Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Why won't antipavlovians be saved?

I wasn't going to write, but I let myself be provoked. Maybe in the end and maybe not.


Używając określenia “antypawłowcy” mam na myśli osoby odrzucające listy Pawła.

Piszę o nich, ponieważ pewien osobnik o loginie Honorata powkładał mi szpilę. Jeszcze jako autorytet podaje człowieka, który uznał, że Jezus i diabeł to jedna i ta sama osoba. Porażka….


Why do I think that most antipavilionists will not be saved? In my opinion, it is mainly due to their rejection of this grace, which results in the character of a man with an ungrateful heart. On any ungrateful level, the Lord Jesus sacrificed Himself even though He didn't have to. That is grace.

If I help someone on the road tow a car, I am doing them a favor. I am doing something that I MUST NOT do.

In turn, he accepts the terms of my salvation (saving him from an unfavorable situation)

Za to – jeśli człowiek jest normalny i ma odrobinę dobrego serca  – staje się wdzięczny.


I have explained this many times, but the anti-Pavlovians are also carnal people to a large extent and cannot think logically. They base their faith on intellectual knowledge. I know conspiracies, I know about Protestantism it is saved.

This is the worst kind of people, because having some Bible knowledge there, they are convinced of their salvation, but in fact you will end up with Pope Francis in hell. Why might someone ask?

Well, because you do not use the language of love.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35


Sadly, you have no love in you, which is evident in any first-best approach to you.

You are spiritual bandits who, like Polish MPs, dress in suits and become statesmen. You, on the other hand, dressing yourselves up with the knowledge of the Bible and conspiracies, you pose as believers, but you have the devil under your skin.

The most harm was done to me on the Internet by the anti-Pavlovians.

You are driven by a spirit of pride, for you are not based on love for your neighbor, but for you the best verse is this one:


“Poznacie prawdę a prawda Was wyswobodzi”


Również z Jana… Nie z Pawła.

You think that this truth is conspiracies, but this truth is not conspiracies. That truth is love for your neighbor, that truth is the Jesus you have NEVER met.

You are the last people I would want as friends, but you read this blog regularly.

The very fact that the attacks occur frequently as I think about ending the activity shows what kind of spirit you have.

Such haters always become active at my potential demise like hyenas lurking for a dying animal.



You read the blog but have learned nothing from it because you are not saved. You have hardened hearts. You are not sanctifying yourselves.

This also applies to all who base their faith on knowledge.


You interpret your lack of understanding of Paul's letters as Paul's agent. With this approach, any student who does not understand an issue should conclude that the author of a book, a theory, is an agent. It's that simple and dismissive of thinking.

I too had a hard time understanding Paul's letters six years ago, but my desire to know God caused me to contrast Paul's letters with the other gospels, with the ST, and all is well.

You are terribly deluded in thinking that you, a handful of people basing their faith on conspiracies will be saved, while those obedient to God's Law and above all full of Christ's love will not be saved. Your pride surpasses the Eiffel Tower.

Even if the blog continues to exist, you are persona non grata here because this blog is for converts, not people full of venom and hate.


Jeszcze do czytelnika “Ewelina” i “Mateusz”, który wczoraj napisał do tekstu “Na rozdrożu”  jesteś zwykłym kłamcą podobnym do tych antypawłowców. Podajesz się raz za kobietę a raz za mężczyznę żeby dopiec, a biblii nie znasz wcale.

To właśnie przez takich bandytów duchowych tez pragnę zakończyć pisanie.  Możecie nawet celowo pisać paszkwile wy “zbawieni” ale inaczej, ale moja decyzja i tak będzie suwerenna.


Christianity in general is a very slimy subject. A MASS OF DELUDED PEOPLE.

To the enemies of the blog: if you have honor, and I believe you don't, just don't read it. Start understanding the grace of Jesus by being consistent. I don't read anti-Paul sites, or pastors who are ecumenical, or other deceivers.


Knowledge does not save. That's my guiding principle that I've been promoting for about 5 years now. Knowledge alone causes pride and it shows. Unconverted hearts hateful and hostile to people. Jealous and crippling.

I don't resent the attacking Catholics, but I do resent pseudo-Christianity.


As for the blog. Yes, in part I am sick of this spawn of the devil thinking he is saved.

Including a small but nevertheless part of evangelicals. God has no regard for denominations or individuals.


He who sins is a child of the devil, 
because the devil persists in sin from the beginning. 
The Son of God revealed himself for this purpose, 
To destroy the works of the devil. 
Everyone who is born of God, 
does not sin, 
For the seed of God abides in him. 1 John 3.


Lack of love causes sin. Lack of love toward God and toward neighbor. The entire Law is based on this principle. The first 4 commandments are love for God, the next are love for neighbor. which does not mean that is all that is important. Jesus to the rich young man keeping the 10 commandments told him to get rid of the spirit of mammon.



Privately, I have tested people filled with the Spirit of love. Not jealous of knowledge, not thick-skinned. But ones I can count on.

The Bible teaches us to recognize by its fruit, and that is what I advise all of you to do. Is someone bad? Walk away from him or she will chew you up and then spit you out.



Happy the husband who does not follow the advice of the wicked, does not go the way of sinners and does not sit in the circle of scoffers, (2) But he has pleasure in the Law of the Lord, and meditates on His Law day and night. (3) He is like a tree planted by flowing water, which bears fruit in its time, and its leaves do not wither: what it does, it brings forth successfully. (4) Not so wicked, not so: they are like the chaff that the wind sweeps away. (5) Toteż występni nie ostoją się na sądzie ani grzesznicy – w zgromadzeniu sprawiedliwych, (6) For the Lord acknowledges the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall be lost.Psalm 1.


Get away from bad people

and then no one gets dirty.


And please don't take my word for it that Jesus was among sinners, because he was, but only to change them, not to confirm them in their sins. Being in the same group with unconverted people, and what is worse, people who think they are saved but are not, is adding to their condemnation.

I renounce all hateful people on this blog. Just because you read the blog and make a personal Jesus doesn't mean we have a community of opinion and faith. I disassociate myself from every malicious person. Not just anti-Pavlovians but former acquaintances doing iniquity . Those who are in the midst of conspiracies and malice. I do not acknowledge you. You may read and draw from the fruits of the blog as from Jesus fruits anyone could draw or the apostles, but if you have evil hearts then I do not acknowledge you.




Updated: 13 July 2019 — 10:07
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