with those who hold opposing political ideas.


The survey was conducted last November and included responses from 1,317 evangelical respondents who were screened to distinguish between respondents with evangelical beliefs (933) and respondents who identified themselves as evangelical Christians (1001).

Respondents were asked to identify three public policy issues that "are most important to you."

The most important response for both self-identified evangelicals and respondents with evangelical beliefs was "healthcare" (51 percent). The second most common response (49 percent for self-identified and 46 percent for evangelicals) was "economics."

As far as social welfare is concerned Polish evangelicals probably have some idea about economy. The author of one of the best economics vlogs Robi nas w konia is a Catholic and also gathers Catholics.

My blog is most likely the only evangelical site that touches on economics. In my estimation, this lack of interest by Protestants in economics is due to denominational doctrines.

One of the first heresies I heard in church was "don't be interested in politics." At the time, I was still subject to the spirit of authority and those words had been swirling around in my head for some time.

Why should we not be interested in politics according to some pastors and elders of the church? I think that the reason is to come to the truth about how pastors play politics (vide Evangelical Alliance).



Forty percent of those with evangelical beliefs identified "national security," while 43 percent of self-identified evangelicals did the same. Forty-one percent of self-identified evangelicals identified "immigration" as an issue important to them, while 39 percent of respondents with evangelical beliefs did the same.


In "our" country, the average evangelical is not interested in the immigration problem. They already live in heaven until Poland becomes France.


Only 33 percent of both self-identified evangelicals and respondents with evangelical beliefs identified "religious freedom" as an issue important to them.


Only 1/3 thought religious freedom was important. Failure. The US is already sold out to the antichrist....


Twenty-nine percent of evangelicals by belief highlighted "abortion" as an issue important to them, while 28 percent of self-identified evangelicals said the same.

Only four percent of both groups of respondents identified "LGBT rights" as a political issue important to them. 

In Poland the situation is the opposite for Catholics. At least those faithful to the church. Although the pope is a false prophet, Polish Catholics have a clear stance on LGBT and it is an important social issue for them.


Americans believe the discovery may come as a surprise, given that prominent conservative evangelical leaders are regular participants in media discussions as to their positions on sexuality and abortion.

The survey indicates that evangelicals consider several issues related to who they vote for.

Less than 10 percent of respondents surveyed said their support for a political candidate "depends primarily on one issue." Eight out of 10 respondents surveyed said their support depends on "several issues."




Although most said their support depended on "several issues," respondents with evangelical beliefs were more likely (52 to 48 percent) to "agree" that they would "only support a candidate who wants to make abortion illegal."

The study also suggests that evangelicals are less concerned about other causes considered important to followers of Christ who teach how to feed the hungry and clothe the poor.

Twenty percent of self-identified evangelicals identified "providing for the needy" as an issue of political importance to them, while 22 percent of respondents with evangelical beliefs said the same.


Only 18 percent of self-identified evangelicals identified "addressing the racial divide" as an issue important to them, while 21 percent of evangelicals by conviction said the same.

Miller emphasized in his white paper that across racial and ethnic lines, the poll shows that white evangelicals tend to have a different "set of political priorities" than nonwhite evangelicals.

"White evangelicals are far more likely to list abortion, religious liberty, national security or immigration as a major issue than African-American evangelicals or black Protestants," Miller added.


It follows that truth has skin color and ethnicity......



Evangelicals are increasingly associated in the media with Donald Trump's presidency and social conservative principles. But the survey shows that less than half (48 percent) of respondents from the evangelical faith consider themselves Republicans, while only 50 percent of self-identified evangelicals consider themselves members of the GOP.


As many as thirty-one percent of respondents with evangelical beliefs said they were Democrats and 18 percent said they were independents. Five percent of respondents with evangelical beliefs said they are affiliated with another party or are not sure which party they are affiliated with.



62% respondents with evangelical beliefs who voted said they voted for Trump in the 2016 presidential election. For self-identified evangelicals who voted, there was not much difference, as 64 percent said they voted for Trump.




Meanwhile, 31 percent of respondents with evangelical beliefs who voted said they voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, and 27 percent of self-identified evangelicals said the same.


The scale of deception is colossal... It's sad to read the results of these polls.



Among white respondents with evangelical beliefs who voted, 80% said they voted for Trump in 2016, And 76% self-identified white evangelicals who voted said the same.

"The results of this voting project were sometimes encouraging, often surprising, and in some cases very upsetting," ERLC President Russell Moore said in a statement . "This survey clearly shows that there are forces that drive the church apart. That shouldn't surprise us. But it should convince us. "

The survey's margin of error is 3.6 percentage points for respondents with evangelical beliefs and a margin of error of 3.2 percentage points for evangelicals


It makes me wonder if evangelical analysts of these studies are waking up or playing surprised. What are American churches missing?

Parting with edomitism and an interest in truth.

My blog stands in opposition to ecumenical and lukewarm churches. I do not identify with them. I do not identify with such churches, which is why I am not surprised by the results of the US survey.


People go to churches to experience the thrill of a concert or a techno trance disco. The truth does not matter to them. The important thing is to feel good.




Updated: 2 October 2019 — 19:45


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  1. Interesting...too bad people don't see how all these things are important...because what good is a super functioning economy and good health care (although you know how it is in the US - if you don't have money for medical treatment, that's a problem...) if there is no religious freedom? :/
    Balance (conceived in God's way, of course) is important....

  2. Since you're writing about try to be fair: don't confuse the terms evangelicals and evangelicals, because there's a big difference. This is first of all. Second, Polish evangelical churches have a very unambiguous and biblical stance on LGBT, as demonstrated by the March 2019 declaration/letter.

    1. The whole Evangelical Alliance works with Rome. Are you pretending not to know, or are you actually unaware of Polish pseudo-Protestantism?

      1. I am very aware. What does it mean to cooperate? Are some Catholic doctrines of faith adopted, e.g. regarding purgatory, the cult of saints, salvation by works, the cult of Mary? Does the Alliance impose anything on its members? The Warsaw Baptists, for example, have left ecumenism and have not experienced any negative consequences on this account. There is no KRK in the Polish Ecumenical Council.

        1. Ecumenism is not about changing the faith of a religion, but about uniting all pagan religions.
          You are clever, but the Spirit of Truth is cleverer.
          For now you can see on Facebook which pastor is cooperating has deviates in his friends.

          You are misinformed:

          Speaking of Israel because I am not in the habit of arguing and if you acknowledge the Scriptures then one verse will suffice:

          "Did you see what Israel the Adversary did? He went to every high mountain and under every green tree and practiced harlotry there. 7 I thought: After all he has done, he will return to Me; but he has not. And his wicked sister Judah saw it. 8 She saw that for all the acts of harlotry committed by Israel the Devil, I had rejected him, giving him a letter of divorce. Jeremiah 3.

          Another question is the origin of the present day Jews who are clumping together from the Edomites and Khazars... You will know them by their fruits: ecumeny, support of USRAEL wars, bankster: Rotchilds,

          Mr. Tom, may Jesus Christ bless you and give you all peace and love.
          I sincerely wish you all the best.

          1. I also wish you all the best, but I'm afraid that if someone doesn't see the fruits of this Israel then no matter how hard you try you won't be convinced. It's a bit like with the "anti-Pavlovians".
            For me it is Jesus Christ who holds me upright, not people who have sincerely hated Him for 2 thousand years 🙂 (at least those in power, because I don't want to throw everyone into the cauldron, the Talmud has nothing to do with Our God)
            With God (of the Bible :)!

            1. You may be right Boro, but I always see a glimmer of hope that will one day turn into light.

  3. An exchange of views is not a quarrel, so I trust you won't gag me and post my response - after all, you encourage discussion yourself.
    St. Paul wrote:
    1 I ask therefore: Has God rejected his people? By no means! For I am an Israelite*, a descendant of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God has not rejected his people, whom he chose centuries ago. Do you not know what the Scriptures say about Elijah, how he complains to God about Israel?
    Has Israel ceased to be the chosen people?
    Every election, accomplished by the will of God, involves the setting of a task. For Israel it reads: "To become a people who are His exclusive possession". (Deuteronomy 14:2). But when the Son of God came to "his own property, ... his own did not receive him" (Jn 1:11). (J 1, 11). Despite this, God did not reject His people as a whole (Rom 11:1-2). St. Paul proves this point. He claims that God has left a remnant "chosen by grace". Although the rest have fallen into hardness (v. 7), they have not completely fallen (v. 11). Furthermore, their fall promotes the conversion of other nations who have been accepted by God because of faith (v. 20). What Israel has been chosen for is not accomplished by the whole community until "the fullness of the Gentiles enters the church" (w. 25). Then they too will enter "for the gifts of grace and the call of God are irrevocable" (w. 29).

    As for the Polish Christian Forum - thanks for the link, everyone can check it and see what this "ecumenism" is about. I was referring strictly to the Polish Ecumenical Council and there is no KRK there.
    I also salute you and wish you spiritual growth in truth.

    1. I won't "gag" as long as you don't have bad intentions. As you can see I am publishing your comment.

      The Lord Jesus said that salvation takes, begins with the Judeans and yes God did not reject the Judeans under Herod the Edomite. Those who were willing were converted.
      Now there is a new covenant and the divorce letter from God is in effect.
      No longer is there a Judean or a Greek.

      "'That they may become a people who are His exclusive possession' (Deuteronomy 14:2)"

      It's history now.

      "Despite this, God has not rejected His people as a whole ("

      Let's read with context:

      " (2) God has not rejected His people, whom He chose before the ages. Do you not know what the Scriptures say about Elijah, how he complains before God about Israel? (3) Lord, they killed your prophets, they overturned your altars. I alone am left, and they are seeking my life. (4) But what does God's answer say to him? I am left with seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal. (5) Thus, even in this present time, only the remnant chosen by grace remains."

      The remnant that Isaiah foretold was absorbed into the NEW spiritual Israel. If this Israel is important in God's eyes, the national one, it means that ours is not important and we are still Gentiles. But the truth is that the present Israel is the synagogue of Satan, which the Lord Jesus spoke about in the apocalypse.

      "until the fullness of the Gentiles enters the Church""

      The rest of the Gentiles had long since entered. After all, God will not wait for the next generation. He who was to be converted will be converted. Looking at it this way, we can wait even 100 years or 1000 years because there will always be someone born. There will always be new generations of haters.

      If you support this usurper Israel you will be accountable to God for your complicity, for God has NEVER had regard for the individual as the history of Israel itself shows. Those who did not disassociate themselves from evil ended badly. in love I warn you.

      I.e. the network of connections, which I will show on the example of Mr. Wichary in a moment in a separate entry.

      1. So let everyone stand by their own.
        From myself, I highly recommend that you and your readers carefully read Paul's letter to the Romans chapter 11.

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