Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. “Przeto poddajcie się Bogu, przeciwstawcie się diabłu, a ucieknie od was.
    Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Wash your hands, sinners, and cleanse your hearts, people with divided souls.
    Uniżcie się przed Bogiem, a wywyższy was” Jakuba 4:7,8,10

  2. Ludzie chca od Pana Boga natychmiastowych rozwiazan swoich problemow, a nie chca oczekiwac cierpliwie na rozwiazanie swych klopotow. Sek w tym, iz wiele spraw nie cierpi zwloki i nie ma czasu na ich odwlekanie…

    1. Czasami zwłoki są konieczne. Jak się człowiek rodzi na nowo w Chrystusie, to porzuca stare, grzeszne ciało…

    2. God sees the bigger picture and knows whether to act right away or wait at any given time.
      It's like a child who, focused on a butterfly, wants to run across the road and doesn't pay attention (often can't even see) that a car is approaching from afar.
      Sometimes it's better for that proverbial butterfly to fly away from our lives because it could do us more harm than good, and only God knows that. And He doesn't always let us catch that butterfly we run after so intensely 🙂

  3. Let us pray for the return to our community of brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ who have lost their way, and also for new companions on the gospel journey in this world.

  4. W takim razie wychodziłoby że Diobeł to pycha. A nie, chwila chwila… Lucyfer wcześniej przestrzegał prawa Boga, więc komu dał przystęp do siebie że zgrzeszył? Pismo sugeruje że pycha go zwiodła, w takim razie gorszym wrogiem od Diobła jest pycha, bo zwiodła nawet Diobła – który zwodzi cały świat. Uroczo.

    1. My namesake 🙂 . There is a great scene in one of the Bond movies starring Pierce Brosnan. Crazy computer scientist, after decoding some program (in the meantime 007 makes gray smoke in their base, i.e. his opponents 😉 ) stands up impetuously from the desk with the computer, raises his hands triumphantly in the air, when suddenly behind him bursts a tank of liquid nitrogen and is in this pose in an instant frozen 😉 .

    2. The devil is like a dirty brush on which are splashed various hideous sticky substances, which, as you have noticed, he worked out in himself having free will and a rather high position. There is pride, hatred, rebellion, selfishness. When we come in contact with him we soil ourselves with these things. Pride, among other things. The more contact we have, the more of it stays on us.

    3. Arthur, do you want to compare yourself to angels? And to the greatest one?
      we're gonna be like angels.
      For now there is a fight for the souls of people and this is what I do on this blog by showing how the devil wants to reach people to convince them, to tempt them. He has the Right to them.
      The Our Father prayer shows us what this is all about:
      “bądź wola Twoja jako w niebie tak i na ziemi;” – na razie ludzie na wielka skalę masowo czynią wolę szatana
      “nie dopuść abyśmy ulegli pokusie”. – pokusa->grzech->zniewolenie

      I recall Job and how God allowed harassment by Satan.... Satan has a right to us. This can be seen in the people who are possessed. These are his property. Others are his slaves and the rest are subject to God. Either way we are wired under one of two spirits. Either the Holy Spirit or the spirit of this world.
      Don't you remember what happened in paradise? That's when the first couple gave mankind over to sin, something they didn't know yet, and sin is from the devil. Through sin came death. Through sin the devil has access to humans. So comparing human beings to Lucifer is like a flower to a sheepskin. The devil is entitled to the whole earth. Even Jesus was tempted.
      Do you not see the consequences of sin, of breaking God's Law?

      I see a lot of bitterness in you. If you have something to say to Wojtusio or me, have the courage to write, because something is wrong with you and I won't help you until I know what it is about.

  5. Not keeping the Law of God does not give the devil any ownership over you, only access. Be sober, be vigilant! Your adversary, the devil, walks around (you) like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8
    If that were the case, one sin would be enough and you would automatically become the devil's property, his child.

  6. Obrazki z życia. Szlachta nie pracuje…

  7. Zlotowka ( jej wartosc nabywcza ) wedlug oficjalnych zrodel dezinformacji trzyma sie dziarsko, podczas gdy glos ludu mowi co innego. A mianowicie. Nowe rzeczy mimo, ich gorszej jakosci, ba, tandeciarskiej wrecz, od dawniej produkowanych sa od nich drozsze ( tak jest! ) w dluzszym ujeciu czasowym. Cuda na kiju i malpa w domu 😉 …Normalnie to by bylo smieszne, ale nie jest.

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