Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The erroneous ways of Christians.

I am writing this because I feel obligated to do so as a Christian blogger and an organizer of Christian conventions. I may expose myself to others, but I am not seeking good relationships with others but the truth and the Law of God.


Bodajże w filmie pt “Poranek kojota” jest taka scenka, kiedy Brylant (Michał Milowicz) spotyka w kinie Maxa (Jarek Jakimowicz). Obaj mają dziewczyny z tym że Brylant “chodzi” z nieatrakcyjną Dominiką wyglądającą na osobę chorą. Brylant tłumaczy się maxowi z tej niezbyt ogarniętej dziewczyny mówiąc, że teraz jest taka moda na opiekowanie się chorymi…

The Internet has it that everyone chooses what they want from God's Law, and thus for many there is also the fashion of christianism.. Kind of like that lifestyle of beliefs, but only the beliefs that fit our lifestyle.


Let us also clarify at the outset whether the bible anywhere speaks of the necessity of marriage. But before we do that, let me use the slogan of lukewarm Christians, or non-Christians: does the bible say anywhere that smoking marijuana is prohibited? Well, it doesn't. It says nothing of the sort anywhere, and the same is true of marriage. There is no such commandment, which gives many a gateway to cohabitation.


The Bible first reports marriage when describing the life of Abraham (Genesis 25:1).

Probably before, vows were simply pledges, or even maybe just a decision to live together.

Interestingly, about 90% of the vows in the Torah concerned vows to God.


Według mojego poznania ślub jest konieczny, choć zdaję sobie sprawę z funkcjonowania bardzo udanych konkubinatów. Generalnie konkubinat zabezpiecza przede wszystkim mężczyznę, a nie kobietę i to nie tylko ze względu na finanse, ale z powodu zmiany psychiki kobiety, ponieważ bardzo często kobiety po ślubie stają się gorsze niż były za narzeczeństwa, gdyż mają już “zaklepanego” mężczyznę. Ta niepewność w konkubinacie powoduje większe starania kobiety aby nie pozostać samą. Mówimy tu o stabilnych kobietach, a nie o takich które zmieniają mężczyzn jak rękawiczki. Opis ten tyczy się głównie nienarodzonych na nowo. Osoby narodzone z Ducha Bożego będą dbały o partnera przed i po ślubie. Jednak chrześcijaństwo poprzez złe nauczania rozmydla grupę wierzących i osoby, które nie są posłuszne Bogu również są nazywane chrześcijanami.


Why did I take up such a topic?

A few days ago I received a call from Robert, who baptized a man a year ago. The man sought Robert's counsel concerning his situation as a partner. Robert's diagnosis, and later mine, was unequivocal: serious sin and trampling on the blood of Jesus.

With permission I post an unnamed account of the life of this man notabene baptized. For the purpose of this text I will give him the name Paul.

Paul met a woman about 9 years ago without marrying her. They have two children together. About a year ago Paul's partner left him when he was already supposedly born again. Ok, she could, she had that right according to the Bible:


"(16) And how do you know, wife, that you will save your husband? Or are you sure, husband, that you will save your wife?
1 list do Koryntian 7:16″


Opinions are divided as to the remarriage of Christians. Interestingly, the leader of Polish Baptists Mateusz Wichary shares this opinion with the Roman church, which forbids such unions for Christians.

Zainteresowanym tematem polecam książkę wielce konserwatywnego pastora Michalea Perla: “Małżeństwo po rozwodzie”, który to ma inne spojrzenie niż chrześcijańscy bigoci. Niesłychanie konserwatywny pastor tłumaczy wszystko czarno na białym jak to wygląda na prawdę. Natomiast jego książka dotycząca wychowania dzieci została w Polsce wycofana ze sprzedaży ze względu na zbyt surowe podejście. Pomimo to w kwestii ponownych małżeństw ma inne poznanie.


Wracając do losów Pawła. Kiedy odeszła od niego partnerka, z którą ma dwoje dzieci poznał chrześcijankę. Przynajmniej tak ją postrzegał i ona siebie. Współżył  z nią również nie mając ślubu. I ona odeszła od niego. Pomijam jej chrześcijaństwo bo jej nie znam, nie wiem jakiej jakości. . Paweł będąc kochliwym poznał kolejną kobietę, z którą współżył… To jeszcze nie jest taki dramat. Okazuje się bowiem, że owa nowa partnerka ma…..męża. Zadzwoniłem do Pawła mówiąc mu aby natychmiast zerwał ten związek póki go Bóg nie ukaże, bo kara na pewno wisi w powietrzu zgodnie z Pismem:


"For if, having received the knowledge of the truth, we deliberately sin, there is no longer for us a sacrifice for sins, but only the dreadful expectation of judgment and the heat of the fire that will consume the adversaries. He who breaks the Law of Moses will suffer death without mercy on the basis of the testimony of two or three witnesses; how much more severe a punishment, do you think, will be worthy of him who tramples on the Son of God and defiles the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and insults the Spirit of grace! For we know him who said, Vengeance is mine, I will repay; and: The Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Hebrews 10:26-31)



What is still remarkable in the testimony described is the remorse. Since it has begun to work, it means that things are not so bad after all.



Ostrzegłem Pawła. On na to do mnie: “Piotr, muszę ci coś jeszcze wyznać”. Osłabiony jego świadectwem zapytałem “co jest jeszcze”.

Odparł: “już mnie Bóg pokarał”

Ja: “co się stało”

On: “skradziono mi “pojazd” (nie będę pisał co).

The stolen vehicle was worth 150K and uninsured.

I said that he was lucky that was all he had and that he should immediately break off his acquaintance with this married woman.

He says: but I love her and she wants to leave her husband.

I replied to him that love is not butterflies in the stomach but a lifelong decision for better or for worse.

He listened to me and broke up with her.


What are the lessons learned from this?

Osoby nazywające się chrześcijanami wybierają sobie z Pisma co chcą. Paweł ma tez inne stałe grzechy. To one popchały go do grzechu cudzołóstwa. Grzech napędza grzech. Stąd Pan Jezus podwyższył poprzeczkę “każdy kto nienawidzi brata swego…”.


Ślub gwarancji stabilizacji małżeństwa nie daje, ale w związku z tym, że jest więcej formalności nie tak łatwo jest odejść. Niedawno Ewuś z Warszawy przesłała mi filmik pastora nt stabilności małżeństw. Bardzo mądry wykład. Pastor powiedział, że zna przypadek kiedy dziewczyna i chłopak byli ze sobą 12 lat. Po tych 12 latach wzięli ślub i po kilku miesiącach…. rozwód. Tak więc nie ma nic do rzeczy poznanie drugiej osoby przed ślubem, bo z kolei w innym przykładzie powiedział, że po trzech miesiącach poznania inna para wzięła ślub i są do dzisiaj szczęśliwym małżeństwem. Powiedział także ważną rzecz: Boża obecność n ie gwarantuje trwałego małżeństwa. Ludziom sie wydaje, że jak są chrześcijanami to Bóg im bedzie błogosławił tylko. To jest zwiedzenie. Bóg oczekuje od nas pracy i krzyża.



Paul's other girlfriend being at his baptism deceived herself that she was a Christian because she either should not cohabit with Paul or get married.


Dawid pomimo, że był człowiekiem Bożym, został ukarany w bardzo bolesny sposób za cudzołóstwo i śmierć: utratą dziecka…


“«I find that God really there is no consideration for persons. 35 Ale w każdym narodzie miły jest Mu ten, kto się Go boi i postępuje sprawiedliwie.” Dzieje


Paul is a victim of himself and picking out what suited him from the Bible. Otherwise he would not have entered into a relationship with a married woman. There is no need to pick on him. But let's look at our own beams.

God yesterday and today the same. Liars who say that God's Law does not apply lead people to sin and condemnation.


Let's look at how it looked in the Old Testament:



Deuteronomy 22

If you find a man joined to a married woman, then they will both die; both this man, joined to a married woman, and this woman. You shall exterminate this evil from Israel. (23) If a girl, a virgin, engaged to a man, encounters another man in the city and joins her, (24) then you shall bring them both out to the gate of this city and stone them, and they shall suffer death; the girl for not crying out for help in the city, and the man for insulting his neighbor's wife. You shall exterminate this evil from among you.



What does it look like today? One is no longer stoned, but it is God who executes the punishment.


“”It's scary a thing to fall into the hands of God live.” Hbr 10: 31″


Te 150 tysięcy jest niczym…co przytrafiło się Pawłowi.Mogło być gorzej.

However, on this occasion, you may say something to yourself that will illuminate your perception of the Law. Well: under the law of liberty are ONLY those persons who do not sin such sins. Others live under the law of sin and death.

So I suggested to Paul a strong repentance, for I will repeat myself once again:


“Straszna to a thing to fall into the hands of God żywego.” Hbr 10: 31″


To burzy obraz słodkiego Jezuska…z tanią łaską.


As I mentioned, there is no direct command to marry in the Bible. But the Lord Jesus was at the wedding at Cana.

Below are passages that suggest the need for marriage:


and the marriage relationship illustrates Christ's ongoing relationship with the church in the Father's house (Ephesians 5:22-32).

„[…] wtedy przyszli do niego uczniowie Jana i pytali: Dlaczego my i faryzeusze pościmy, a uczniowie twoi nie poszczą? (15) I rzekł im Jezus: Czyż mogą wedding guests grieve, as long as the bridegroom is with them?" (Matthew 9:14-15a).

„[…] a gdy one odeszły kupować, nadszedł oblubieniec i te, które były gotowe, entered the wedding with him i zamknięto drzwi […]” (Mateusza 25:10).

„[…] i rzekł im Jezus: Czyż mogą wedding guests fast when the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. (20) But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then, on that day, they will fast" (Mark 2:19-20).

„[…] a Jezus rzekł do nich: Czy możecie sprawić, by wedding attendees, as long as the bridegroom is with them, do they fast? (35) But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them; then they will fast" (Luke 5:34-35)

„[…] podobne jest Królestwo Niebios do pewnego króla, który sprawił a wedding to his son . (3) And he sent his servants to call the invitees for the wedding, (3) But these refused to come. (4) Again he sent other servants, saying, Tell the invitees: Behold, I have prepared my feast; my oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered, and everything is ready, go to the wedding" (Matthew 22:2-4).

„[…] i usłyszałem jakby głos licznego tłumu i jakby szum wielu wód, i jakby huk potężnych grzmotów, które mówiły: Alleluja! Oto Pan, Bóg nasz, Wszechmogący, objął panowanie. (7) Weselmy się i radujmy się, i oddajmy mu chwałę, gdyż the wedding of the Lamb has taken place, i oblubienica jego przygotowała się […]” (Apokalipsa 19:6-7).


Just as giving your life to Jesus is not a formula but a decision, so too is marriage a decision. Religious people think that just living together without marriage is adultery. I find no such information in the Bible.

I don't get into the first two relationships. I am not a religious man. Who and how, whose fault. But being a Christian while committing adultery is a grave sin.

I post this testimony not to condemn anyone, but to show the mechanism of self-knowledge.



Part of the problem in modern relationships is that parents used to be the ones who chose partners or had a lot of influence. Today, young people drunk with Satan's lies reduce love to sex.


As we see also baptism accomplishes nothing if there is no conversion from sin. The churches are filled with haters.


I for one believe that since Paul broke that acquaintance, the Lord Jesus will help him in the process of sanctification.


Updated: 14 March 2018 — 19:45


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  1. You tell it like it is. I've experienced it on myself. I am living in a repeat relationship. We have a daughter and if it wasn't for her I would have ended the relationship long ago. I have no return to my wife, our love was not real and I feel nothing for her in reciprocation. I have hurt my two children and myself. I pray that God will one day forgive me for this.

    1. people really don't realize the broken times we live in. The poison is already in the home, in the church, on tv.
      God knows very well what time period we are living in.
      You say you have no feelings for each other. Love is not feelings, but respect, caring. If you have a daughter in a new relationship, then you should in my opinion be in that relationship for your daughter and show your wife that your faith has a pragmatic dimension. I.e. that you can show her love, but not by saying I love you, but in being good to her.

    2. Co to znaczy “kiedyś”?

  2. Very good title.
    I am ashamed to admit that I once sinned (carnally) knowingly and in cold blood. I sinned in spite of knowing.
    W zamian Bóg pokazał mi jak będzie wyglądało dla mnie… piekło. Straszne i przerażające doświadczenie.

  3. Very good topic, very well described.
    In these pseudo-diplomatic times, there are few people who dare to write about God's punishment for evil deeds while still on this earth. God loves us but is just, an offense against an innocent neighbor is often severely punished.
    Once I saw how an evil woman (she did a lot of harm) laughed at her sister-in-law and teased her that she had a lame arm from birth, after some time she gave birth to a desired son who was born with the same birth defect. God punishing us gives us a chance to straighten our paths, it shows God's love and fight for our souls. I know many more such examples of God's punishment that I witnessed, each one of us known.
    Humility before God is the key to the gates of God's grace.

    1. Dobry komentarz…

      1. Such a good commentary and we should write more often about such examples as Matryoshka so that people get to know this side of God which is not accepted by Christians

  4. Sex without marriage is a rozputsa.
    2″ Ze względu jednak na NIEBEZPIECZEŃSTWO rozpusty,
    niech każdy MA swoją żonę, a każda swojego męża’.(1Kor 7.2)
    -without marriage all is debauchery, fornication, porneia-gr., and no fornicator shall enter the King of God.
    A wedding is a message to the community that these people are with each other forever and that others are not allowed to leave them.
    If the punishment was for adultery, then everyone knew that they were married, and they knew how?
    God speaks of illegitimate children, the Lord Jesus was said to be of debauchery.
    Hbr 13.4,1 Kor.7.38-musi byc ślub w/g ceremonii danej grupy,by inni to wiedzieli.To są bajki o umowie miedzy soba -to musi być “legalne”.Tak jak napisałeś,Bóg też wyprawi ucztę WESELNĄ i żadna wszetecznica czyli skalana przed ślubem nie weżmie w niej udziału ,tylko czysta oblubienica,wierna przyszłemu męzowi.

    1. good complementary commentary

  5. There is an instruction: and a man will leave his father and mother-the decision to separate from his family to join with someone else.
    a decision, not quick sex, and tomorrow we split up.
    There is a lack of teaching on marriage, on the essence of marriage, practical information, etc., to prepare young people for this decision, because most are rash.
    A big role for wise parents and their own example in marriage for children.

  6. The word CONCUBINATE is the word of the world, which means we know whose.
    We have the word marriage .
    Konkubinat to takie piekne słowo na wszeteczeństwo,tak jak aborcja na zabójstwo,eutanaZJA,to juz w ogóle szczyt elegancji słownej,brzmi prawie jak poeZJA,nie ma złodziei są kleptomani..,nie ma mężołozników tylko piekne słowo nic nie mówiące homo…
    A jakie piekne słowo ewolucja ,jak naukowo brzmi…

  7. A child from an illegitimate bed. That means there is a righteous bed, according to the LAW OF GOD, there is a law establishing a righteous bed and it must be followed. Everything is to be public, legal. Ephesians 5.14-all that is revealed is light, no sexual oaths...
    Tom wrote.

    1. I would still add the official asking of the father for his daughter's hand. Secret cohabitation or abduction, running away with the girl was a reason for the parent's revenge. The order should be preserved. When the parents agreed, there were already witnesses for the nuptials. And the wedding, as the name suggests, was a reason for people to rejoice, be merry and have fun because a new body appeared in the community.

  8. My fiancé and I had intercourse once after we were baptized and after that we decided to wait until we were married so as not to sin before God. Even though, as you say, there is no prohibition against having sex before marriage, our consciences have condemned us for it. That is why we abstain and it is going very well 🙂 .

    1. słyszałem o tym od kilku Bożych par. Sami postanowili zaprzestać współżycia ze względu na sumienie…

  9. Christians, being converted, cannot just have sex, for me, if they do, it is a wedding. It doesn't have to be a ceremony. It's not the world, it's Christianity.

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