Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Serve the Lord your God, and he will bless your bread and your water. I will also remove sickness from among you.

“Służcie Panu, Bogu waszemu, a On pobłogosławi chleb twój i wodę twoją. Oddalę też choroby spośród ciebie.” Wyjścia 23.


I observe people and their lives from a biblical angle. I often see a lot of misery and then ask myself: what sin caused this? Some Protestants believe that neither the curse nor the blessing is working at this time. I say this: if there is no curse then it is meaningless to give Poland to the Queen of Heaven in 1655 when the Polish King John II Casimir proclaimed Mary the Queen of Poland and since then Poland has experienced many disasters like three partitions, two world wars and persecutions by Stalin's criminals, the agreement of the communists at the round table. Two million Poles in emigration.

If there is no cursing, then sick children are a coincidence, series of suicides in the family are a coincidence.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe in coincidences. God is not a God of chance, but a God of order. The so-called Big Bang was random.

Nie słuchajcie protestantów nauczających jakoby błogosławieństw już nie było. Oczywiście zgoda, jeśli ktoś oddał swe życie Jezusowi to jest obmyty Jego krwią, ale najpierw trzeba oddać swe życie całkowicie, a nie częściowo. To z kolei oznacza, że grzech nie powinien rządzić w Twoim życiu. Jeśli rządzi to uwierz mi, Bóg Cię postawi do pionu gdyż “kogo kocha tego karze i chłoszcze”.  Mnie karał, więc wiem co pisze. Jeśli oddasz swe życie Jezusowi częściowo, to i On częściowo Ci zapewni ochronę. Przecież sam/a przez grzech dajesz furtkę demonom.

The law of sin and death works. The problem, however, is that it does not work like electricity. If it did, no one would touch sin because it would electrocute them. Unfortunately, the punishment for sin works with a delay and no one notices it.

In the next verse of Exodus 23 we read:


” Nie będzie roniącej ani niepłodnej w twoim kraju. Liczbę dni twoich uczynię pełną.”



I know several people who have had miscarriages in their family, but there was a lot wrong with their lives.


The deceivers say: God's law is no longer in effect, it was in the Old Testament. I say: gravity doesn't work because it was in the Old Testament and not in the New Covenant.



The metaphor for demons in the following quote is gods:


They shall not dwell in your land, lest they deceive you into sinning against me; for if you serve their gods, it will be a snare to you.



Do you want to fall into a trap through sin? Your choice. Our lives are like a computer game where traps await us, there are levels and someday there will be a game over. Sin is the entrance to the traps, and we are to persevere to the end.



So be subject to God, but resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (8) Come closer to God, and He will come closer to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners; sanctify your hearts, unstable people! James 4


Updated: 31 January 2017 — 10:56


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  1. Thank you Peter 🙂 Short but valuable text. Praise our God for the blog and your work. May Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior be glorified, to Him be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen

    Peace to you all. Greetings.

    1. Thank you in Jesus' name.
      Wow what a cool little guy. Congratulations 🙂 .

  2. These reflections Peter are, for me, a continuation of yesterday's:
    The time will come when people will not want to accept sound doctrine, but will choose teachers according to their own tastes, hungry for what is pleasing to the ear,
    There you referred to the results of a survey entitled. "How long after being born again can one live in continued sin?" The conclusions were not edifying, for almost 40% of those who took a stand opined that one can live in constant sin until death.
    Today I have been pondering the contents of 1 Corinthians since this morning and the following passage from the ninth chapter caught my attention:
    "(27) But I mortify my flesh and subdue it, lest by chance, being a herald to others, I myself should be rejected."
    It is difficult to see Paul's tolerance of sin in this statement, quite the contrary. On the contrary, these words clearly smash into dust the teaching of "once saved always saved. "Once saved always saved.
    In another letter addressed to the Philippians (parent.2.), the Apostle Paul wrote:
    "(12) Therefore, my beloved, as ye have always, not only in my presence, but even more now in my absence, obeyed: work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
    Do, nurture, care for, take care of, or be busy with it. What else could it mean but effort? And why make an effort when I have the same thing without making an effort?
    Therefore, these words are proof that effort on our part is necessary for salvation and is a component of the process of sanctification, "without which no one will see the Lord" (Heb.12.14.).
    The effort cannot be in vain, and must be directed against sin. If we love sin we will not want to part with it, and so it will take the place in our heart that Christ should take. And if Christ does not dwell in us, how can we call ourselves children of God?
    Being born again to life in Christ, like being born of a woman's flesh, must take time and does not happen in the blink of an eye. But it is a time-bound process that ends in fruit. If the process is not completed, the fruit will not be produced.
    "(19) Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire (20) So by their fruits you will know them." (Matt.7.).

    1. Thank you for your comprehensive post Christopher. Yes, usually my posts are a logical continuation, a search for biblical truth.
      Yes, I see that we form here an invisible community where the Lord Jesus is the vine and we are the branches and I see that we are all connected by an invisible thread who seek the truth not for ourselves but the truth in Jesus, and I am writing this because you sent me probably from idzpodprad the teaching about the irreversibility of salvation if I remember correctly. You got an answer from God, and I didn't have to explain anything.
      Praise God for our virtual church.

      1. The topic of the irreversibility of salvation is fundamental for theology. After listening to Pastor Chojecki's teaching, I found a lot of reflections on this topic online. I spent a lot of time to get into some of them and understand the arguments. Hence this extensive post. Grace and power is from God and is absolutely necessary for a sinner to be lifted up. However, sanctification cannot happen against a person's will.
        Why would there be such words in the pages of Scripture, for example, that Satan, like a roaring lion, prowls around looking for someone to devour? These are words of warning of a real danger. It means that Satan can snatch us from a place of safety. If the adversary knew there was nothing he could do, why would he bother?
        Our Lord Jesus was also tested and had to resist Satan. Where did He get His power from? From the Father, of course.
        It is the same with us. Nothing is given to us once and for all. If it were given once and for all, then why such means as the word of God, prayer, staying in community, breaking bread?
        Mamy zapewnienie Bożej wierności, ale jeśli będziemy oporni /wydający niegodny owoc/ lub leniwi przez całe życie /zakopiemy talent/ to czy Bóg nie powie nam gdy przed nim staniemy – “nie znam Cię”?

        1. “Z nami jest podobnie. Nic nie jest nam dane raz na zawsze. Jeśli by dane było raz na zawsze to po co takie środki jak słowo Boże, modlitwa, trwanie we wspólnocie, łamanie chleba?”

          Exactly. Nothing to add.

  3. I would also add that if our efforts to abide in Christ were unimportant then there would be no letters to the seven churches. They contain praise and encouragement as well as warnings. Why would the Lord Jesus warn us if we were not in danger by saying:
    “(15) Znam uczynki twoje, żeś ani zimny, ani gorący. Obyś był zimny albo gorący! (16) A tak, żeś letni, a nie gorący ani zimny, wypluję cię z ust moich.” (Ap.3.)
    Czy słowa “wypluję cię z ust moich” nie mówią wprost, że zbawienie można utracić?
    To me it is something like the event with the Apostle Peter when he walked on the water. When he believed he walked confidently and was in no danger, but when he faltered he began to sink.
    Po co też słowa skierowane prze Ap. Pawła do Tymoteusza: “(2) Głoś Słowo, bądź w pogotowiu w każdy czas, dogodny czy niedogodny, karć, grom, napominaj z wszelką cierpliwością i pouczaniem.”?
    If once saved is forever saved, then why reprove, rebuke, exhort?

  4. The Gospel is drowning in a thicket of myths and superstitions. How God punishes all kinds of superstitious people!

  5. It is very sad that there is so much deviation from the teachings of Christ.
    The selectivity of God's word, the illogicality of it all, so that you can live a little bit of the world and a little bit of God. We know that it is not possible to live that way.
    For either we are with God, or we are in the way and make concessions to the evil one.
    Dear ones, I encourage you to support each other in prayer that we may persevere in the Truth.Asking our Lord Jesus Christ to open the eyes of our brothers and sisters who have gone astray and strayed into the teachings of men.In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ may it be so.

  6. If God didn't punish disobedience today, and didn't intervene in our lives at all, then He would also 1) not bless those who seek Him, and 2) not be just and reliable.
    He clearly said what consequences await those who oppose Him. And it is not equally clearly written anywhere that He revoked these words.

  7. Andrzej Cyrikas – Ten który zanurza w Duchu Świętym – 30.01.2005

  8. Witam szkoda, że posty które zamieściłem na temat nieutracalności zbawienia nie zostały w pełni opublikowane. Cenzura? Co do tego tematu nie można generalizować, że jeśli komuś coś złego się przytrafia, lub choroba to jest wina grzechu, chociażby mamy Joba, mamy także Pawła który nosił, miał pewien “cierń” aby nie wbijał się w pychę. Bóg doświadcza człowieka także w różne sposoby, podobnie znam kobiety wierzące które są niepłodne czy to z powodu grzechu? Osobiście wątpię z persepktywy czasu miało to cel. Bóg się nimi posłużył w inny sposób niż bycia matką. Oczywiście ja też nie chcę generalizować, bo Bóg doświadcza i karci też poprzez choroby, a gdyby sięgając podstaw to choroby są skutkiem grzechu naszych pierwszych rodziców. Często przechodzimy różne doświadczenia czy to choroby czy jakieś przykre sprawy i nie wszystkie są skutkiem naszego grzechu, ale chociażby w drugą stronę są po to by nasza wiara była wypróbowana właśnie czy w tych trudnych chwilach trzymamy się Pana. Chrześcijanie też umierają na raka i tak jak wcześniej napisałem choroba skutek grzechu rodziców, ale czy zawsze przychodzi bo my popełniliśmy jakiś grzech i jest to kara ? nie zawsze. Chciałem napisać komentarz, bo artykuł zabrzmiał w jedną stronę i skojrzayło mi się to właśnie z trzema przyjaciółmi Joba którzy probowali mu udowodnić że wszystko to na niego spadło bo popełnił grzech i Bóg go kara.

    1. Your comment is still in this thread and has been.

      “Co do tego tematu nie można generalizować, że jeśli komuś coś złego się przytrafia, lub choroba to jest wina grzechu”

      Of course not because God also tests us He is the one who checks the kidneys.

      Tak, może to tak zabrzmiało i może powinienem dopisać o mądrości bo gro chrześcijan prowadzi może niegrzeszne,, ale niemądre życie np kupując często chipsy i mięso wieprzowe. Nie wspomnę o braku ruchu…Dlatego równiez należy modlić sie o mądrość..
      The topic is broad, and I only wanted to show the above in this thread.

  9. A nation acting against God and His laws will not change its dire situation through protests such as Solidarnosc 1980-81, the Orange Revolution, of which EuroMaydan was the climax. Have they changed anything in the life of simple, unprivileged people?

  10. Thank you for posting this 🙂

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