Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The lambent determination of Jesus, his disciples, and all who follow Jesus.

In the 14th chapter of the book of Exodus, there is a command to make a tent out of sheepskins:

(14)Zrobisz też nakrycie na namiot ze skór baranich barwionych na czerwono i nakrycie ze skór borsuczych na wierzch.”


Jesus, as creator, marked all that He should mark in symbols in the Torah. One such symbol is the very tent made of sheepskins.

Why rams? What is the nature of rams?

While looking for materials for this text I came across a very interesting Big Brother type reality show, but in animal version.


 Tym razem internauci podglądali nie ludzi, lecz stado owiec. Życiem dwóch baranów – Josipa i Vjerana – oraz pięciu owieczek – Nevinki, Prozerpiny, Stasy, Tihany i Veselki – przez 10 dni emocjonowały się dziesiątki tysięcy widzów. Na stronie można było przez 24 godziny na dobę przyglądać się temu, co siódemka zwierzaków wyczynia w zagrodzie. Jedyny kontakt ze światem stanowił dla owiec Wielki Brat. Był nim oborowy, podający karmę i dbający o czystość w obejściu. Po zażartym boju wyłoniono zwycięzcę. Został nim baran Josip, na którego oddano aż 3 tys. 313 głosów.


What transpired after this show which is also a case study. Well, rams turned out to be animals that are sensitive and have a rich emotional life, a A sheep can remember the appearance of as many as 50 other sheep and retain that knowledge for at least 2 years.


One more tidbit from this link.


In February of this year, Alessandra Mussolini used them in her actions. The Italian activist in the company of sheep manifestowała w Rzymie pod siedzibą dyrekcji RAI – włoskiej telewizji publicznej. Domagała się czasu antenowego – w ramach kampanii wyborczej – dla jej partii Alternatywa Społeczna. Wnuczka niesławnej pamięci Benito Mussoliniego, idąc w ślady dziadka, założyła własną partię neofaszystowską.

The sheep, contrary to popular opinion about their stupidity and docile nature, did not want to cooperate with the head of the Social Alternative. In spite of what Mussolini said about treating citizens in Italy like flocks of sheep, the two sheep led by her on a string broke out showing their horniness of character.


I have been interested in astrology for a long time and have been very good at it and omeg with full conviction to write that despite the biblical prohibition to be interested in astrology, the teachings in it work and are secondary to what God created.

Zodiac Aries are stubborn and very determined.

Sometimes with my family I watch this following video to cheer my heart.




It was Jesus who created the rams and not astrologers their nature.

Aries are warlike and those born again are focused on spiritual warfare.

Thus, Aries is a symbol of wariness, determination and tenacity in action.


So the covering of red rams' skins is a symbol of full devotion to the Father. This was a great determination, and this is what these Christ-followers have as well, who give themselves to the Father with all zeal and oppose religious systems as Jesus did.




Jesus' purpose was to be obedient to the Father, and like the sheep by Mussolini's granddaughter, he showed the character of a lamb by not getting into the bad company of the religious system.


“Pragnę czynić wolę twoją, Boże mój, A zakon twój jest we wnętrzu moim.” 


Today's secular law and Catholic-pastoral system has subverted God's Law.

Ale …”owce znają głos” Jezusa.


The Lord Jesus, disappointed with religion, announced in Ezekiel that he would take care of his sheep himself:


For thus saith the Almighty Lord, Behold, I myself will care for my sheep, and I will tend them. 
(Ezekiel 34:11



This tent is not only the character of the ram, but also the color red.


You'll also make a tent cover out of sheepskins dyed red.


You don't have to be a theologian to know that red symbolizes blood. The Lord Jesus was so categorical in doing the Father's will that He went to His death knowing what awaited Him. There were many times when He could have given up, such as during His conversation with Pilate.



“Nie zasłoniłem mojej twarzy 
from insults and spitting. 
The Lord God is helping me, 
which is why I'm insensitive to insults, 
therefore I have made my face like a stone 
i wiem, że wstydu nie doznam.” Izajasza 50.



This prophecy that the Lord Jesus spoke by the mouth of Isaiah was fulfilled. Spit upon, insulted He made His face like a boulder implacable in carrying out the Father's command.


” A Jesus, knowing all that was about to come upon him, went out to meet And he said to them: Whom seek ye? (5) Odpowiedzieli Mu: Jezusa z Nazaretu. Rzekł do nich Jezus: Ja jestem” Jana




People who have the nature of Jesus the lamb are not fighting against people, but against the religious system.



It is not the Catholics' fault that they are in an organization that is against God just as it is not the Protestants' fault that they are deceived by the ungodly teachings of their pastors.


Such persons were pre-Reformationists as Hus, Tyndale, and Wiclife.


Such are those who, seeing the evil of the world, do not enter into cooperation with Rome, and every evil. They do the Father's will uncompromisingly and consistently.


Praise the Lord Jesus!








Updated: 23 August 2019 — 11:57

1 Comment

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  1. Beautiful, I didn't know that ?
    określenie, jakie czasem ludzie rzucają do siebie w kłótni: “ty baranie” wzięło się jednak z tego, za jakie uważa się te zwierzaki, prawda?
    And then there's this interesting fact: (A public awareness campaign about road safety from a few years ago)

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