A very symbolic solar eclipse will occur on August 21, 2017. It will cut the United States in half, which could symbolize both the rupture and division of the country. Especially since many apocalypse scholars believe that the U.S. is to be destroyed. Which is supposed to be punishment for Americans' deviation from living according to biblical principles.
It's hard to judge whether this is part of a prediction of the end times or a simple astronomical phenomenon.
The 2017 eclipse will pass in a belt through states such as: Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina.
Photos will be available at these locations.
What will happen in the U.S. after the eclipse we will find out this year.
Co się będzie działo, to tylko Bóg jeden wie…niemniej jednak samo zjawisko zaćmienia słońca jest ciekawe…
Jack Hemp,
Could you translate it if you think it's worthwhile?