Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The peace of God versus peace coming from the world.

 The following is written by my sister in faith and reader at the same time, Aldona. I praise God for her writing talent and I am full of joy because Aldona has been a reader of my blog for a long time and she also has such accurate and edifying thoughts. This article is one of several already written on her blog.
As the waiters say: highly recommended 🙂 I highly recommend it.

The peace of God versus peace coming from the world.


"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives. I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." - ( JOHN 14:27 ) BW

"Peace I leave with you." - What wonderful words, a promise fulfilled! Peace is a great gift from God. For the peace the Lord gives is the only true peace - that we can know. The world has never known true peace, for peace is and will be the essential quality, która wyróżnia – Królestwo Bożewhich Jesus Christ declared was not of this world.

"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: for my kingdom is not from hence." - (John 18:36) BW

So many times before the eyes of man the world has fallen into ruin. The history of the world throughout the ages bears witness to every such event in which the world has fallen to its lowest point and mankind has trembled, anticipating its imminent end. The world, speaking of peace, proclaimed only: an armistice, a postponement of judgment, a cessation of hostilities. This is the "peace" that comes from the world: a temporary suspension, the calm before the storm. The world could never offer or build a lasting peace. And neither can it today, because it does not know it, and it does not know it because it has not come to know the Lord enough. For true, lasting peace comes only from the Lord. Jesus Christ is our Peace. And any, other option that would come along and help establish world peace - would be a lie from Satan.

"When they say: Peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come upon them, as pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape" - (1 Thessalonians 5:3) BW

To, co światowe rządy mogą zagwarantować, to jedynie czasowe powstrzymywanie się od dalszej destrukcji, jednak same „powstrzymywanie się” nie uleczy świata od jej wpływu na serce człowieka. Istota autodestrukcji jest światu dobrze znana od jego początków. I nie może się z niej samodzielnie uleczyć, może podpisać i ogłosić rozejm,  ale wojny zewnętrzne zamienia się na wewnętrzne – przeciw własnym obywatelom, gdy nie ma wroga zewnętrznego kreuje się wrogów wewnętrznych. A wojna trwa nadal, zmienia się tylko jej sposób prowadzenia. Te głośne ustępują miejsca tym bardziej cichym, wyrafinowanym, że nawet nie zauważamy, że walka trwa każdego dnia – about ourselves. A my – ludzie, pozwalamy się niszczyć, pozwalamy, by dalej zatruwano nam duszę. Wystarczy zlikwidować zagrożenie zewnętrzne, aby ludzie, którzy wcześniej zbratali się razem w poczuciu powyższego zagrożenia,   zaczęli znowu skakać sobie do oczu, kłócąc się nawzajem, często o błahe rzeczy. System światowy tworzy i podsyca sytuacje, które stają się podłożem do wzniecania przeróżnych konfliktów. Widzimy do czego to dąży. Czy destrukcja ustała, czy została zatrzymana? Nie, ona toczy się dalej, a ludzkość została tylko uśpiona sloganami o pokoju. Wojna ustanie, kiedy przestanie się zabijać. Można głosić, że w żadnym zakątku świata nie toczą się aktualnie żadne działania zbrojne, lecz co dzień na całym świecie giną ludzie z rąk bliźnich. Dlatego nie możemy mówić, że żyjemy w czasach pokoju, szczególnie, że na świecie dąży się do zabijania ludzi legalnie. To, co kiedyś byłoby nazwane ludobójstwem, zbrodnią, morderstwem, wprowadza się w ramach przepisów prawa : jako prawo do aborcji, prawo do eutanazji, i to wszystko w imię humanitarnych wartości, powołujących się z przejęciem, iż mają one na względzie „jakość życia” danej osoby. W imię „jakości życia” – odbiera się to –  Życie. W ramach prawa, to, co kiedyś było przestępstwem staje się dziś prawem do zabijania, bez ponoszenia za to konsekwencji. Nie narodzisz się, jeśli jesteś tu niepotrzebny, albo jeśli miałbyś jakąś wadę wrodzoną, świat mówi: nie jesteś tu mile widziany – możemy, więc ciebie zabić, jeszcze przed narodzeniem. Jesteś już starszy, schorowany lub niepełnosprawny, świat mówi: jesteś tu bezużyteczny, więc pomożemy tobie – zabijemy ciebie, jeszcze przed śmiercią. Umiłowani, czy tak wygląda świat pokoju? Codziennie ktoś ginie, przestępczość i przemoc wzrasta, morduje się dzieci w handlu na narządy, składa się je w ofierze podczas satanistycznych rytuałów, ale o tym się nie mówi, bo jak się nie mówi, to tak, jakby tego nie było i nie zdarzyło się wcale. Niestety, na tym świecie zawsze znajdą się powody do zabicia człowieka,  za to trudniej znaleźć argumenty, że powinien – żyć. Dlatego zbrodnia stała się normą tego świata. A my żyjemy w czasach ustawicznego niepokoju, który raz po raz przybiera na sile. Nie możemy pokładać nadziei w świecie, albowiem on prawdziwego pokoju – nie ustanowi, bo nie może ustanowić czegoś, czego – nie ma. Peace lies only in God's hands.

"For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace." - (1 Corinthians 14:33) BW

Peace is not about fighting; it is not established by another war, as is being done in the world to create a new order and order. Peace cannot be established on the roots of iniquity. It is not gained by force, by violence; it is a gift of God. Peace is about surrender, about putting our hands up, about extending the white flag, not before the enemy who rules this world, but before God. And it begins with a change of heart. It begins with a cleansing of the heart, because peace cannot be found as long as the heart and thoughts of man are full of wickedness and a desire for murder. The joy that comes from peace of heart is the certainty of salvation. Peace is the fruit of victory, of winning, Which is in Jesus Christ. 

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus." - (Phil 4:7) BW 

Świat, może jedynie stwarzać ułudę : pozornego pokoju i bezpieczeństwa. Tworzy zależność między osobistym spokojem ludzi a ich zabezpieczeniem finansowym,  jednocześnie kontrolując sytuację, propaguje dążenia do wygód i luksusu, kreując w nich poczucie osobistego komfortu, którego ludzie równocześnie będą bali się utracić, kształtując w ten sposób postawę konformizmu – zgody z obowiązującymi normami, nawet z tymi, które  naruszają prawo Boże –  w zamian za utrzymanie warunków życia, do których przywykli. Konformizm ani poczucie osobistego komfortu nie ma nic wspólnego z prawdziwym pokojem, jest pułapką, w której uśpiona ludzkość tkwi jak zakładnik. System tego świata jest systemem szatańskim. Wyzwolić nas z niego może : Jesus Christ alone! 

The world is a world of things. It can offer us: material goods, money, or at least the overwhelming desire to have it. But will making more and more money bring us peace? Will having more and more material goods bring us peace? Will wanting more and more bring peace to our hearts? 

"For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace." - (Romans 8:6) BW

Each of us must choose. Does he want to have peace with the world? Does he want to have peace with God? The choice is in our hands.

The accumulation of treasures on earth is not the way of gain, but the way that leads to perdition, that perishes the soul of man.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and suffer injury to his soul?" - (Matthew 16:26) BW

Beloved, God has so much more to offer us than what the world gives. God saves, sets free, gives joy and lasting peace that the world has no idea about. Whenever I try to express what it is to enter the Peace of the Lord, it turns out that words are not enough, you just have to experience it, to be filled to the brim, that you no longer seek anything, demand anything, feel no lack or fear, you are free, free from all your burdens. And even if the world collapses, even if "A thousand fell at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand." Your heart will not be troubled, your heart will not be afraid! For the Lord of Peace will be with you.

"For I know the thoughts that I have of you," says the Lord, "thoughts of peace and not of distress, to prepare a future for you and to inspire you with hope." - (Jer 29:11) BW

God has not changed; He wants us to live in peace, so that man's heart may know happiness and his conscience may be at peace, through faith that through the death of the Lord Jesus all the demands of God's justice have been satisfied.

"Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." - (Romans 5:1) BW

How can one achieve peace with God - lasting and complete peace? One must sincerely confess one's sins to God and believe that the Lord Jesus took upon Himself the punishment for them, and that redemption by the blood of the Lamb of God is completely accomplished. On this basis we are pardoned and preserved from God's judgment.

However, many believers remain uncertain about their acceptance by God. One reason for this is that so many different things have been added to Jesus Christ's work on the cross throughout Christian history that they cannot understand that a complete and perfect atoning sacrifice has been offered for the forgiveness of their sins. But God's Word dispels all such doubts:

"By the power of this will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest performs his service daily and offers many times the same sacrifices, which cannot at all take away sins. But when He had offered one sacrifice for sins once for all, He sat down at the right hand of God. Waiting now for his enemies to be laid as a footstool for his feet. For by one offering he has made perfect forever those who are sanctified." - (Heb 10:10-14) BW

Beloved, harden your doubting heart and rejoice in the peace of God right now. May the knowledge that God has accepted the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ give you peace. It has been once and for allmade. "It's done!" - as our Lord said. And that is not up for debate. You need not worry any longer, and your heart can be at peace now. 

Peace is the conviction of salvation. It is the first blessing that happened to the assembled disciples in the midst of whom the risen Christ appeared. He said to them: "Peace be with you!"  This shows the special importance of the peace that our Savior communicates. He is the Lord of Peace and He gives it to His chosen believers.

"For He is our peace; He has made unity out of two, and has broken down in His flesh the standing barrier of the wall of enmity." - (Eph 2:14) BW

"And having come, he proclaimed peace to you who are far off, and peace to those who are near." - (Eph 2:17) BW

The Lord has preached peace to us in order to fill our hearts and thoughts with a peace that makes us aware of His power and goodness, constantly assures us of His love, and gives us encouragement. The man who relies on the world and not on God is not able to attain it. He may sink into complacency and self-fulfillment, but he will not find peace. 

"But the ungodly are like a troubled sea that cannot be calmed, and whose waters cast up silt and mud. The ungodly have no peace, says my God" - (Is 57:20-21) BW

Peace is the consequence of union with God. Having unity with Him, we can rejoice in the peace He gives us and in our participation in His Kingdom. A kingdom in which there will be "peace without end."

"For the kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." - (Romans 14)"

The world rejected the Messiah, His own people, did not accept Him, the consequence was that peace could not prevail on earth. And there will not be until Jesus Christ returns again to earth in all His glory and power to crush His enemies and establish The Millennial Kingdom of Peace. 

"And the wolf shall be the guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down beside the kid. The calf and the lioness and the fattened cattle will be together, and the little boy will lead them. The cow will graze with the bear, their young will lie together, and the lion will feed on straw like an ox. The baby will play over the viper's den, and to the snake's burrow the child will stretch out his hand. They will not harm or hurt in all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD like waters that fill the sea."-(Isaiah 11:6-9) BW 

Can we imagine a more perfect order and peace to be established by Jesus Christ, called Prince of Peace?  It is a peace that surpasses all human imagination. No political solution or agreement of the world's governments will accomplish this; they can only sell the delusion that Satan will tell them, in the form of the rule of the antichrist, who will deceive the world with a semblance of peace and security to lead it to total destruction. May God protect everyone from this deception. Let us trust in the promises of the Lord. We are living in the end times, the times of a reversed decalogue, in which deviation and demoralization are spreading all the more strongly. let us strive for peaceWe ask for peace with the Lord, so that none of the troubling news that comes from the world will make our hearts troubled. Thanks to Jesus Christ we can keep peace in the world of anxiety. Belonging to Him we stop being citizens of the world and become citizens of heaven, we can experience peace in Him.

"This I have told you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but trust, I have overcome the world." - ( JOHN 16:33) BW

Let us side with the Victor, having unity with Him we will find peace. The Lord of Peace will be with us. The Lord who brings balance between high and low, between breadth and depth, between water and fire , between heaven and earth. Peace is the restoration of the presence of God. "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." It is a request for a reality that comes down from on high, that is full of order and peace because God reigns in it.

The Lord calls us: all His elect who have believed in Him, to make peace with Him.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" - (Matthew 5:9) BW

By sharing in the peace that God gives us, we become his sons, like Jesus Christ, and by following in his footsteps we carry within us that peace, that spiritual reality that restores God's presence where it does not exist.

Beloved, this spiritual reality can be yours today. Put all weapons aside. Surrender to God. Give your heart into the hands of the Prince of Peace. The Lord will give it rest. The Lord will soothe it, heal it, set it free. The Lord will give you the peace that does not cease, that is Eternal peace in His eternal presence.

May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be with you whoever you are!


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  1. Praise God!
    Great text to the glory of God, thank the Lord for the writing talent of our sister Aldonka.
    God's blessings to you all.

  2. Sa ludzie ktorzy wola zamiatac powazniejsze klopoty pod “dywan” ( udawac, ze nie istnieja, chocby nawet za cene cierpien bliznich ) oraz tacy, ktorzy chca za wszelka cene rozwiazywac problemy ( sek w tym, iz czesto nie biora pod uwage ich duchowego zrodla tzn. przyczyn ). Chrystianin stara sie ze wszystkich sil podazac droga prawdy biblijnej i ewangelicznego swiatla “srodkiem”.

  3. How do we deal with people who in a fully conscious way, even insolently/persistently/notoriously do evil to us, so that they cause bitterness in the heart? (In my opinion they are cursed by God because they commit the sin which brings death). Are people who are held in high esteem, or even in high esteem in a given community (which is made up of a mixture of different people) nice or disgusting to God? (In my opinion it is rather the latter). What to do when people, through no fault of our own, have taken against us?

  4. I List Piotra 2, 1-3 Odrzuciwszy wiec wszelkie zlo i falsz, oblude, zazdrosci i wszelkie obmowy, jak nowo narodzono niemowleta pragnijcie duchowego, nie sfalszowanego mleka, abyscie dzieki niemu rosli i osiagneli zbawienie! Wszak”doswiadczyliscie, ze dobry jest Pan!”… Porownaj z Listem do Hebrajczykow 5, 11-14|6, 1-20 [Strzezmy sie hipokryzji] Polecam Got Quuestions Czy Chrzescijanie sa hipokrytami?

  5. Maybe I have too hard a view on some issues and questions, but faith must be built on rock, not sand, to withstand various trials.

  6. Very good text!!! 🙂 🙂

  7. Great text with an apt message. Thanks a lot for this text. Praise the Lord! This is the truth that sets us free from falsehood in this world.
    Jak to świat śpiewa na święta bożego narodzenia: “Chwała na wysokości 2x, a pokój na ziemi.” Taki, jest pokój, ale ze świata. Póki co nie ma prawdziwego pokoju. Taki ten świat jest. Mamy walkę duchową, a nie cielesną, która jest na tym świecie. Jesteśmy wojownikami Bożymi, a nie takimi którzy walczą przeciw życiu innych. Nie takimi, którzy mają na celu poszerzyć swoje terytorium na tej ziemi, lecz, aby poszerzyć terytorium Królestwa Bożego. Nie, aby walczyć przeciwko innym państwom, ludziom, ale przeciwko siłom szatana, w imię Jezusa Chrystusa. Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! Tak więc biegnijmy w tym boju. A nagroda jest wielka – Królestwo Boże, gdzie królem będzie Jezus Chrystus. Tam będzie Pokój Boży i życie wieczne. 🙂 Amen.

    1. Kolenda oparta jest na wersecie z Łukasza 2:14 “Chwala na wysokościach Bogu, a na ziemi pokój ludziom, w których ma upodobanie”/(ludziom dobrej woli). Prawdziwy pokój jest darem Bożym dla jego wiernych sług i nie można go porównywać z pokojem, który świat daje.
      Before I get out of bed in the morning, I raise my hands and with these words ask God to bless me.

      1. Yes it is true, maybe I wrote it a bit wrong. However, the phrase in the carol can also be interpreted to mean world peace. You also have to take into account that in Christmas carols there is little mention of Jesus, Our Lord, and if there is, it is more often as a baby, a tiny one. Sadly, anyway, most of this Christmas is based on Santa Claus and there is little or no mention of Jesus Christ. So some people treat this holiday as worldly rather than Christian.
        On the other hand, world peace and God's peace are indeed completely different things, although they are the same word.

        1. Wszystko dobrze… Chciałam tylko wtrącić swoje 3 grosze ?

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