Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. This, in my opinion, is one of the biggest problems of people, that everyone wants to get to power and holy believe that it is he who is able to solve all the problems of the world, relying only on his mind. Most of these young politicians have never experienced poverty (poverty is a pathology and is very destructive) or some other extreme situation. They grew up in prosperity. And God and the Bible, God and the Bible is out, because they could not act according to their own desires, but in the Church they can do and say whatever they want and still say that this is God's will.

  2. PS. The Catholic religion has taught us to compare ourselves with other people, to see the sins of others and not our own, because how is it that I every Sunday in church, every day I pray to images, kneel before statues and it is I who is supposed to be bad. The truth is what God sees, but this truth no one wants to know, it is a curse for them, because in God's truth they will not find justification for themselves and their sins.

  3. When I created an account on Facebook, after a few minutes they blocked my account and something like this pops up: Account deactivated
    Your account has been blocked. If you have any questions or concerns, please go to our Frequently Asked Questions page here. What does this mean?

  4. You got banned on the day. Not bad ☺.
    Seriously, I don't know. I don't have pey, I mean, Facebook.

    1. Pytam się bo będę pracownikiem w McDonaldzie na stanowisku ekipy sprzątającej. Mam dylemat bo jednej strony obowiązuje zasada “kto nie pracuje ten niech nie je”, ale z drugiej strony pracując dla syjonistycznego baru niejako wspieram amerykańską okupację ekonomiczną. Kierowniczka prawdopodobnie będzie się mnie pytać dlaczego nie mam konta na Facebooku. Muszę jej coś powiedzieć.

      1. Maybe you gave false data? Sometimes they block if you try to cheat them 🙂 Well unless some time they verify.
        Pracą dla “systemu” to się nie przejmuj, bo w tych czasach raczej nie trafisz na chrześcijańskiego pracodawcę. Natomiast sam musisz być uczciwy i żyć w Prawdzie 🙂

        1. I gave true data

      2. Odnośnie McDonalda. Jest taj jak pisze Boro. Nie przejmuj się tym. Ważne, że masz tego świadomość. Nie będziesz robić nic złego tylko uczciwie zarobisz pieniążki. Co do fejsa. Też nie mam. Wielu ludzi nie ma i nie jest to “jeszcze” nic dziwnego. Jakby nie patrzeć, jest to trochę pożeracz czasu jak tv a do kontaktu z rodziną i znajomymi mam telefon. Jeżeli będzie to wymóg do Twojego zatrudnienia to pomogę Ci założyć konto. Założę przy okazji sobie. Będziesz moim pierwszym znajomym :).
        Keep your head up. Think positive. With the Lord God.

  5. Unfortunately, when someone doesn't have the Spirit they don't notice most bad things.
    I was like that too and no e.g. devils in a computer game bothered me.
    It's just now that it's hitting me very hard and I'm disgusted by it.
    By the way, I have attended both Catholic and Protestant masses and unfortunately people behave in a similar way. What the priest says is holy and no one turns critical thinking on and makes no effort to compare it with God's Word.
    Tak jak admin pisał. Jest to przejście z ławki do ławki. Trzeba samemu się “spocić z wysiłku” aby poznawać Boga 🙂

  6. Straszne…szkoda że to założył…

  7. If decent people sell hamburgers from MCDonald's I'll start going more often. 🙂

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