Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Monsters from the Apocalypse in the Cathedral Basilica in Kolobrzeg.

As I promised, I am fulfilling my obligations by making available a film that I shot in Kołobrzeg a few weeks ago, and this would be the end of films from the coast.


As the Mantikora of the apocalypse is faintly visible in the video I am also posting a photo of these monsters:




If you know any interesting places worth filming, and they have not been filmed so far or without the complete truth, please write in an email or in the comments.



Shabbat Shalom.

Good rest in the Lord and tranquility above all.





If you'd like to support me then I'll provide the transfer details:


Recipient: Peter


in the title: "selfless donation for admin of"





account no: 03102026290000910204005278


Thank you all in Jesus' name.






Updated: 6 September 2019 — 20:48


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  1. Kolobrzeg!!!
    My Revs ☺.
    I was born there.
    Tam jest mój “dom”.
    Tam miałem “sakramenty”.

    1. Tomek, this is also my area, because I come from the vicinity of Kołobrzeg,
      I also lived in Kołobrzeg for 2 years and I served in the army there for a year and a half.
      I have a great fondness for this city and may return there someday.
      This video from Kolobrzeg is a surprise for me. Thank you:)

  2. Many people will say that these are some kind of fairy tales, well who would believe that there are some monsters with a human face?

    Tymczasem na Ziemi, razem z nami na tej jednej ziemi żyją zwierzęta tak dziwne, o których istnieniu większość ludzi nie ma pojęcia i gdyby ich uświadomić, to nie uwierzą, że coś takiego istnieje. Nie znamy wszystkich zakamarków Ziemi, a ileż dziwacznych istot musi być pod wodą! Więc co to taki potwór z Apokalipsy? 🙂 Skoro ludzie nie dostrzegają jak dziwne i skomplikowane byty ich otaczają, które nawet mogą zobaczyć na własne oczy, to jak mogą uwierzyć w potwory, których nikt nie widział…
    Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed 🙂 .

  3. I would like to have a friend or a girlfriend but I don't know how or where to look for them.

    1. Masz przyjaciela – Pana Jezusa. I lepszego na świecie nie znajdziesz.

    2. You'll find a friend, but you won't find a girlfriend if you're not outstandingly handsome.
      Tough times have come, girls, women are put on a pedestal, they are someone better than men.
      At least in PL that's how it is, if you are not physically attractive to women, then even the uglier, unkempt women don't want to have a good contact with you. Of course I don't want to generealize there are some exceptions, but it rarely happens.
      Abroad, supposedly this is not the way to treat another person, people are more kind, helpful towards each other.

      In Jesus Christ have a friend, for He is the One true who will never betray you.

    3. I have the same problem, I would also like to have someone, a friend I don't know. But I still won't have anyone.

      1. Don't think like that. There are many of us. If you want, write me back.

      2. Nikt – możemy się zapoznać jeśli chcesz 🙂 Mogę podać maila, mogę zainstalować jakiś komunikator, chętnie porozmawiam bo sama nie mam za bardzo z kim rozmawiać.

        1. That's right. Catch contacts with each other. Let me quote 1 Thessalonians 5:
          “Dlatego zachęcajcie się wzajemnie i budujcie jedni drugich… pocieszajcie małodusznych, przygarniajcie słabych…. W każdym położeniu dziękujcie, taka jest bowiem wola Boża w Jezusie Chrystusie względem was. Ducha nie gaście, proroctwa nie lekceważcie! Wszystko badajcie, a co szlachetne – zachowujcie! Unikajcie wszystkiego, co ma choćby pozór zła.”

          1. I think if we don't start meeting and bonding in community it will be hard. By the way, I am thinking more and more about baptism. Both mine and my loved ones'. My youngest was not baptized in Catholicism and I wonder if it is good that he is not baptized. On the other hand, I am in favor of consciously accepting it. However, a doubt enters my heart. I know that it is written in Paul that the faith of the parents sanctifies the children. I think this is an important topic to discuss, because it has been keeping me up at night lately.

            1. I believe that you should be baptized Luke but you cannot baptize the children because they are ignorant and as you yourself wrote the faith of the parents sanctifies the CHILDREN.

              1. I think so too. Does anyone recommend any church in Warsaw? I was thinking about ad7, but when I see ekumenie I get discouraged, so to speak. When it comes to fellowship, I'm always afraid that I'll be disappointed, and I feel that I need it.

                1. I'm hearing more and more about the evil in AD7, but I would suggest going to church and getting to know the people and getting out in time

          2. You can write to me, too, because there are few believers around me 🙂 Is it possible to give an official email like that?

        2. you can if you want to give an email or something c:

        3. How about a conversation on the phone?

          1. only text messages, my phone calls eat up my money
            You can write to

            1. Well.
              I knew it would.

                  1. You know, I'll tell you that I, for one, used to enjoy writing in the comments. There used to be a little more conversation here on the blog, now it's a little empty, and up until maybe two years ago, it was bustling with life in the comments. Admin, what do you think about it? I may be sentimental, but there are not many conversations on the blog today. In the past there were less new posts and a lot of time could be spent under the text. This is missing. And on the forums I forgot all the passwords, so I do not know what even there.

                  2. More people wrote this way, but many were lukewarm. Since I emphasized that God's Law is important, people started to leave. Charismatics also stopped writing.
                    With the entry stats being the same. Just fewer new people posting.
                    There were more arguments before, too.
                    It also averages the same on the final descent.
                    I'm sure a significant number of old readers read me. The part attacking me in the past is simply embarrassed to admit it.

                    I don't care about quantity. I was even about to turn off comments but there is relative peace so it is what it is.

                  3. Go to the mailbox, I wrote

  4. Hello !
    “Dlatego każdego według jego postępowania będę sądził, domu izraelski – mówi Wszechmocny Pan. Nawróćcie się i odwróćcie od wszystkich waszych przestępstw, aby się wam nie stały pobudką do grzechu! Odrzućcie od siebie wszystkie swoje przestępstwa, które popełniliście przeciwko mnie, i stwórzcie sobie nowe serce i nowego ducha! Dlaczego macie
    die, house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in death
    śmiertelnika, mówi Wszechmocny Pan. Nawróćcie się więc, a żyć będziecie!”

    Greetings in God and Christ the Son

  5. Russian-leaning channel wRealu24 warned of Trump's "invasion.",132726.html

  6. Pewnie to nie jest istotne, ale chcę napisać, że ostatnio w nocy trafiłam na filmik gdzie występowała mała dziewczynka w programie Ellen DeGeneres. Na początku dziewczynka dziękuje Jezusowi, że może wystąpić w programie, a na koniec jest jej pokaz taneczny, gdzie tańczy do rapu, w którym występują słowa takie jak: Lucyfer, Jupiter, Saturn i przekleństwa. I niech ktoś mi powie, że to nie było celowe…

    1. They increasingly mix Jesus with Lucifer so that there is no difference.
      Eventually all religions will be united, with half of them accepting the name of Jesus: Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox and Sunni.

  7. Regarding Apocalypse, they are slowly getting the masses used to it being as obvious as paying with your face or hand 😉
    Od 14 września zmiany w bankowości (Unia narzuca). I tak w banku millenium logujemy się cyt. “W aplikacji natomiast za pomocą ustalonego w procesie aktywacji kodu PIN, odcisku palca bądź poprzez usługę FaceID, na modelach telefonów wyposażonych w tę funkcję.”
    The mark of the beast on the forehead or hand is slowly coming. With 5G network and ubiquitous scanners, phone will no longer be needed to pay. A hand and forehead will be enough 😉 Fortunately, only 3.5 years max.

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