Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

He who loves his brother abides in the light and nothing can shake him. But he who hates his brother lives and walks in darkness

He who loves his brother abides in the light, and nothing can shake him. But he who hates his brother lives and walks in darkness and does not know where he is going, because darkness has blinded his eyes. 1 Peter 2


Nie da się być chrześcijaninem i jednocześnie nienawidzić kogoś. Ten cytat jest tego dowodem. Chrześcijanie są bardzo relatywną i mieszaną grupą. Etykieta “chrześcijanina” powoduje poczucie przynależności do wierzących w Jezusa. Tak nie jest. Miarą tego czy jesteś chrześcijaninem jest nie znajomość Biblii, doktryn, czy członkostwo w danej denominacji, ale miłość do bliźniego.


“Przykazanie nowe daję wam, abyście się wzajemnie miłowali tak, jak Ja was umiłowałem; żebyście i wy tak się miłowali wzajemnie. 35 Po tym wszyscy poznają, żeście uczniami moimi, jeśli będziecie się wzajemnie miłowali”.” Jana 13


There is a lot of venom, spiritual thuggery on the internet. In real life it is probably the same. You can be lynched for dissent. Sometimes it's enough to disagree on one issue, and suddenly you become someone's enemy. Of course, Christianity is not an ecumenism where everyone can say whatever comes to their tongue in a false sense of love. Here we use the Word. The problem lies in the culture of the dispute, and in fact first of all in what you have in your heart towards your opponent.

So Christianity, in truth, can be divided into followers of Jesus and Cainites who hold a grudge against their brother and sister in their hearts, looking for an opportunity to attack, slander, and take revenge.

This is murder. Any emotionally negative, hate-filled attitude toward a person is murder:


” Każdy, kto nienawidzi swego brata, jest zabójcą,
a wiecie, że żaden zabójca nie nosi w sobie życia wiecznego”


In the apocalypse there are letters to seven churches. Each of them is different. Unfortunately, but hypocritical people belong to 7 churches at the same time. They have no clear lineage. An example of this is this blog. I have readers who hate me, slander me, but visit DAILY. They will not stay in their OWN church of thought, but strenuously want to change the profile of that church. A true gentleman if he is sure of his ideas walks away in peace.


Some Christians wait for a brother or sister to stumble. Is this an imitation of Jesus? Jesus did not even condemn Judas. He offered him bread one last time knowing full well that Judas would betray him.

How much hatred, bitterness is in the heart of Christians. They think they are believers and they are not wrong at all, they believe but in the devil, for he is the accuser of our brothers.

If you feel that you have bitterness or grudge against someone, pray to remove it, because on 100% you will not enter the kingdom of heaven as it is now. Hatred blinds you.

 But he who hates his brother lives and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because darkness has blinded his eyes



Hatred is present in churches as well as in our families. Christians have bitterness toward their father, mother, former partner(s), employer, etc.

A prescription for haters, or for people full of grief:


Beware lest anyone deprive himself of the grace of God, lest some bitter root that grows upward cause confusion and thereby defile others,
Hebrews 12:1


Paul clearly warns about the loss of grace caused by the bitter root, which is what I wrote about above.

Hate is the sister of murder.





Updated: 22 March 2017 — 09:18


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  1. I pray for those who hold grudges against others not wanting to know them anymore. And I am referring primarily to Christians walking in the Lord.

    1. Exactly, one more thing. I know of one church, a church where there are about 100 people. I found out that there are various sympathies and family groups within these sympathies, and this means that we don't have to have close relationships with everyone. These groups do not keep in touch with other members of the church. Just like in nature. Generally a dog and a cat are not friends, but there are exceptions. This is how it is among people. It is one thing to be nice, but it is another to maintain close relationships. We have to keep in mind, while respecting other people's feelings, that this person does not want our closeness.

      1. Zgadzam się ale nie to miałem na myśli, napisałem o tych co chowają urazę. Są relacje zupełnie neutralne opierające się na wzajemnej życzliwości, kiedy się już przebywa w większym gronie i tu nie trzeba się w żaden sposób ze sobą przyjaźnić ale są też takie przypadki, gdzie jedni do drugich mają urazę i nie chce tego wyprostować a przecież Pismo mówi nam wiele na ten temat aby się zawsze pojednać – czyli dać też jasno do zrozumienia, że nie mamy już tej urazy, nic więcej nie trzeba.

  2. A co z uczuciem pogardy-wyższości “wyższych sfer ekonomicznych społeczeństwa’ ( którym dobrze płacą, a często są dyletantami ) do tzw. “plebsu, hołoty , robolistanu” ( którzy robią coś konkretnego )? Pod co to podpada?

  3. Jesus would have a ton of reasons to be angry with us.
    How many times have we let Him down?
    Mógłby powiedzieć “nie, z ciebie nic nie będzie, mam lepszych przyjaciół”.
    And yet He continues to reach out to us, regardless of our stumbles.
    Dlatego powiedział “…abyście się wzajemnie miłowali tak, jak Ja was umiłowałem; żebyście i wy tak się miłowali wzajemnie.” (J 13:34)

    1. I like this quote 🙂 It fits this discussion 🙂

  4. I don't know if we would be less malcontent if we were Protestant. Certainly we would be far richer in spiritual as well as material goods.

  5. Wyznacznikiem prestizu w Polsce nie sa rozne osiagniecia w dowolnych dziedzinach zycia ( bardziej albo mniej poplatne ) ale posiadanie rzeczy materialnych np. wypasionego auto tj. szrota glownie z Niemiec. Swiadczy to o strasznej biedzie… duchowo-umyslowo-mentalnej przez ktora jestesmy pariasami Europy.

    1. Exactly, I agree, and by the way your writings and summaries are great.
      With God

      1. Thank you very much 🙂 .

  6. People need to vent their accumulated frustration and aggression by being a warm-hearted, wise, trustworthy and tough-minded moral person.

  7. Dziękuję w imię Jezusa za rozważanie. To jest ciekawe. Pamiętam jak pisałeś, że chrześcijanin który non stop szuka “haków” na braci i siostry w wierze przejawia przymiot szatana- oskarżanie. Nie tylko w internecie, ale rzeczywiście na żywo spotkałam się z takimi chrześcijanami, do których strach się w ogóle odezwać, bo wydają się tylko czyhać aby wytknąć ci błąd.

    It is true that it is impossible to be a follower of Jesus and hate a brother or sister. I am so thankful to the Lord that He took away all resentment from me. And even now if someone offends me, thanks to the Lord Jesus it goes away so quickly 🙂 .

    I am honestly very afraid to harbor any resentment or bad feelings towards someone. Because I fear God and I know that hatred is like murder. These are very powerful words from the Lord Jesus.

  8. Polska to kraj lichej pracy ( wyniszczajacej/wyczerpujacej fizycznie i duchowo ) i co gorsza slabo platnej. Ludziom ktorym sie “udalo” w tym kraju to czesto roznej masci dorobkiewicze ( niestety wiekszosc ) zerujacy na krzywdzie prostego robola tzn. zrobi wszystko by nie zaplacic wiecej swoim pracownikom, ale na bzdurne luksusy ( nic nie wnoszace w rozwoj przedsiebiorstwa ) to ma…

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