Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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The new cover of The Economist 2019.

It has already become a tradition of this blog to analyze this magazine's schedule for each new year.

So I'm keeping up the tradition by having fun researching the latest version, The Economist's cover for 2019, which looks like this:



What is distinctive about this edition is the mirrored texts. I can't read them all, but next to the English bulldog it says “Brexit”so one can guess that next year will be significant in terms of a possible UK exit from the EU.


The second theme that will be important is chips and identification as indicated by as many as two images. The first is a stork holding a bundle in its beak by default with a baby in it. On the bundle is barcodewhich is cause for concern. It's hard to judge at this stage what their plans are, but they will probably want to mark newborns. They may be given an identification number right away.

At the center is a human being with another behind him.

One holds a scale with two groups of people in his left hand and a tennis ball in the other. He has the hashtag Me too on his chest.

Perhaps a division of people into Christians and the rest or some other division will be prepared. e.g. NWO and rebels. The man as if hiding behind it is holding marijuana in one hand and a QR code in the other. Frankly speaking, these codes are the most frightening.

A sort of DNA tattoo is placed on the other person's hand, and marijuana is placed in the hand.

Czyżby dwa rodzaje ludzi? Jedni z odmienionym DNA mający dostęp do uciech życia, ale ochipwani, a drudzy skazani na życie niczym w teorii ewolucji człowieka pierwotnego? Tak wskazują na to dwa rodzaje obrazków. Po prawej stronie obok skanera QR auto z napędem na prąd, a po drugiej ktoś a la “epoka kamienia łupanego” uwspółcześniony bo w okularach, przy starodawnej maszynie ręcznej… Podobny motyw był w teledysku nieżyjącego juz Avici. Dwie zadowolone dziewczyny i zacofani ludzie w biednym miasteczku. Jeśli tylko brak odstępu do technologii miałby być naszym cierpieniem to byłby to raj podczas WU.


There is sort of a graph superimposed on Trump. I don't know about you, but in my estimation it looks like he is being measured. As if the system he's definitely in wants to show that Trump is calculable and in control. Maybe you guys have other ideas.

On the other side another man just like Trump verified with a graph. These images remind me of the Nazi image of the man of the master race, the Aryan. Such people had to have the right features and background. According to the Nazis, Slavs did not fit into this image.



Behind Putin is Pinocchio, but this wood puppet has a birthmark, a pustule on the same side as Putin, which may indicate some Putin lies or plays.


Ale…. chyba najważniejszym motywem są… czterej jeźdźcy… Stricte apokaliptyczny znak.

Pierwsza od lewej śmierć, a z prawej król…. Czyżby nadejście człowieka bezprawia?


There's also a car on electricity. I don't know if that's any significant motive. Well, unless the voices of so-called sustainability speak up.


The moon and transmitter may indicate the placement of a satellite on the moon.


What did you realize from the cover of the previous year?

The previous cover indeed was largely referenced in the reality of 2018. The big emphasis of Jews, the big role of Trump, ecumenism and something I didn't understand at the time: the stamp of wifi, radio waves,. today we know it was the revelation of 5G to us.


The Eifel Tower symbolizing not so much France, but the riots in France.

The previous cover also featured a DNA chain.

There was a rain cloud symbolizing natural disasters. This could not have been the natural course of events. They must have planned it. It is one thing to have a natural progression of technology and another thing to have interference with the weather.

There was also a royal crown and there was actually a lot of talk about royalty.


I guess that's it when it comes to analyzing the latest cover of The Economist 2019. How it will be time will tell.




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  1. Readers on Facebook responded to me as to the hashtag:

  2. cała ta okładka jest strasznie dziwna, to wszystko jest takie jakieś pomieszane ze sobą…

  3. Czlowiek z marihuaną w reku ma znak na PRAWEJ ręce. Czyli zgodnie z apokalipsa ze znak bedzie na prawej rece lub na czole. Dodatkowo jeźdźcy apokalipsy moze sugerowac ze oto chodzi. + ten tobolek z oznakowanym dzieckiem w srodku. Zawsze sie zastanawialem co Jezus mial na mysli mowiac ze nadejda czasy ze beda mowic: szczesliwe nieplodne łona które nie rodzily. I tak sobie pomyslalem ze Bestia bedzie od razu znakowac dzieci bez pytania…

  4. I also associated the bottom left corner with the apocalypse. The dragon stood before a woman who was about to give birth to a son. And she fled into the desert. There was a passage there.

  5. wyczytałam w necie, ze panda jest chińskim znakiem pokoju… a taka też się tu znajduje.

  6. Jeszcze” męczył” mnie ten słon …..i znalakam takie informacje.
    What does the elephant symbolize in different cultures?
    In Asia, the Elephant was the mount of rulers (gods and kings).
    In Hinduism and Buddhism, the Elephant holds great religious significance.
    In ancient Greece and Rome, Elephants were a symbol of military strength and the triumph of the military.
    In Medieval Europe, the elephant was considered a symbol of innocence and purity.

  7. Above the man in the diagram, if I'm not mistaken, it says Facial recognition (the dictionary shows me that this word means, among other things, identification, recognition) so it's probably about face scanning. I also tried to decipher some other inscriptions, I could be mistaken, Brit/sin beyond brexit, New horizons I still can't read, I see at the bottom a kind of ballot box and a South African flag, this elephant (?) has a kind of arrow-shaped horn, I associate it with some kind of graph. What catches my eye is this Vitruvian man da vinci and on the left is a woman like mona Lisa who, maybe it's silly, reminds me a bit of Angeline Jolie. At the top I think there's like a volcano with lava flowing out.

    1. Justyna, this woman for me also immediately associated with Angelina Jolie.

  8. Nad pionkiem jak jest ta twarz to napis nad twarzą to ‘face recognition’ czyli rozpoznawanie twarzy

  9. U góry z lewej strony sonda i napis; “Ultima Thule New Horizons”
    New Horizons to nazwa tejże sondy, a Ultima Thule to nazwa Asteroidy która jest “badana” przez tą sonde na krańcu układu słonecznego.

    Putin i napis; “Putin’s popeline”
    Co znaczy “Rurociągi Putina” – chodzi o Projekt gazociągu Nord Stream 2 z Rosji do Niemiec, który ma być ukończony pod koniec 2019 roku.

    Jeśli chodzi o księżyc i tą satelite, to jest to Chińska misja “chang’e-4” która 7 grudnia tego roku wystrzeliła lądownik i łazik na księżyc , w miejsce gdzie nie lądował jeszcze żaden statek wysłany przez człowieka – na niewidocznej stronie Księżyca.

    Kobieta na dole po lewej i napis koło niej to; “Mona Angelina”
    She is a master makeup artist who can transform herself into any celebrity or famous character.

    We also see two ballot boxes, the bottom one is with the flag of France and the top one (if I'm not mistaken) is South Africa.
    Jeśli chodzi o Francuską flagę , to myślę że może to mieć związek z zamieszkami jakie tam są – być może dymisja Macrona i nowe wybory / nie wiem, ciężko powiedzieć.

  10. Pancernik jest zwierzęciem zarażajacym ludzi trądem. Może przewiduje się jakaś epidemie chorób zakaźnych… Jeden z jeźdźców apokalipsy zabija ludzi mieczem, głodem, zaraza i przez dzikie zwierzęta.. Ap. 6:8

  11. strona niebiblijna, ale artykuł na temat świątyni zastanawiający “Sensacyjny list Sanhedrynu wzywający Arabów do przyjęcia ich roli w Trzeciej Świątyni”

        1. 🙂 You must have been gone a long time, or missed out.

    1. ooo cool thanks, I knew it was probably possible in Photoshop.

  12. Myślę, że punktem wyjścia do interpretacji tej okładki jest właśnie dzieło Leonardo da Vinci “człowiek witruwiański” na którym jest wzorowana ta okładka

    There are not two people there (one behind the other) as you wrote Detective, but one man in two positions superimposed on each other. This man is described on a square and on a circle (which here on the cover is the circle of the globe). This drawing shows the proportions of the human body according to Vitruvius.
    I also think that with Trump's face and the other face there are no diagrams, but the proportions of the elements of those faces are shown (I also had an association about Hitler and the features of the ideal Aryan race).

    In this drawing, da Vinci just did all the captions in mirror image, though I don't know why.

    So you would probably have to look up something more about da Vinci himself and this drawing to be able to infer anything more from this cover.

    Perhaps a starting point for further interpretation would be the titles of the articles in the upper right corner of the cover (except for da Vinci and Angelina Jolie, I don't know what the other texts are about, and maybe that's where the answers to what we find in the cover illustrations are).

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