Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Confederation third force in Interia poll.

I present the results by province:





















In evaluating the above polls, one must take into account that this is an online poll. Admittedly, it is the most reliable one I could find, because of the necessity to give strict data, variables like age, sex, district. However, the village will vote mainly for PIS and partially for Komunicja Obywatelska (Civic Platform) because of the PSL running on their lists.

Certainly the result will be much lower for the Confederation and Spring, but even proportionally lowered it will still give third place to the Confederation, and Kukiz will be swept off the stage and maybe even Spring.

The condition? Self-discipline of the Confederate electorate.


It is also worth noting that the party of the nationalists steals percentage points not only from Kukiz, but also partly from PIS, since many voters expected more radical actions against the left.


Mr. Kukiz for 4 years has not shown to fight for the good for the people of Poland, which the Confederacy uses heavily and that is how it should be in any normal country. Have they not proven themselves? Goodbye. After all, we are the ones who support them.


On the other hand, TVP info, or in fact TVP PIS, does not even mention the confederation:


W zasadzie jedynym punktem programu wyborczego Komunicji Obywatelskiej (komuna – milicja) jest antyklerykalizm, na którym podnosi notowania także inny bezbożny człowiek – R. Biedroń.


If you would like to participate in the poll you can do so here:


And in this blog's survey.


Updated: 21 May 2019 — 18:48

1 Comment

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  1. Nieźle…oby im się udało…lepsi mimo wszystko oni niż popisy cyrkowe..

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