Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The end times superstate is coming.

I have long defended myself against such a vision and concept of the apocalypse. I could not imagine someone better economically than the USA.

However, all signs in heaven and earth indicate that the new European union that will become the state will be the main core of the Antichrist.

I have been familiar with this concept for about 3-4 years. I myself was posting a copy of a great text from a site that no longer exists.


The author fasted several days to understand the book of Daniel and the apocalypse.

The text suggests that the Third Reich will be resuscitated as the Fourth Reich, or a new Roman Empire.

Incidentally, Illuminati member Svali also said this:

" In fact, they have the name New World Order. One of the synonyms used is "The Fourth Reich.I'm serious. A lot of Illuminati programming for the Fourth Reich. Yes, Germany and the EU, will dominate the world economy. The U.S. economy will collapse for a while and then be restored with the help of Europe.'



Ok, in the meantime, he quotes a message from the last few days:


"Superstate instead of EU - France and Germany's ultimatum.

A European superstate instead of the European Union - this is the ultimatum that Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the head of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will present to the Visegrad Group countries at the meeting in Prague. The program "Minaya 20" and the portal reached a 9-page document describing this plan, signed by the heads of German and French diplomacy".


The impossible becomes real. We are closer to the end than we think. Brexit is an intricately planned move by the world's satanists. Of course it looks like a spontaneous grassroots movement. In Satan's world no major decision can be made without Satanists' approval.

Brexit is the next evolution of previous revolutions.

The nucleus of the new superpower is New Germany, of which the average Catholic has no idea, and trutherists seem to have forgotten this fact. I wrote a few years ago:

"- a new Germany was created with a currency pt 1 engel (angel) with pentagrams on it.













Pentagrams so common in mass culture:



- Germany had the same symbolism as the Roman Empire: the eagle, the salute with palm thrown forward, etc. Martin Dachter's talk on this:

- During the Independence Day, militias from Germany, the so-called antifa, arrived at the invitation of the left-wing Krytyka Polityczna.

- one of the latest news from Germany:
A ban on celebrating Christmas so as not to hurt other people's feelings.

Therefore, I believe that the New Germany to which citizens are flocking is the micro-state of the end times. Those who do not take the mark will be ridiculed.
Unfortunately, first we are facing a financial meltdown, the start of which he predicts for the fall. It is supposed to be very bad because it is not yet.
Sure we already have the NWO, but not yet the great oppression

All the clues lead to Germany. Including the Nephlims.

And then there's what I've been looking for and is worth exploring:

"We can make some assumptions about this by reading chapter 49 of Genesis 1. There it is described how the patriarch Jacob, being already old and expecting to depart from this land, called his sons to bless them and foretell their future. So other sons approached and it was Dan's turn. What did Jacob say about Dan? We read about it in verses 16-17: "Dan - he shall judge his people like every tribe of Israel. Let Dan be a serpent in the way, a viper in the path, which bites at the horse's pastern, so that the rider falls to the ground." And then in verse 18, we have recorded the cry of the terrified Jacob: "Your salvation I await, Lord!" Jacob saw a viper, a serpent that wreaks havoc. Some believe that it is from the generation of Dan that this viper will come forth to bite all nations. If one then compares this with the record in the books of Kings, one would find that it was in the generation of Dan that idolatry was introduced earliest and in the most tragic way. One might say that the generation of Dan was the "gateway" through which idolatry entered the nation of Israel. "

Dan's generation is associated with Germans (germans)


There was a video somewhere about New Germany. Supposedly no taxes are paid there. Jeju.... Poles would go crazy for such a proposal.

Zero Social Security, zero or minimal taxes.

"The new state already has thousands of citizens, prints its own currency, engel, issues driver's licenses and car registrations. One of the conditions for obtaining citizenship is renunciation of German citizenship. The state is to be completely tax-free. It will live off pyrolysis, among other things. New Germany is growing fast. Every day about 20-30 people apply to become citizens of the new state. "

changes on


The truth is this:


There comes a time when God's Word concerning the end times (the book of Daniel and Revelation), are the only sources of truth and prophecies that are being fulfilled before our eyes.

Let's get ready to limit free speech.

May the Lord Jesus protect all Christians.



Updated: 29 June 2016 — 16:31


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  1. I know Martin Dachtere very well but unfortunately he is a non-believer 🙁 He laughs at the Bible and claims that it is a book to fool the masses, written by the Roman family Pisosow , about superstate agree but without Germany , from Gomberg's map it is clear that almost all of Germany will belong to the Soviet Union only a small part will be in superstate from Rhine .

    1. Yeah, that's true. That's why I tend to avoid his movies.

    2. Do you have any contact to Marcin Dachtery? I would like to contact him. Thank you in advance

  2. It is a fact that the end of these times is approaching. You mentioned Nephilimsah, Brother Peter. In addition to visiting UFOs, giants will probably return as well. See the preparation for that; Spielberg's latest film which is about to hit theaters: "A Very Cool Giant". Below is a link to the trailer

  3. On first instinct, most of us were probably happy about brexit, and in truth it is a negative thing. It is important to remember that the UK was a major brake on the Eurocommissioners' plans... Only now will we know the true face of the EU.

  4. Or maybe these mysterious Nephilim served in the SS? The model units of this formation were composed of people with a rather strange body build (very cruel to the weak...), not normative/standard for Germany at the time.

  5. I have a question. Later this year I think I will live in Germany. It so happened that I have a girlfriend there, I love her very much and I am supposed to live with her. What should I do? I think it might be God's will for me.

    1. I think it doesn't really matter where we live in the end times. It will be the same everywhere because of ecumenism and one world government

    2. 🙂
      The Bible says to marry only a converted, regenerated person.
      TAKE NOTE.

  6. The words of Revelation 17:12-18 speak of the United States of Europe, or the present European Union. 10 kings will give power to the beast, but only for 1 hour. God is in control of the world so there is nothing to fear.It must be fulfilled what was prophesied. Their power is illusory. When they speak peace and security then the end will come.

  7. Exactly, it's not a coincidence with this brexit, and yet we have the euro games and Poland scores another point. Why do I have the impression that this is the swan song of the Republic of Poland? Let the Poles comfort themselves and tomorrow we will plough on. God watch over us and this virtual church. Maybe I will finally make the effort to meet with you in real life? But why am I afraid of it?,41,0,2113321.html

    1. I find your comments Luke for very wise and mostly I share your opinion. I would like to talk with you maybe you'll decide to visit Wisla on Saturday? It would be nice to meet.
      Greetings to you and may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you.

      1. Thank you but I lack wisdom in God's word. I am stuck at a certain point and cannot break free. Just as admin often writes I see conspiracies, I read a lot about them and the Bible is on the shelf. I see Satan's work, I warn others, and I am stuck myself. I was under the false impression that I would be prepared for anything when I knew more, and I am not ready either physically or materially for the crisis but also spiritually for the coming of Christ-I have been fooled again. The words from the last video inserted by admin about the Wrath of God- Paul Washer as far as I can remember- are ringing in my head and I see myself among these unsaved people. I also know that it is Satan who wants to confirm me in this belief and that is why I ask you to pray for me...I have a vacation in August, maybe then I will come to the convention, maybe I will persuade my wife - she does not want to listen to me, and I also have children, I try to explain something to them, but again there appear the words of Jesus about those who lead the blind and down they will fall, I do not know if I am right and understand things correctly. I hope it is not too late.Greetings to you, may our Lord and Savior guide you.

        1. Brother, I get that way sometimes too. Such a life of a Christian hehe Satan wants to destroy us with this. I, on the other hand, lately have been feeling so POWERFUL, so trusting, I feel GOD praying so ?

          Of course I will pray for you to Our Lord

          Be of good cheer, think about it, who "normal" struggles with thoughts like ours on a daily basis? Well, yeah.

          God sees our struggles my friend.

          You will be fine, I will pray not only for you but for your wife and children as well.


          1. One more thing, trust the Lord Jesus implicitly! This is very important. The Lord must be at the center. Literally above everything. Priority. Our eyes are on him all the time. Because if he's with us, who's against us?

            How long ago were you born, if I may ask? I also had a problem in the beginning. I was very afraid for my girlfriend, I knew that if she didn't believe she wouldn't be saved. But it's not about what I want. God's will is on FIRST MEANING and if he wants to save her, he will save her, if not, he will not.

            And praise Him for that, for everything. He is everything.

            Dear Luke if you can also pray for me, my family and my girlfriend what ? I would be very grateful ❤️

            The Lord Jesus be blessed forever.

            1. But this is not about what I want. God's will is in FIRST PLACE with me and if He wants to He will save it if He doesn't.


            2. I don't know if I'm newly born, I'm certainly awake. It's been a few years now. I had one bump a dozen years ago but it wasn't until 4 years ago that I began to have an awareness of reality when I started tracking down Islam and thread to thread. Regards.

        2. Blind guides include the priests of Krk

  8. I'm afraid that the vast majority of my people don't care what happens to them and their homeland, as long as it's nice...

  9. Admin wrote something interesting "The US economy will collapse for a while and then be restored with the help of Europe". I have been thinking for some time now about who, or perhaps what, the Beast of the apocalypse is. In my opinion, it is not some specific person like the antichrist, but a political and economic system. Jesus said many times that we are to beware of what comes from the world, so what is the world if not everything that surrounds us? big corporations, powerful fortunes, trends, celebrities, hollywood, the music industry. Let's assume that the US political-economic system is a beast that was wounded (financial crisis?) and then came to life (what this Svali is talking about) and the whole world followed it in awe. The mark of the beast (microchip) without which you can't sell or buy anything - buying, selling is pure economics. Once again the mark of the beast (microchip) that connects people to the world, the microchip will make people part of the political-economic system. This is why Christ mentioned so many times not to be like this world. The sheep know the voice of the shepherd, only worse for the rest of us. ;/
    Marana tha! 🙂 🙂

  10. The Polish society sees the reason for its miserable situation everywhere but in itself, namely in its terrible Catholicism and its servile dependence on the Vatican. Practically all Poles, looking at their spiritual attitude, are Catholics, whether progressive or traditionalist...

  11. The European Union is a continuation of the Third Reich headed by Hitler's daughter and Eva Braun, Merkel of course. And it's all a plan of Luciferian Jews and that's it. We are not going to free ourselves from this shit. But it is enough that we see it. But let's spread the truth to the world that we are stuck in this shit, that's our mission.

  12. I don't think I'll be posting on DP anymore. I don't have much access, Greetings to you all in the Name of Jesus Christ!!! 🙂 I'll be posting on DP.

    1. Hang in there Dina☺,maybe something will change....
      Also greetings and God bless you

  13. Well. But the old testament talks about the chosen people. The Jews. Even in the passages quoted. What does that have to do with us Slavs.

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