Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Everything is in the hands of the Image.

Text by Peter Petros:

8 lipca 2018 roku premier Mateusz Morawiecki (nie ksiądz, nie biskup, nawet nie papież – premier!), który jest oficjalnym reprezentantem każdego mieszkańca tego kraju – w “Bazylice Cudownego Obrazu” zawierzył nas wszystkich, oraz cały nasz kraj katolickiej bogini Maryi obecnej w tymże cudownym obrazie. Bez względu na to jakie kto wyznaje poglądy religijne pan premier zdecydował o tej kwestii sugerując się osobistymi opiniami, które (tak jak przekonania religijne każdego człowieka) szanuję. Jednak nie szanuję i nie mogę zgodzić się z tym, że ktoś decyduje o sprawach duchowych wykorzystując arsenał polityczny i własne poglądy. Gdzie wolność wyznania? Gdzie rozdział Kościoła od państwa gwarantowane nam przez Konstytucję? Nie ma po nich śladu…

I don't know if anyone has asked you who you should be trusted with. Nobody asked me. I personally entrusted myself to Jesus Christ, because "there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all. (1 Tim 2:5) Mary is neither a mediator of any kind, nor did she give herself as a ransom for any human being. Besides, she was a God-fearing person who at this point is waiting for the resurrection like all the dead. And the dead cannot help it in any way because "For the living know that they must die, but the dead know nothing ... and they never again share in anything of what happens under the sun." (Koh 9:5) The dogma of her supposed ascension was invented in 1950!

Politicians get very involved in spiritual matters. This is a good thing. The country should be governed by people who follow the Word of God, because God Himself tells us "I recommend, therefore, above all things, that petitions, prayers, common supplications, and thanksgivings be made for all men: for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life with all godliness and dignity." (1 Tim 2:1) However, I guess it should be clear that following the Words of God involves studying the Words of God, which unfortunately our God-fearing politicians, and most citizens, lack 

If Mr. Prime Minister had read the Bible, he would know that in the Decalogue, which is in the 20th chapter of the Exodus Book, it is clearly written: "You shall not make any carving or any image of anything that is in the heavens above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters under the earth. You shall not worship or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, who punishes the transgression of the fathers on the sons to the third and fourth generation against those who hate Me." (Exodus 20:4) Sadly, he apparently does not know this and in good conscience signs pacts with the forces of darkness on behalf of the entire country.

Satan is very clever and ingenious at the same time. On the "Jasna Góra" page regarding the entrusting of this country to the image, 99% of the content is dedicated to the dead (and not resurrected, like Jesus) Mary. She is, by the way, the main object to be worshipped in the Catholic Church. No matter how much anyone denies these facts. It is enough to open our eyes. It appears on every central altar image. At the end of the aforementioned article on entrustment, we can read the phrase "Jesus alone is salvation." Isn't it a paradox? Why then, Mr. Prime Minister, do you not entrust your life and your country to Him?
It's like saying, "I broke my leg, only a surgeon can help me, so that's why I'll put myself in the care of a baker..."

But you know what? On the other hand, I'm glad that such phenomena are happening before our eyes. For two reasons:

1) God's Word speaks the truth. It is the most precise prophetic Book in the history of the world. It describes the phenomenon of the subjugation of secular power, and human minds to the power of Babylon: "Come, I will show you the judgment on the great harlot who sits upon many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed whoredom, and the inhabitants of the earth have become drunk with the wine of her whoredom" (Rev. 17:1)
Who is this Harlot (or spiritual Babylon)? There is only one place on earth that has all the characteristics described in Revelation 17. The scenes of the subjugation of political parties, which we are seeing more and more of, are perfectly summed up by the words "And the woman which thou sawest is the great city, having kingly power over the kings of the earth" (Rev. 17:18) Do you also think of the Vatican and its branches located very densely in our country? God saw these phenomena over 2000 years ago! So rest assured, He is in control.

2) Satan knows his time is short, hence this type of theater. He wants us Bible-believers to throw up our hands and give up the spiritual battle thinking the war is lost. Remember, if Satan is so protective of the curtain it means he is afraid of something. I think he is afraid that the more he intensifies his actions, the more we mobilize ourselves spiritually to fight. And even though we ourselves, as people, don't stand a chance in this fight, we pray to the Mighty God to deliver this beautiful country from the spiritual slavery of Babylon. Every Friday at 8pm we pray for this together and individually whenever we have the opportunity. I invite all willing  Read more in a post on the site.

In summary: "What the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, not to God," and that is what these "holy images" are. (1 Corinthians 10:20) But God is stronger than all the demons enchanted in images, statues and relics to which they want to sell us at any cost. Amen!

Updated: 13 July 2018 — 11:24

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