Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Women dancing in front of the Pope in tight and perky outfits.

Magic in the Roman Church exists since Catholics fail to see the colossal scale of the progressive deviation that began under JPII at the 1986 ecumenical meeting in Assisi with Buddhists, Muslims.

Catholics behave as if they were programmed by Stalin himself. They act as if they can't see their cheating wife in the next room.



The playfully exposed breasts bring Mr. Bergoglio great joy.



Dear Catholics, here is your pope.


The men, on the other hand, dressed in pentagrams, presented an Eastern martial arts demonstration.

In the face of this and other information, I am convinced that the next pope will go much further and Catholics will split into apostates and believers in the church of the devil.





Updated: 23 February 2017 — 10:49


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  1. What a circus... The animals are there and the audience is there, but nobody sees the animals...

    1. Great summary 😀

  2. Catholics don't get it, they are rather happy that the Pope is a cool smiling old man. And all you have to do is ask yourself a simple and fundamental question:
    "Is this how Jesus would have acted?"
    and take a moment to think about the answer.

    1. I'm afraid Catholics don't much care about Jesus Christ our Savior ?

      1. It's also a sad truth, they care more about the priest, the pope, and every other person dressed in a magical costume.

        1. And the apparent peace that no one disturbs by pronouncing in their presence such words as Bible, salvation, conversion, Jesus Christ, etc. Sad

  3. Hos 4:4-10 But let no one accuse or rebuke [the people]. To thee, O priest, is my accusation. Thou art falling day and night, and with thee also falls the Prophet. It is thou who bringest destruction on thy people. My people are given over to destruction because they lack knowledge. Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, and thou shalt no longer be a priest unto me: thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, therefore will I also forget thy sons. The more their importance grew, the more they sinned against me, and turned their glory into dishonor. They live on the sin of my people, and they even covet their iniquity. The same will happen to my people as to the priest: I will avenge on them their conduct, and I will give them a recompense for their deeds. They will eat, but they will not fill themselves with food; they will commit adultery, but they will not procreate; for they have forsaken the Lord, and given themselves up to dissipation.

  4. Nice guy. He stops with the harlots and he fraternizes with the guslars. He's his own guy...

  5. Twisting a comment I found the other day to a different situation, and which fits VERY well here:
    "Oh curde*, but kyrk!"
    *there was a certain k-word, but I substituted
    (and it should be Oh boy, what a circus! - oh and a real circus...) :/

  6. Paul R. Erhlich who is in favor of depopulating the globe is "delighted" with the direction the Church has taken under Francis.,p2105507171

  7. I don't even know what to think about this 😀 a veritable circus. Literally and figuratively 😉

  8. It's a deliberate way to trick people, to push further boundaries of indecency.
    Well, because if the head of the Church participates in such celebrations, there is nothing wrong in it.
    And for the people of the world, the pope becomes a laid back guy.And that's what they want, to put on another show.
    They will be comparing the Pope to our Lord Jesus Christ, and this is their strategy: we are the world-threatening outcasts.
    And they people of pseudo peace making room for the antichrist.

  9. The symbolism of a clown or a joker, a trefoil also called a jester has its own secret overtones. 1.Satan, liar, advisor, spy.
    2 The fool jumping around-unaware believers.
    I inevitably associate it with the Queen song - Bohemian rhapsody and its hidden meaning

  10. It's just plain ugly. The colors, the costumes, the makeup and the performance itself. Where is the sense of beauty here?
    Well, that's what it was supposed to be about. The Pope teaches: Ugliness is beauty, evil is good, hate is love and war is about peace.
    People watch and clap and the new "beauty" of this world is as tasty as a pickle with mustard.

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