Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The testimony of Swietoslava evidence the dysfunctionality of the church of Rome and the state.


Hello everyone,sisters and brothers in Christ 🙂 I thought about writing this testimony for a long time until I finally decided. I am 16 years old,like most of you I come from a Catholic family. Is it thoroughly Catholic? I wouldn't say so, my dad sees the antichrist in the current pope, my mom is also very critical of the Catholic Church and sees its mistakes, but she doesn't want to leave it, and she didn't react enthusiastically to my saying that I want to leave the Church, and even told me that by doing so I am leaving the family. I was sad, but Jesus is more important than my parents. How did my spiritual journey begin? Like most people I was baptized unconsciously, my first confession and communion were also passed. I remember that during the dinner on the occasion of my first communion I said that I should sin as much as possible in order to have something to confess 😀 It's known how it is - a man believes in everything he is told whether at home, in church or during religion at school. And so I believed in the Assumption of Mary and that she is the queen of heaven and earth, I knelt in front of her images, I prayed to her (and yes, when I prayed to her it's like I didn't talk to God then), there were rosaries,When my grandfather lost consciousness and they had to take him to the hospital, I prayed with my sister in the rosary for the sick, to Mary of course, there was adoration of statues and paintings, participation in Catholic feasts, belief in transubstantiation, etc. I could not talk to God, I prayed every night, but it was mechanical, mostly the Our Father and sleep, and I did not particularly care about God in my everyday life.


When I was about 7 years old I started to be interested in mermaids, influenced by the series "H2O: Just a drop of water". And I wanted to become one - I wasn't so much attracted to having a tail as I was to the power of controlling water. And it started - magic and different spells and rituals. At that time I didn't know it was a sin. I found different practices on the Internet, but it never worked. Then came the fascination with vampires - movies about vampires, false teeth, dressing up for Halloween (which I'm still ashamed of. I admire one boy in my elementary school class who was able to stand up and say that it was against his faith. The educator laughed at him a bit).


I even wanted to build myself a coffin to sleep in like a real vampire, I made fake blood to drink, etc. The fascination passed. When I was about 12 years old I came across a manga (Japanese comic book) called "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" or something like that. "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" or something like that. It depicted girls who sold themselves to a creature in exchange for a wish, and they had to fight witches. The machine started. It started with innocent advice from the Internet, making a wand from a stick, making a diary, "talking" with animals, etc. Unfortunately, the further into the forest the darker it got, as they say. Black magic, pentagrams, attempts to summon spirits etc. entered my life. I even recommended magical practices to my mother, so that more customers would come to her store. I wanted to get some powers and I performed a ritual. You know-candles,pentagram,my picture,meditation etc. And it didn't work. I gave up these practices and only later it started to come to me what I had done. I apologized to God many times and to this day I still regret it.


At the end of primary school I became interested in Slavic mythology. I am interested in folklore, legends, fairy tales, songs, Slavic and especially Polish customs, I still like to learn something new. But then I wanted to put it into practice. Melting Marzanna, leaving candies or popitka on the grave of my deceased grandfather (for his soul), "traveling" through Slavic YT channels and blogs on such topics, leaving a free place at the table during Christmas Eve for the deceased ancestor and so on. There was even a moment when I was going to convert to nativeism, but it was not a very strong desire. Then there are doubts - whether God exists, what is the sense of faith. I wanted to become an atheist, but soon I realized that this is Satan's prompting. I went to confession, but before that I carefully confessed to God. Confession did not work for me. I went back there with the same sins. Once I confessed directly to God and asked for help with the sins that tormented me the most. At that time it was pornography, masturbation and lustful thoughts (I know, shame). I had to pray many times, and unfortunately I fell many times. (Once while doing one of these sins I thought to myself that God would forgive me. Then I realized how bad it was, I almost fell into depression because I was afraid that God would never forgive me. I became disgusted with pornography, masturbation became less frequent, and lustful thoughts subsided. In the past I had no problem calling someone a retard, an idiot, etc. Now I even refrain from it. Now I even refrain from it. Today it is really good. On the Internet I came across Protestant websites and finally also this blog-The Truth Detective. Some articles (like the one about transubstantiation) were difficult for me, but I started to overcome. I was a defender of Christmas. I have asked God in prayers if it is good, to celebrate this. At the beginning, after the prayers I was convinced that it is possible to celebrate this day but without the pagan atmosphere such as a tree or presents. That you should spend this day on reading the Bible, praying and talking to your loved ones about the Lord. Today I even distance myself from that and think that celebrating Christmas is a sin. I tried to talk to my mom and dad about it. When I approached the subject of infant baptism, she got upset. She told me to read the Bible. I had read passages before,but without drawing conclusions. I started reading with fascination,underlining important points,making bookmarks. I wanted to talk to my dad, but he yelled at me and said that if I wanted to talk about religion, I could convert to Islam, marry a Muslim and study the Koran with him. Eh...  I have been labeled "haunted" for offering to read Scripture.


Then I started to have horrible thoughts-something told me to "kill yourself, no one will cry for you", demons from elementary school came back, when my peers gave me such a hard time that I had suicidal thoughts and even had an episode with cutting myself. Then I had thoughts of insulting God and even the Holy Spirit. Fear came over me. I began to pray, to read the Holy Bible, to ask for prayers for me and even to sing and listen to appropriate music before going to sleep (e.g. Te Deum laudamus in Polish). Thoughts became less and less frequent. A period of doubt came. At first I wanted to leave the Church as soon as possible (however, to apostasy one must be 18 years old as far as I know) and then thoughts of "maybe the Catholics are right?" And such thoughts I have even now, I don't know what to think about it. But I continue to debate with Catholics, presenting biblical arguments against their dogma. For some time now I have not eaten pork (I use substitutes such as poultry sausage and ham) and I try to keep the Sabbath, I do not bow down to statues and paintings, I do not pray rosaries, I treat the Holy Bible as an indicator of faith and not human traditions, even my way of dressing has changed - I used to rebel against skirts, now I prefer them to pants which I wear only when I have to. I think my mom still thinks it's a fad and I'll get over it, but I don't know. Recently it was the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I talked to my grandmother about it and when I told her that I didn't believe in it, she and my grandfather were not happy about it. She told me that when I was 18 years old, I would ask Mary for help. Well, that's what happens when you don't read the Bible, but I pray for her and my grandfather that they will open their hearts to the Gospel and be saved. Sometimes God has helped me, even in a visible way. For example, when I was riding my bike home from school, I was caught in a thunderstorm. It was raining, flashing and I was afraid. Then I asked God to stop the rain so that nothing would happen to me. Very soon the sun came out and it was warm 🙂 There were other cases, but I don't have to describe them. I am glad that after so many twists and turns, I was able to return to God. I am still not perfect and without sin,however I am fighting with it.


Greetings to all of you 🙂 🙂 I'd like to thank you.
PS. I apologize if there were punctuation errors and it may be a bit out of order,this is the first time I am writing such a testimonial.


I have bolded the important threads.
My comment.
After reading this testimony, I find-although it is obvious-it is disturbing how the spiritual world attacks children and the three social units completely fail.
The three groups failing the child protection exam include:


1. the Roman Catholic Church
2 Parents
3 State.


Neither one pushes what is wrong away from children despite so much interference with their fate. Both the state creates the appearance of care and the church of Rome's empire. All fall like jackdaws in their destiny.
Why is the basic social cell that is the family also falling? Because it is stuck in the biblical Great Babylon. Babylon is not just the church of Rome spoken of by the apostle Peter. The Rome called Babylon in Peter's day had a religious, state, and cultural function.


This is why God says in the 18th chapter of Revelation:


"And he cried out with a loud voice: He fell, Great Babylon fell, and became the habitation of demons and the refuge of every unclean spirit and the refuge of every unclean and foul fowl. (3) For all the nations drank of the wine of his mad debauchery, and the kings of the earth practiced fornication with him, and the merchants of the earth became rich from his great splendor. (4) And I heard another voice from heaven saying: Come out of him, my people, that ye be not partakers of his sins, and that ye be not afflicted with the plagues falling upon him,"


Many greatly misunderstand this Babylon by attributing it to only one meaning which is a cardinal error. Not to be confused with cardinal :-).


Some think Babylon is the church of Rome, others think the US and even expect the fall of the US as the seat of evil, as if the Vatican were pure. Maybe I haven't mentioned something yet, because in these 6 years of blogging I have come across many interpretations of the Great Babylon, but anyone who has even once come across a description, a characterization of Babylon of ancient times knows that Babylon was a social system. Great Babylon, on the other hand, is the Vatican along with its daughters, i.e. Protestantism, Orthodoxy, etc.
Do you see people on the streets talking about another world, about an alternative world for the masses drunk with the wine of Babylon? I once met Pastor Bartosiak in Gdansk, with whom I talked near Neptune for about 40 minutes. It was about 8 years ago.


Where are those internet celebrity pastors rescuing people from darkness? Are they gone?
One could say in the words of the band republika: Where are they?


all those preachers...
they were missing, though there were so few of them...


God says:
"my people perish because they lack knowledge."
"my people come out of him."
He defines the yet unborn as His people and desires with all His heart that we come out of this system.
Swietoslava came out.
The Vatican and the state are creating a Babylon from which we have yet to emerge, as exemplified by the above testimony. It is not the church or the state that protects us from demons. They bring us there. It is the state that organizes rock concerts, invites Doda. This state, which is so supported by the Vatican, invited Nergal, the chief satanist of Poland, to the jury in TVP.
In the background is a color scheme typical of Satanists.
Will anyone tell the children of Catholics about the kinds of things I write about? No. They watch such programmes passionately. It is not only about Voice from Poland but about the whole system. You could write a doctorate on this subject.
There is a Witches' Sabbath in Kielce organized by the Catholic President Lubawski.



This is what Catholicism is - a syncretism of paganism and Christianity.


People! Get out of this system. It has nothing to offer you. It is evil itself.


Get out of the Catholic Church, which has a record of sins that reach to heaven.
Come out of the Protestant churches that are slumbering cooperating with Rome. The task of Protestantism today is to snooze.
They don't want to save people in the streets. They are in the business of not getting ahead of themselves!


More at the end.
Sviatoslav did a very wise thing to defy tradition: she asked God if ob walk the feast of Christmas. Not a pastor, not a priest, not me, but God.
Ask God, because if this Jesuit Bergoliolo said the relationship with Jesus is dangerous, that means it is dangerous, but for Rome


Updated: 21 August 2018 — 09:38


Add a Comment
  1. Bravo. I didn't get converted until I was 30. You at such a young age. It's a good way. Study the scriptures, keep the commandments and Adonai will already guide you.

    1. me even later.
      Blessed are those who know the Lord early.

    2. Thank you 🙂 It's never too late to convert 🙂 "Walking" around the internet I noticed that I'm not the only one who converted so early,but that's a good thing I think.

  2. Congratulations! Keep persevering in your faith and with the Bible 🙂 .
    Regarding admin's comment you know, whatever it turns out to be, Babylon, harlot, beast and antichrist we will recognize it if we live in the end times. One will collapse, another will come 🙂 But surely one who has the Spirit has probably already figured out that no Christian religion fulfills the Gospel. Unless someone knows one, I'll ask for a link, because I see smaller or bigger deviations everywhere.
    Greetings to you all!

  3. A beautiful testimony, dear?
    Never deviate from the chosen path
    It is wonderful to read how the Lord calls the young to be in the Truth.
    You are a light to your entire family, hang in there and DS will guide you into all truth.
    May God bless and keep you
    You can always write to me if you have any problems

  4. Hello everyone. I am a reader of the blog since few months . I have a question for Admin . What do I have to do to log into the forum ? Do I have to be "credible" or is it enough to create an account, because about a month ago I set it up and I'm waiting patiently for verification and here clap. Please answer and thank you in advance. Best regards

    1. your account has already been activated

  5. Really good testimonial, keep it up girl!

  6. I forgot to add that you will now have the test after giving the certificate.
    Demons may attack you more intensely
    God's blessing on you

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