Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Pastor Chojecki's Christmas tree.

Several people on this blog have provided a link to this video:

Skoro człowiek nazywający się pastorem zaszufladkował takie osoby jak my, jako: hejterów i legalistów, to nie pozostaje nic innego, jak ustosunkować się do tego ataku, zwłaszcza, że on sam film kieruje do tych  umownie rzecz biorąc “legalistów”.

From the beginning. On the video board, we see two highlighted slogans:

  1. Christmas tree haters
  2. Absurdities of legalists.


Jest to psychomanipulacja, ponieważ prawda broni się sama. Nie trzeba jej wzmacniać wkładanymi w nieznających Słowa Bożego umysły pejoratywnymi określeniami. Tak jak kiedyś Chojecki otoczył się napisami: “pastor”, tak jakby to miało wzmocnić postrzeganie jego osoby jako pastora. Swoją droga skąd mam mieć pewność, że nie jest przeszkolony w tego typu technikach…

Now for a change, we should create a video with two subtitles:


  1. A self-proclaimed pastor and his Christmas tree.
  2. The nonsense of lukewarmness.

Would that be fair?

I don't think the term hecklers would ever come out of the mouths of the apostles. How do I know this? Firstly, the apostles shunned the world, and this slogan is strictly from the world, and secondly, they would not use a term marked by manipulation. Mr Niesiołowski called all the opposing interlocutors as hecklers. This is such a cornering.

Mr. Chojecki's statement is strong evidence of arbitrary interpretation of Scripture. He cites this quotation:


“Co więc dotyczy spożywania mięsa, składanego w ofierze bałwanom, wiemy, że nie ma bożka na świecie i że nie ma żadnego innego boga, oprócz Jednego.” 1 Kor 8.


This verse says that we Christians have one God, but that does not mean that there were not and are not other gods. Example:


” Teraz wyznaję, że Pan jest większy niż wszyscy inni bogowie, gdyż w ten sposób ukarał tych, co się nimi pysznili.

Ks. Wyjścia 18:11″

As we can see there are self-appointed gods.

If there are no other gods, why does the commandment read: you shall have no other gods before me?


You shall have no other gods before me. Ex 20.3


I value Chojecki for his historical and political knowledge, but when it comes to knowledge of the Bible, he is at the beginning stages of learning it. The very fact that he believed that Jesus would walk with a real sword in the end times shows a lack of elementary knowledge. The average Bible reader knows that Jesus will not fight the antichrist with swords like in a sci-fi movie, but:

For the mystery of ungodliness is already at work. Let only him who now holds back give way, then the Wicked One will appear, whom the Lord Jesus will extinguish with the breath of his mouth and will destroy [by the very] revelation of his coming



Of course, here full agreement, the Christmas tree is not an idol in itself, but it is an element of idol worship. It is not a Christian custom. Chojecki will not find in the Bible a verse concerning the ritual of celebrating December 24th with a Christmas tree. Instead, we will find the source of the Christmas tree celebration in books and texts around Christianity.

Another example of Chojecki's faulty reasoning can be seen when he calls some famous footballer an idol. Of course he is not really a god, but anyone who stands above God is an idol for the fans. This is so called idolatry. I don't want to believe that Chojecki doesn't know about it. All in all, fallen angels and gods are behind a football player, and until recently the world cup was Nike. Who is Nike? The goddess of victory, that is, a fallen angel.



Chojecki says:


“gorliwi wierzący zagalopowaliście się”


Or maybe Mr. Chojecki has less knowledge?


Chojecki's teachings contradict the Bible. I'm not saying all of them, because I don't watch videos from that channel. However, a Christian shown with a gun is reduced to just a member of ISIS. They fight with a sword and a gun, but we fight with the Word of God.


In Thessalonians it is written:


“Unikajcie wszystkiego, co has even if only appearance of evil 1Tes 5,22″

Chojecki, on the other hand, says:

 “są rzeczy obojętne moralnie”.

Agreed. However, using on a particular day, a particular object typical of Satanism is a violation of the commandment.

The apostles said:

(4) Believers, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity against God? So if anyone wants to be a friend of the world, he becomes an enemy of God. As 4


The world celebrates the famous merry christmas and Chojecki wants us to be like the world. I hope he is just a lukewarm Christian and not more than that, because he is a man of great intelligence, which has an impact on the audience.


Beware of Mr. Chojecki if only for the sake of cognition. Blind trust leads to darkness.


It further quotes Corinthians:


“tak więc wszystko, cokolwiek w jatce sprzedają, spożywajcie, niczego nie dociekając – dla spokoju sumienia” (1 Kor. 10:25,”

Alfred Palla explains the heavy verse:


Jeśli poważnie traktujemy Biblię, to musimy uznać, że zasada “niczego nie dociekajcie – dla spokoju sumienia” odnosi się także do dzisiaj spotykanej sytuacji – często przytaczanej przez wrogów diety biblijnej – jedzenia posiłku u kogoś obcego. Ale jeśli zasada ta jest słuszna, to wydaje się ona bezpośrednio godzić w poglądy zwolenników diety biblijnej.

Incompatible with the biblical context

But let's return to the texts in question, 1 Corinthians 10:25 and 27. I said above that they are strange because they are inconsistent with common sense. But they are also strange for much more important reasons; after all, common sense is a human way of thinking that must be subordinated to God's rules.

Zasada “wszystko, cokolwiek w jatce sprzedają, spożywajcie, niczego nie dociekając – dla spokoju sumienia” oraz ściśle z nią związana druga “jeżeli zaprosi was ktoś z niewierzących, a wy zgodzicie się przyjść, jedzcie wszystko, co wam podadzą, nie pytając o nic – dla spokoju sumienia” są niezgodne z tzw. bliższym i dalszym kontekstem biblijnym. Biblia bowiem, jak się wydaje, zakazuje spożywania mięsa z ofiar składanych bożkom. Przeczytajmy dwa teksty Nowotestamentowe z Apokalipsy św. Jana: “Ale mam nieco przeciw tobie, bo masz tam takich, co się trzymają nauki Balaama, który pouczył Balaka, jak podsunąć synom Izraela sposobność do grzechu przez spożycie ofiar składanych bożkom i uprawianie rozpusty” (Obj. 2:14); “ale mam przeciw tobie to, że pozwalasz działać niewieście Jezabel, która nazywa siebie prorokinią, a naucza i zwodzi moje sługi, by uprawiali rozpustę i consumed sacrifices to idols” (Obj. 2:20).

These are the words of Jesus Himself! They make it unmistakably clear that the eating of sacrifices to idols is a sin that we must avoid. Of course, these words probably should not be taken literally: eating sacrifices to idols would only be a symbol of other sins. The question is not important here, because it is clear that the symbol of sin in the Bible cannot be something impeccable and pure. For example, fornication is a symbol of departure from the true faith, but fornication itself, taken literally, also deserves condemnation.

More at the link.


He says ironically:

is a spaghetti cult, then don't eat spaghetti.


Logical fallacy. Flour is primordial and is a common ingredient in many foods. However, making spagethi out of it for religious purposes on a particular day with the followers of that cult is a sin. So are groves and heights or steles. Groves in themselves are not bad, nor are heights, but making a form of worship out of it is. Someone had to make the groves, and someone had to make the heights.

Likewise with paintings. A landscape painting is not a bad thing. Its frames are usually made of wood. However, a painting made of wood with an image of a false idol is evil. The example with spaghetti by Chojecki's logic shows us: don't make any paintings because it is a sin.

I have paintings from the seaside at home. are they a form of worship? no. Do I do something on a particular day, season, like thousands, millions of other worshipers? no.

If I have a Christmas tree decorated with snakes in my house with a 5-pointed star on top then when all Catholics and other deviant religions celebrate the Roman Sol In victus is it a sin? Yes.



Finally, about the alleged zealotry:


” A tak, skoro jesteś letni i ani gorący, ani zimny, mam cię wyrzucić z moich ust. (17)Ty bowiem mówisz: “jestem bogaty” i “wzbogaciłem się”, i “niczego mi nie potrzeba”, a nie wiesz, że to ty jesteś nieszczęsny i godzien litości, i biedny, i ślepy, i nagi. (18) I counsel thee to buy of me gold purified in the fire, that thou mayest be enriched, and white garments, that thou mayest be clothed, and that thy shameful nakedness be not seen, and balm to anoint thy eyes, that thou mayest see. (19) Ja wszystkich, których kocham, karcę i wychowuję. Bądź więc gorliwy i nawróć się.”


Choose for yourself: zeal or lukewarmness.

Do what you want.

Updated: 13 September 2016 — 21:38


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  1. Moim zdaniem ma az za duzo tych widzów, co skutkuje moim ”hmmmm” uciekam 😉

    1. such Christianity for all.
      Do what you want, but believe in God. All Catholics believe in God

      1. Ba, and the demons believe in God 🙂
        “Ty wierzysz, że Bóg jest jeden szlachetnie postępujesz; demony także wierzą i drżą z lęku.” (Jakuba 2:19 NBG)

  2. Pastor od “ewangelii broni” ? można,można.
    Miło mi należeć do tzw “legalistów “jak to się pięknie pastor wypowiedział.
    God grant that Mr. Chojecki will come to his senses and begin to teach the pure Word of God.

  3. I found an interesting article and I don't know how true the translation of the prayer is.,,.html

    1. The site itself is probably new age and therefore deceptive.

    2. The page is no longer there. Deleted.

      1. Try copying the entire link.

        1. Thanks 🙂 Thanks.

  4. Yyyy
    I don't get the whole pastor thing.

  5. Heh a website has popped up that some people think is counting down the counter to the end of the world, which is September 15 this year.

    1. let him count it down.

      1. All it tells me is that the page was made in javascript, among other things.
        And I don't believe in this end-of-the-world nonsense.

    2. You better be careful with this site because besides that clock and creepy background music, there are weird images/symbols/characters that are very faint, but after looking at it for many minutes I noticed them:

      Hands folded in prayer as if with a rosary but instead of a cross there is a skull.
      8-armed sun/star.
      A strange cart filled to the brim and some sort of figures inside.
      Napis ” I H I ” który według google znaczy
      “spełnimy Twoje sny/marzenia”
      I najgorsze…. taka oto głowa

      I strongly advise against looking there.

      1. this is more of a countdown to the arrival of the dragon (the head with horns represents him)

  6. See how great the difference is in the word of God and Paul.
    Paul writes: "What therefore concerns the eating of meat, sacrificed to idols, we know that there is no idol in the world, and that there is no other god except the One." 1 Corinthians 8 Now from God himself You shall have no other gods before me. Ex 20.3 This is enough for me, I will always listen to what God says. Coming back to the topic, one excludes the other and that is why we have so many problems with interpretation. I personally stick only to the words of God, passed on through the prophets, eyewitnesses of the Apostles of Jesus.

    1. Damianie, że WHAT? To jakaś paranoja, uwierz wreszcie że to JEST Słowo Boże nie oglądając się na te dziwne teorie dzielenia Pisma wewnątrz. Pisma Pawła były w “kanonie” (w użyciu) już przed oficjalnym uznaniem przez późniejszy bardziej zinstytucjonalizowany kościół (nie było jeszcze KRK i schizmy). Sprzeczności w Biblii rzekome to i ateiści potrafią znaleźć na życzenie, bo mają niezłe uprzedzenia i “potrzeby”. Podobnie czynią te paranoiczne nauki wyrzucania pewnych pism apostolskich- przez co czyta się Objawienie do tyłu, zamiast do przodu, a jest progresywne i tak należy.

    2. Maybe when Paul wrote these words he was after reading Isaiah 43:10 (like me 🙂 )
      “…abyście poznali i wierzyli mi, i zrozumieli, że to JA JESTEM, ze przede mną Boga nie stworzono i po mnie się go nie stworzy.” a nie Księgi Wyjscia?

      In the whole context it sounds different (Paul):
      “Bo chociaż nawet są tak zwani bogowie, czy to na niebie, czy na ziemi, i dlatego jest wielu bogów i wielu panów, wszakże dla nas istnieje tylko jeden Bóg Ojciec, z którego pochodzi wszystko i dla którego istniejemy, i jeden Pan, Jezus Chrystus, przez którego wszystko istnieje i przez którego my także istniejemy” I Kor. 8

      The basic mistake of beginners in the faith, doubters, and others is to take verses out of context and not compare with other parts of the Bible.

      Have you not considered that eating food sacrificed to idols does not cause harm to the body, but to the soul?

      For some, the difference in God's words versus Paul's is not that big.

      1. “Czy nie zastanawialiście się nad tym, że spożywanie pokarmów ofiarowanych bożkom nie wyrządza szkody ciału, lecz duszy?”

        We don't seem to have a problem with foods offered to idols now. I think it applied to those cvzas, but maybe I'm missing something.

  7. Palla Alf. is not a good example, he is an Adventist theologian, and they do not teach quite scripturally but through the teachings or part of the teachings of Ellen. G. White (an alleged prophetess).

    1. I appreciate Palle very much, but for all his writings, about 5-10% of their content makes me doubtful.
      AD& maja wiele dobrych nauczań.

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