Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Madonna – “Jezus wspierałby kobiety dokonujące aborcji”.

Madonna, who grew up Catholic, wants to meet with Pope Francis to convince him that Jesus supports women's abortion rights.

Madonna grew up in Catholicism but was excommunicated from it.


But despite this, he uses Catholic imagery regularly because he feels a strong connection to Catholicism.

It's hardly surprising, after all, most of the stars of disco and other styles of music including metal were raised in Catholicism.


W 89 r nagrała song “Like a prayer” otwarcie zostało potępione  przez Watykan ze względu na sceny nagrywane w kościele….


To właśnie może przyprawić o śmiech. Nie o scenę plonącego krzyża poza kościołem, ale o sceny w kościele…



W piosence o ile tak to można nazwać “Holy water”  została również potępiona ponieważ porównywała swoje płyny ustrojowe do wody święconej. Znów nie o tekst, ale o wodę rzekomo święconą, a tekst brzmiał tak:


“Mogę dać Ci wszystko czego pragniesz
(Bitch, get off my pipe. Bitch, get off my pipe.)
You won't even get this in a luxury store
(Suko, złaź z mojej rury. Suko, złaź z mojej rury.)”


Here's what people who consider themselves Christians listen to. With that said, it's all the same whether it's pop or hip hop where they swear. People are in the clutches of the devil because they lack knowledge. It is probably even worse for those who, having knowledge, listen to swearing in songs. This is an example of loving music more than God.


Z kolei “Rebel Heart” naraziło ją na kłopoty ze względu na niewrażliwość religijną…


In God control Madonna, an illuminati prostitute argues that the creator opposes people wanting the right to own guns, that guns must be outlawed


Here's your wake-up call
We don't have to fall
A new democracy
God and pornography

A new democracy!

People think I'm crazy
The only weapon is the one in my brain
Every birth gives me hope
That's why I don't take those drugs



The music world is a very religious, believing world, except that they believe in Lucifer.


Madonna mówi, że “Autor Życia, Jezus Chrystus, aprobowałby zniszczenie życia poprzez aborcję”.


Madonna, 60, who is known for her provocative behavior and progressive beliefs, made the comments in an interview with Australian talk show host Andrew Denton to promote her new album.

The discussion turned to abortion and a woman's reproductive rights. Madonna said she would like to sit down with the pope and elaborate on "Jesus' point about women."

„Nie sądzisz, że Jezus zgodziłby się, że kobieta ma prawo wybrać, co zrobić ze swoim ciałem” – powiedziała.


Of course we know that the child's body is no longer her body.


Madonna also used the interview to promote women's rights, but also encouraging prostitution, which may soon be legalized in the United States.


„Możesz być głową państwa, a możesz być też prostytutką i oboje oni mają coś co można podziwiać” – powiedziała.


„Dla wszystkich tych rzeczy jest sztuka, a jedna praca nie jest lepsza od innej, a wszystkie kobiety, które wykonują te wszystkie rzeczy, powinny być oklaskiwane, szanowane i podziwiane, a jeśli tak właśnie postanowią” – podsumowała.


As we can see Madonna is the tube of the antichrist and one must not be indifferent to this. Look at it another way. She has hundreds of thousands of fans. My blog has let's say a few thousand views a day. I don't have any power of influence, and Madonna, speaking in this way, has an influence on the brains of perhaps even millions.

Within the first week, she sold a total of 95,000 copies of "Madame X" in the United States alone.

She's not just some Illuminati witch, but an influential person with a lot of opinion power.

From the Rebel Heart concerts alone, the last album's revenue was 169,804,336!!!


Therefore, get out of the fashion of this world from this Catholic Babylon. Stop listening to worldly music, watching worldly sports. It is better to move in nature. We are to cut ourselves off from this world.





Updated: 27 June 2019 — 20:33


Add a Comment
  1. Bóg zakazał zabijania, ale wspierałby kobiety dokonujące aborcji. Ciekawe. Może jeszcze niedługo powie, że Bóg jest kobietą, tak jak śpiewa popularna dzisiaj Ariana Grande… Wiadomo w kogo oni wierzą i do kogo się pewnie modlą.

    1. No właśnie… :/

  2. Videos with commentary will be?

  3. Massacre :/ I admit, I listen to music (although not Madonna), but I try to look more closely at the lyrics and performers, so as not to come across someone like her.

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