Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Totolek, gambling, and the Bible.

I have several Christian friends who play the Lotto. One of them is a very devout Christian and recently I was wondering, can a Christian play the lotto? The Bible admittedly doesn't talk about the lotto, but as we know Scripture explains Scripture.

My brother in faith does not want to get rich and is quite generous to those in need. According to him, he wants to help one lady at the lotto parlor keep her job. I told him that you might as well go to 777 where there are gambling machines and the lotto place itself is a mini casino.

Generally speaking, people who want to follow the Law of Allah do not gamble because it pushes greed and the earnings come from what others lose.


" For know this for certain, that no debauchee, or unclean, or covetous, that is, idolater, has a share in the kingdom of Christ and of God." Ephesians 3.



I myself once bought one lotto ticket before a convention about a year ago and Wojtek from Kraków pointed it out to me, but he couldn't justify it. Now I myself am aware of evil based on the Bible.


Here's a line in support:



"But you who have forsaken the Lord, who have forgotten my holy mountain, who set a table for the deity of happiness, and goddess of fate you serve cups full of spiced wine," Isaiah 55.



Gambling and relying on fate and luck is a demonic thing. These demons even have their names:

Deities associated with destiny: Rod, Fatum, Fortune, Tyche, Parks, Moira, Ananke.

Lotta's logo is the Queen of Heaven symbol.


The Bible, on the other hand, encourages us to work hard, and that happiness can manifest itself as God's blessing. As experienced by Joseph, Moses, Abraham, Noah, and the Apostle Paul who was rescued from many situations.

Every sin is a hindrance to prayers, and the Law of God is unchangeable.

Therefore, it is not enough to be a good person. One must know the Law of God.

I also believe that one should renounce gambling. By the way, while writing an account from Krotoszyn I mentioned how a demon of gambling came out of a man.





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  1. The capital needed to build a national economy is not created overnight (unfortunately, this is not the case). It takes a minimum of 50 years to accumulate it (two generations! ... ), provided, of course, that it is wisely invested in future-oriented concepts during this time, and not currently spent or loaded into failed projects. It is good that Peter writes about such ordinary matters (justified biblically) and not only such lofty things.

  2. Gambling games including of course lotteries, are a tax on greed, in this duel the machine always wins in the end.
    A man who is lazy, greedy and wants to live a light life will have a hard time in life, he may have moments when he earns money and then loses it (this hurts greedy people very much)
    And an honest, hard-working, good-hearted man, even though his foot may be wrong more than once, will always somehow earn a decent living.
    He will give God a day, he will give and advice.

    1. There's something about that...
      I used to take one coupon with two bets / one scratchcard for 3 PLN, but I already had it prepared in my head that if I won, then after deducting what would go for tax (probably 10%), I would use the rest of 10% (even if it was not much) to help for example some sick child and I would share what would be left after the deduction of this 10% for help with my relatives, mainly my earthly parents, even though we always get along. And what would be left after deducting this 10% to help, I would share with my relatives, mainly with my earthly parents even though we don't always get along...but thanks for bringing the matter to light 🙂 .

  3. A not very spectacular, but wise investment brings profit for a long time, while gigantomachy - living beyond one's means - almost always ends in a multifaceted disaster. For example, the biblical history of Israel or the recent history of Poland.

  4. I was watching a while ago, and somehow it fits me perfectly here 🙂 I'm not sure.

  5. Work, work.... "he who does not work let him also not eat" is not only about paid work, because women who do not work also work hard at home...but it is important for God that some effort is made. If someone is lazy and wants to get rich, God will not bless them. As for me when it comes to work, a Christian is someone who goes a step beyond what is required of him. He looks for where he can do something else, improve something, make something better. It's also creative in a way, so it's in line with the trait God has instilled in us, and it's "making the earth yield to itself" 🙂 it's also "not resting on your laurels".

  6. With honesty and work, people get rich....

    1. Nom and economy 🙂

  7. I was thinking about Guaranteed Income and came up with this as another misappropriation of God's word. In Eden, God commanded Adam to work by the sweat of his brow to the end of his days, and today...ease up...don't want to? don't work! you get benefits....
    It is the same with women. God, in his wisdom, commanded that children should be born in pain, and today anesthesia, cesareans on demand, laughing gas...
    Do what you want...

    1. Well that's right...if someone didn't work hard until harvest, their bowl was shining empty and there was no guaranteed minimum benefit for anyone. It's all backwards with women too 🙁 .

      I, on the other hand, have been wondering about the concept of "worship". In the Bible it is written to honor father and mother, God, husband...but do we even understand this concept these days? Hardly even respect on a daily basis anymore, let alone such a demanding thing as "worship". I'm curious about God's standards on this subject. How God sees it.

      1. I don't fit the word "worship" in close relationship with the word "human" (mother, father and others).
        I don't know if we have it translated correctly. The most correct word seems to me to be "respect".

        1. Maybe it doesn't fit, because probably you (and me too) associate the word worship only with the Lord God, as "exalting Him in your heart and life"...Do we have it translated right- I checked in several non-Catholic and Catholic translations e.g. 2 Genesis 20:12, every time it is "Worship your father and your mother" I don't think God would allow His intentions to be twisted in so many we are left to face the fact that the term is correct and we need to learn how to worship them....I think it's possible that God uses this big word, and commands "worship" because the relationship to parents is a reflection of the relationship to our Father in heaven, and the relationship of a wife to her husband is like the relationship of the bride church to Jesus - God, Jesus is to be worshipped, and it's possible that we can learn it better by translating it tangibly to parents and husband.

        2. In the translation of the New Gdansk Bible appears precisely the respect, and not the reverence, which has always associated me exclusively with God. Because how to distinguish between the worship that is given to man and the worship that is due to God 🙂 .
          "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which your God the Eternal will give you."

        3. Okay Peter, but don't you think that when you read the Bible that God commands to show e.g. parents a different, greater respect than other people? 🙂 I don't think there is any other word for it in the Polish language than "cześć"

            1. You're right, I didn't see that comment and I'll answer yes ... Two different situations and two different issues. I don't want to continue the discussion on this topic ... and the suggestion about the Pharisees was sadly misplaced ... The Bible repeatedly warns against wolves in sheep's clothing deceiving people ... Paul wrote: "Examine everything, and keep what is noble" and "flee from everything that has even the appearance of evil". I have had contact with many "healers" and "liberators", I know the effects of such actions, I know what I wrote about and what I felt obliged to warn against. Only that and that much. Everyone has a mind and let them do what they think. I did not mean people who are in charismatic churches - I meant people like Marcin Zieliński and their activity (I thought it was obvious, obvious).

              1. I understood you to be talking about all Charismatics (they are/were also Zac Poonen, Wilkerson), so a misunderstanding crept in. You know the tree by its fruit, so sometimes you can tell the wolves from the sheep. The charism of discerning of spirits is also useful. Regards.

                1. NN I understand 🙂 I understand 🙂 I understand 🙂 I understand 🙂 I understand 🙂 I understand 🙂 I understand 🙂

                  It is good to clarify misunderstandings. Sometimes you may not express your thoughts very fortuitously, or misunderstand the thoughts and intentions of others 🙁 May the Lord guide and guard you 🙂 Greetings too 🙂 I will.

            2. Thank you, I did not know this 🙂

    2. As for guaranteed income I agree....
      I can understand a caesarean section if it turned out that the baby was positioned not with its head but with its feet (or how it lies there) towards the birth canal or if there were indications to perform such a section (and sometimes in such situations doctors do not want to perform a caesarean section even if there were indications, which sometimes results in babies being born naturally hypoxic, etc., which, unfortunately, also results in cerebral palsy or other mental disabilities ...); I understand women's fear of natural childbirth (especially that often the incision of the perineum is used too routinely, which later results in, for example, problems with urinary incontinence. It's worse when the perineum breaks more, but in a natural way...) and what happens afterwards (well, for example, the incontinence I mentioned earlier...); some women are also simply afraid of pain, hence the frequent use of anaesthetics and other such things... anaesthetics or caesareans and laughing gas - it's good that they exist, it's worse that they are used too often, even when there are no indications:/ not that I support any side...

    3. In Eden, Adam and Eve had everything at their fingertips.
      Adam (and others after him) had to work the land by the sweat of his brow and feed on it and Eve (and others after her) had to give birth in pain - all this not in wisdom but as a form of punishment after Adam and Eve fell into disfavor for eating the forbidden fruit. God is not a sadist to make life difficult or cause birth pain for no reason. Animals do not have such pains when they give birth, do they?

      1. God takes away and God gives. I think that to him who obeys God, God also provides everything he needs at his fingertips.

      2. Did Mary, then, in giving birth to the Son of God, have labor pains?

        1. She was an ordinary person in need of a Savior. "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior," or "behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord."
          Unfortunately, so much soap has been rubbed into people's eyes that they see through a thick fog that Mary was supposed to be without sin. So if one Mary could be without sin, why couldn't all mankind be born without sin and Jesus wouldn't have to die for anyone?
          The only and also universal answer to this kind of heretical theories - "here is the great mystery of faith" 🙂

          1. And it seems to me that obstetricians know the answer and it has nothing to do with faith, let alone secrecy. Regards?

    4. Hello but this is what our Creator said after Eve and Adam sinned !!! And in fact He gave them EDEN to live in without sweat, sweat and sickness !!! Beloveds, the book of Genesis is at hand .

    5. By the way...
      Laughing gas - despite the name, it doesn't cheer you up 🙂 but it helps with proper breathing, which is extremely important at the peak of the highest, painful contraction 🙂 I used it myself, so I know what I'm writing, it didn't have the effect of the proverbial "high", but it helped to endure, by regulating breathing, the highest phase of the contraction 🙂 and thus positively influenced the course of the labour 🙂

      1. Thanks Ani, I was just wondering how it works with childbirth 🙂 I'm not sure.

    6. Dear Eurakylon-not one baby's life was saved by a caesarean section, but you are partly right, some women are afraid of childbirth, it is understandable because the country does not provide adequate care during childbirth.

      1. Cesarean is not a sin, and saving the lives of mother and baby should be a priority.
        I'm not about that... 🙂 .
        My point is that cunning and rebellion is everywhere where God has said "this is the way it is supposed to be" and man has said "this is how it is not".

        1. Eurakylon-you're right. Rebellion against God. One feels it, one is aware of it. God's law. Keep warm. With God.

  8. The good coming from the lottery, and the good coming from God differ in one key thing - the identification of the donor.
    In the case of the lottery, man in a sense leans towards Darwinism by saying that by chance he now has what he has.
    In the case of prayer, a person glorifies God that it is because of Him that he has what he has 🙂 .
    "Then call upon Me in the day of affliction: I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me" (Ps 50:15)

    1. There are different situations in life. I wouldn't put everything in one bag. I know a person who was in a tragic life situation (you could say the world collapsed on her head), prayed for a six in Totka and got it... enough money to support a family for six years... so it is not always greed etc. There is always a person behind every situation with their intentions - good or bad.

      1. She prayed for 6, there was enough money for 6 years, the only thing missing is for the winning amount to be 6 digits 😛

        1. Is it really necessary to look for "sixes" and devil's paws everywhere? It was enough for six years, because after so many years the children for whom this person asked for money became independent. I know the situation and the person well...and I can say with all responsibility that the devil had absolutely nothing to do with it. Isn't it written: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you"...this win is a beautiful testimony, showing how the Father in heaven cares for those who trust in HIM.

          How easy it is to come to judgement and evaluation (all it took was "sixes") 🙁

          1. I would like to show a comment I once wrote to you that you did not see. At that time I also felt that judging by a general measure was unfair and that is the only reason I paste it here to show that you can sometimes lump 100% cases together without seeing the wheat among the weeds.

            I don't want to reopen that discussion, peace with you and everyone.

            1. Beautiful Emilko❤so happy ?for your growth in Christ.
              Peace be with you my dear sister.❤

          2. How easy it is also to misunderstand a comment that was posted just for the sake of a joke. The smiling face at the end of my post was supposed to emphasize that, apparently it did not. To be clear, the whole world is full of symbols and paws of the devil after all he rules this planet so why should it be different? It does not mean that I have to waste my time to search for all possible symbols that are available because I do not have enough life for this, and priceless time is running out faster and faster. I have not judged anyone and if I wanted to I would do it in a clear and visible way. I do not want to explain any more, I had a hard day, I fall on my face. God bless!

            1. Today I join with you in prayer :)for the development of intra-church communication and understanding of humor 🙂 .
              Let us also pray for all the Brothers and Sisters who persevere in practicing push-ups. They're falling down and getting up... They're falling down and getting up... 🙂

              1. I've been doing push-ups for two days now 😛 and after today's stressful day I feel like I'm lifting half a ton on my back so I'm not going to strain myself. I've already got such jokes and I decided that if I understand them, others will too.

                1. All cleared up, any misunderstandings 🙂

                  Greetings to the whole church 🙂 .

                  Lenka: *

  9. They started with gambling ended up giving birth 🙂 And how not to love you 🙂 Gambling like any other addiction is a disease I have known such sick people. Usually when such a demon of gambling is already hooked he brings his friends from alcohol, nicotine and "drag" issues, so if you take one you get for free a few more completely free ot such a hellish promotion. The saying goes that nations get rich by prayer and work, not by honesty and work as someone wrote. So you already know why this Poland is so poor as a hat 🙂 Maybe people are hardworking but their prayers are addressed to the wrong addressee. As for the statement that a Christian will always do one step more and earn more than is expected of him/her, I disagree 🙂 Show that you can, they will milk you twice. Here it works perfectly, I don't know how in Poland but I suspect it is the same. I always do my job efficiently, correctly and with commitment and that's it 🙂 There is no need to make a literal ox out of myself. I was such an ox for 8 years and what did I get out of it 😛 Oh not to be lazy I'm not lazy at all and at work I give 100% but I'm not going to be a stooge 🙂 .

    1. Every one of us is a gambler. We bet on "black" or "white" and our lives are at stake.

  10. Slawek such a nature of the Pole - from my own experience, we force ourselves. When the body begins to get sick, then we slow down, Take care.

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