There is so much bad news from the world that I can't keep up with writing. This news can be depressing, but after all, we should be making merry. The legal basis for weddings 🙂 :
"25 There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars, and on earth the terror of nations helpless against the noise of the sea and its tempest. 26 People will faint with fear, in anticipation of earth-threatening events. For the powers of heaven will be shaken7. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud8 With great power and glory. 28 And when it starts happening, get your spirit up and lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near».” Łk.
We are approaching that time, for as it was in the days of Sodom so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
There is much comfort in Isaiah 35. Some has already happened and some is yet to happen:
(1) Let the desert cheer up And parched earth; let the steppe rejoice and blossom! (2) Let it bloom like goldenrod and rejoice, let him rejoice And he gives a joyful shout! The glory of Lebanon will be given to him, the splendor of Carmel and Saron; they will see the glory of the Lord, the magnificence of our God. (3) Strengthen the drooping arms and power the fainting knees! (4) Say to the troubled in heart, Be strong, do not be afraid! Behold your God! God's vengeance is coming, God's retribution! He himself is coming and will deliver you! (5) Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will also be opened. (6) Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will speak joyfully, for waters will gush out in the desert and streams in the steppe. (7) The scorched sandy earth will turn into a pond, and the waterless land into rivulets; there will be room for reeds and rushes in the jackals' lair. (8) And there will be a beaten path, called the Holy Way. The unclean shall not walk in it; it shall be for his pilgrims only. Even the foolish will not stray from it. (9) There will be no lion there, and the beast of prey will not walk on it; it will not be met there. But the redeemed shall walk therein. (10) And they shall return redeemed by the Lord, and shall go up to Zion with joyful singing. Eternal joy will shroud their heads, they will receive joy and gladness, and care and sighing will disappear. Isaiah 35
Are you feeling the vibe?
Strengthen the drooping arms and power the fainting knees! (4) Speak to the anxious in your heart: Be strong, do not be afraid! Behold your God!
Jest tez obietnica przy naszej bezsilności przed szajką z Rzymu i ich masonami”:
Vengeance is coming, God's retribution! He himself is coming and will deliver you!
But Jesus has already saved us from evil ways, redeemed us from the death of the second. So the success of the present people against God is apparent it is such a swan song.
What comforting words:
And there will be a beaten path, called the Holy Way. The unclean shall not walk in it; it shall be for his pilgrims only. Even the foolish will not stray from it. (9) There will be no lion there, and the beast of prey will not walk on it; it will not be met there. But the redeemed shall walk therein. (10) And they shall return redeemed by the Lord, and shall go up to Zion with joyful singing. Eternal joy will cover their heads, they will receive joy and gladness, and care and sighing will disappear
Bóg jest dobry i on wybawia. Można by zacytować Psalm “choćbym szedł ciemną doliną”, ale wystarczy przypomnieć uzdrowienie sparaliżowanego. Nie wiem czy kiedyś byliście sparaliżowani, ale ja miałem namiastkę w te wakacje o czym pisałem, jak to przepuklina lędźwiowa unieruchomiła mnie. Przy okazji dziękuję za modlitwy i podpowiedzi, za polecane zioła itp. Chcę tylko powiedzieć/napisać, że Bóg uzdrawia i zbawia. Zbawia od złego, zbawia od śmierci drugiej i wyciąga z obozu jenieckiego, od diabła.
The prophecies from Isaiah were being realized:
"Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will also be opened. (6) Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will speak joyfully, for waters will gush out in the desert and streams in the steppe. "
An example from Luke's gospel:
And it came to pass one day while he was teaching, and the Pharisees and the teachers of the law were sitting there, who came from all the villages of Galilee and Judah and Jerusalem, and in him was the power of the Lord to heal, (18) That behold, men carried a paralyzed man on a bed, and sought to bring him up and lay him before them, (19) And not finding a way to bring him up because of the crowd, they climbed up on the roof and through the overhang lowered him and his bed inside before Jesus himself. (20) And when he saw their faith, he said: Man, your sins are forgiven you. (21) Then the scribes and Pharisees began to wonder and say, Who is this that blasphemes? Who can forgive sins if not God alone? (22) And Jesus knew their thoughts, and answering, said to them: What is this that you are considering in your hearts? (23) Which is easier, to say, Your sins are forgiven you, or to say, Arise and walk? (24) But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, He said to the paralyzed man: I say to thee, Arise, take up thy bed, and go to thy house. (25) And immediately he arose before them, and picked up that on which he lay, and went away to his house, praising God. (26) And amazement swept over all, and they praised God, and were full of fear, saying, Amazing things we have seen today.
Not one Christ-follower has experienced both physical healing and spiritual healing.
I believe that we Christ-followers rarely enjoy salvation itself. We do not rejoice in the giving of debt. We complain like the Israelites, and yet:
Lord, you have shown favor to your land, You have changed Jacob's fate. (3) You have forgiven the guilt of your people, You have covered all their sins. Sela. (4) Thou hast appeased all thy anger, Thou hast given up the fierceness of thy wrath. (5) Grant us restoration, O God of our salvation, And forsake Thy wrath upon us! (6) Will you be angry with us forever, Will you extend your anger to all generations? (7) Wilt thou not revive us again, That thy people may rejoice in thee? (8) Show us your grace, O Lord, and give us your salvation! (9) Now I would like to hear what God, the Lord, says: Verily, he proclaims peace to his people and to his faithful ones, Lest they turn back to their foolishness. (10) Surely salvation is near For those who fear him, That his glory may dwell in our land. (11) That grace and faithfulness may meet, And justice and peace kiss. (12) Faithfulness will spring up from the earth, And righteousness will come forth from the heavens. (13) The Lord will also grant prosperity and our land will yield its harvest. (14) Righteousness shall walk before him And mark the way of his steps. Palm 85
It is our pride that drowns out the message of the forgiveness of sins. We fail to see freedom by constantly complaining. We are free from the Law of sin and death.
We have Jesus. I remember when I lived on a housing estate my boyfriends and I used to brag about knowing our older friends and some even the little estate thugs. It was a sense of pride.
But it is nothing to know Kaczynski, Tusk, or Trump himself compared to knowing Jesus. No politician has the power to deliver from the snare of the Evil One. Only Jesus does. Not only that, but we receive new homes for our conversion:
” W My Father's house is apartments many. Gdyby tak nie było, to bym wam powiedział”
Housing not threatened by the cadastral tax of banksters, IHSers and other sick Freemasons.
Not only that.
“«Oto przybytek Boga z ludźmi:
and will live with them,
And they will be His people,
a On będzie “BOGIEM Z NIMI”2.
4 And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
and death will be no more from now on.
No mourning, no screaming, no hardship
will be [henceforth] no more,
bo pierwsze rzeczy przeminęły”
There will be no more pharmaceutical corporations, GMOs, or oncology. Will not this world be wonderful? There will be no lying priests of either the left or the right.
“Zwycięzca to odziedziczy
and I will be God to him,
and he will be a son to me3.
8 And for cowards, unbelievers, abominations, murderers, debauchees, guilters, idolaters, and all liars:
participation in a lake burning with fire and brimstone.
To jest śmierć druga».”
Praise God in Jesus' name.
When I read this text I had tears because it is wonderful and how it would relate to me because I also do not have an easy time with the apartment, my wife and I are constantly moving from one apartment to another and so already the fifth and my hands and knees are falling down. But praise Jesus that I could find such a site as yours, Mr. Peter, God bless you and everyone on this blog.
I will pray for you David.
I give thanks for all the fellowship in Christ. God's gift.
How wonderful! Praise God! ?????
Peter, more lyrics like that. That's great. We need to encourage each other. ?
to prawda, musimy się pokrzepiać wzajemnie, bo wszyscy jesteśmy doświadczani…
Beautiful ❤️
Czasem mam tak, że jestem smutny i nagle zaczynam się śmiać bo przypomina mi się, że te wszystkie problemy jakie czasem się przytrafiają są zupełnie niczym bo jestem zbawiony. Że jeszcze trochę, że wystarczy jeszcze niedługi czas poczekać aż usłyszę “błogosławiony wejdź do przybytku Ojca mego” i to wszystko się skończy. Poczekać zupełnie tak jak uczeń czeka w szkole na ostatni dzwonek kończący ostatnią lekcje. Kazdy z nas chodzil kiedys do szkoly i czekal na ostatni dzwonek. I się go doczekał 🙂 Czymże jest jeszcze jakiś ograniczony czas na tej ziemi w stosunku do wieczności? Jeszcze tylko krótki czas. Piękny tekst autorze.
P.S. In my opinion, and I suspect not only in my opinion, if there is so much news from the world your articles can be even sometimes shorter so that we can hear more of them.
Thank you for this edifying text in the Name of Jesus Christ our Deliverer!!! I bless you with His Holy Name. David give everything to jesus, I know it's hard because my husband and I are going through such difficulties now and I understand you, it's easy to say that but I confirm that our God never left me!!! And He will not leave you, just trust Him with your ways 🙂 .
Well that's a real Truth Detective, that's what I've been missing on this blog for a while, praise Jesus.
Thank you for this very uplifting post 🙂 . Joy in the Lord is important and really pleasant to experience and we should try to have it always (Philippians 4) . Indeed, sometimes we look at unpleasant things or think that something is missing, could be better and unnecessary sadness and fear for the future comes from that. I have a tendency to do exactly that, because I had a great emptiness in my heart before, and the demands I had imposed by my parents I took as a responsibility only on myself, living in a stressful and worldly life, and I took my parents' dissatisfaction firmly to heart and there was only sorrow in my heart.
Each of us has some scars left, but we should not scratch them, because then we can get some infection in our hearts. After all, so many works of God are beautiful, and God through Jesus Christ can support us and give us so much that it is incomparably greater than all the treasures of this world. When we are wounded, attacked, the Lord is our physician and comforter. After all, in weakness, when we have a difficult, troubling situation, we can become strong, as Paul wrote about in I Corinthians chapter 12. In heaven there will already be eternal rest and joy with the Lord Jesus ? .
14 Having therefore a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast the confession.
15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one experienced in all things as we are, except in sin.
16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Heb. 4:14-16
Praise God through Jesus Christ for his great love and grace to us ? .