Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"30 traits of the Jezebel spirit"

Jest szokującym jak się to wszystko co jest napisane w tym tekście sprawdza w rzeczywistości. Skąd ja to znam….. Dużo się tym interesowałem i muszę przyznać że jest to wybitnie dobry tekst za co dziękuję Jackowi w imię Jezusa.



Excerpted from Steve Sampson's book "Face to Face with Jezebel: Spotting and Overcoming the Spirit of Control" (pp. 62-68).

Jezebel is a spirit, but she finds access to people through an uncrucified body. Although the spirit of Jezebel is described in the Bible as a woman, it actually has no gender. It undoubtedly functions just as proficiently through men.


1.      Refuses to admit fault and error


The spirit of Jezebel is never wrong unless it is a momentary admission of guilt to please someone. Accepting responsibility would violate the spirit of insecurity and pride in which she operates. When Jezebel apologizes, he never does so out of a sense of remorse or recognition that he has acted wrongly, but rather says: "I'm sorry your feelings were hurt."


2.      Takes laurels for everything


While it is a significant trait of Jezebel not to take responsibility for his evil actions or behavior, he is also eager to collect laurels for a boon to which he has blandly contributed.


3.      He uses people to achieve his intentions


The spirit of Jezebel allows others to do the dirty work. Jezebel stirs up another person's emotions and allows that person to become enraged. She sits comfortably and looks innocent, saying: "Who? Me, and what have I done?" This behavior makes it challenging for even the most avid truth seekers to pin him down.


4.      Withholds information


It is a form of control. Jezebel has power over you by knowing something that you don't know about in a given situation. In Jezebel's eyes, having information that you do not have is a powerful weapon of control.


5.      Makes confusion with speech


Logical conversation with Jezebel is impossible. A pastor wrote a six-page letter to his elders regarding the situation in the church. The context was so vague that everyone was confused. This is a way to maintain control and dominance. During a confrontation with Jezebel, the subject can change five times in one minute. Confusion keeps Jezebel "undiscovered" and unmasked.


6.      He volunteers for everything


Jezebel volunteers to establish control. He seemingly has endless (nervous) energy and eagerly seeks opportunities to lead projects. Although he will work hard, his motive is never pure and ultimately his secretive intentions cannot remain hidden.


7.      Lies


Jezebel lies convincingly. No one can do it better. He can charm so much that he makes you believe that white is black. He's always deceiving those he's just met, and those who fall victim to his tactics helplessly watch on. The fact that Jezebel can look you straight in the eye and lie only shows how strong and unyielding this rebellious and resistant spirit is.


8.      He ignores people


A classic ploy of a controlling person is to ignore you when you disagree with them. This tactic is often used by leaders when someone disagrees with their plans. They isolate that person by ignoring them. Some in this situation were ignored for months simply because they chose not to be puppets nodding to every idea and whim. This attitude causes them to lose favor with the leader and forces them to either "change their mind" about the leader's thinking or be ignored indefinitely.


9.      Never expresses appreciation or shows gratitude


Jezebel rarely expresses gratitude for other people's actions - even those that she later finds she benefits greatly from. She simply can't bring herself to say "thank you" or acknowledge that someone else has done something right. There are those who have given much of themselves to bless Jezebel for being the catalyst for some outing or for giving a gift. And yet he never says thank you. This again puts the controller in a position of power.


10.  He criticizes everyone


This is a characteristic of the controller. He must be the one who looks good, so he will eagerly and sharply criticize anyone who makes a suggestion or plan. Even though he likes the plan, he will criticize it simply because the idea did not come from him. Criticism of others bolsters him in his own mind.


11.  Efforts to appear better


A person with the spirit of Jezebel will always outshine other people. She feels threatened by anyone who dares to steal the spotlight falling on her, or anyone who is a threat to her power and control. If you are with that kind of self and talk about your accomplishment or victory, you can be sure that she will be quick to talk about something she has accomplished herself.


12.  Sequesters information


Jezebel loves controlling information. Whenever there is a situation where information is relevant, he will be the "first" to know about it. He seems to know everything about everyone. It remains beyond comprehension where he gets all his information, but he is able to name you data and details of people's lives and actions in mass quantities.


13.  Uses information


Jezebel uses information as leverage to gain power, then shares scraps with you, many of which are things entrusted to him in secret. This gives him a sense of power and makes him even go so far as to impress people with "knowledge of things" that others don't have.


14.  He talks incessantly


Many people speak compulsively, but Jezebel uses speaking as a form of control. In a typical conversation, he is the one who says everything, whether the topic is sports, the weather, or the Kingdom of God. Because of this form of control, he is incapable of accepting information from anyone in his life. Any conversation with him is one-sided. Your job is to listen.


15.  Spiritualizes everything


When confronting the controller, it is he who usually spiritualizes the situation, explaining that it is the work of God. This prevents him from being held to the responsibility required of him. The implication is always: "You are the one with the problem, not me."


16.  He's insubordinate


Jezebel never sides with an employer or person in authority unless it is a temporary measure to make herself look good. She will often take laurels for someone else's idea. He desires mainly power and control. Has no conscience when the opportunity to gain recognition presents itself.


17.  He is arrogant and apodictic


A person with the spirit of Jezebel puts pressure on you to do things, seemingly taking away your right to choose and your right to make decisions for yourself. It makes others feel like they don't have enough sense to think for themselves.


18.  He's clairvoyant


Many of those who operate with the spirit of control also have the spirit of clairvoyance. Jezebel has supernatural power in knowing and sensing information. If she uses it against you, she may state: "I can't tell you how I know this. I just know it." This is not the Holy Spirit, but the help of the spirit of clairvoyance or the spirit of witchcraft. Clairvoyance can be defined as the power to see things that are beyond the scope of human senses.


19.  Uses the element of surprise


Jezebel's most important aspiration is to gain control, a large part of which is to completely surprise you. The element of surprise therefore works well when such a person shows up the day before a meeting, etc.


20.  Sowing discord


Jezebel constantly belittles another person in the most subtle of ways. This strategy is to "gain" control by minimizing that person's worth. He often tells half-truths to entangle another person in your eyes. By sowing the seeds of discord, he hopes to ultimately reap a harvest of destruction by consolidating his power.


21.  It catches the eye


Jezebel likes to be the center of attention. In turn, she does not like others to be acknowledged and praised. When someone else is met with recognition, Jezebel is quick to verbally undermine that person's accomplishments.


22.  He's vindictive


Since Jezebel is never wrong, if you deny or confront him, prepare to become his worst enemy. As long as you remain aligned with him, everything is fine. But if you confront him or challenge his words, beware. You are the target of his most dangerous venom. Nothing will stop Jezebel from destroying your reputation.


23.  He's trying to make you look like Jezebel


Jezebel's spirit is hard to pin down. If such a person is close to a confrontation, he will deftly distort the whole situation by trying to make the innocent person look like the one trying to gain control. As always, Jezebel will do anything to make herself look like the one who is right.

24.  He makes his disapproval clear


Jezebel often implies disapproval of those under its control. Out of fear of disapproval, the controlled person does not feel free to express his or her opinion. This often manifests itself in a marriage or work environment.


25.  He knows everything


Jezebel is usually cheeky when it comes to his knowledge of anything. Eager to express his opinion in any area, he leaves little room for someone to point out the other side of an issue. He has made idols out of his opinions.


26.  He's ambitious


Jezebel has strong desires, but all of those desires are tied to his own person. The statement "I want what I want and when I want it" describes his cult of self-will. A leader with the spirit of Jezebel will never use the words: "We have a vision," but rather will say: "My vision is this and that."


27.  Gift-giving


Giving gifts is a form of manipulation that Jezebel uses by making you always feel obligated to him/her. It also leads the victim to compromise on telling the direct and confrontational truth. Naturally, not everyone who gives gifts is guilty of controlling, however, offering gifts is a tactic used by those who have a need to control.


28.  It is independent


No one contributes to Jezebel's life. He doesn't fraternize with anyone, unless the goal is to get you to "cooperate" in furtherance of his hidden agenda.


29.  He's religious


While Jezebel resides in the local church, he dislikes authority figures unless he himself is in a position of authority.


30.  He's hiding


We all want to believe that the person with the Jezebel spirit is freed. The person may appear "normal" for a period of time without exhibiting any of the classic characteristics. Then, unexpectedly and without warning, a situation arises where this spirit once again takes control and wreaks havoc in one's life. One hopes that true repentance will come. Only then will the person be set free.


The good news is that God gives each individual freedom of choice. Everyone has the freedom to make decisions, to make mistakes, to think for themselves, to communicate, to like or dislike something, and to express their taste and creativity.

Those in control worship their own will and their own customs. Thank God for freedom.

If you see any of these characteristics in your life, start by saying this prayer:

Father, I recognize that I have succumbed to the spirit of Jezebel. I come to You in humility. I desire Your standard of righteousness and holiness.

I ask You to forgive my tolerance of the Jezebel spirit and my positive attitude toward its habits. Please forgive me for every way I have opened myself up to this spirit. Help me to ruthlessly reject any kind of this thinking and desire to control and manipulate other people.

I renounce and bind the demon Jezebel and tear down that stronghold in my life.

By your Holy Spirit, I will live according to your standards of righteousness, holiness, and good conduct. Open my eyes and cause Your light to expose every darkness and help me to walk in humility and in truth.

In Jesus' name, may it be so. Amen!


Updated: 29 June 2016 — 14:36


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  1. Pytanie, czy ten duch jezebel i to co jest napisane wyzej, ma jakies uzasadnienie w bibli? Jezebel to moze byc w sumie szatan czy inny zly duch. Zlych duchow pewnie jest tyle co…duzo

    1. Of course he has.
      Jezebel jest w ST obok Achaba i tutaj przeciwnicy argumentują, że nie ma informacji o nim jako o duchu, ale…sam Pan Jezus mówi w apokalipsie:

      “lecz mam ci za złe, że pozwalasz niewieście Izebel, która się podaje za prorokinię, i naucza, i zwodzi moje sługi, uprawiać wszeteczeństwo i spożywać rzeczy ofiarowane bałwanom. ‘

      I am a pragmatist and I am 100% sure that this spirit exists.

  2. Most of these traits have a narcissistic personality. I am allergic to such people :/.

    1. Me too, definitely. I immediately sense such individuals.

      Najgorzej chyba jest, kiedy taka osoba nie jest zwiedzionym znajomym z pracy, którego trzeba znosić przez “zaledwie” 8 godzin, a po zmianie pracy jest to tylko wspomnienie, a członkiem rodziny, żoną, mężem…

      1. Mieć w rodzinie najbliższej to dramat. Też wyczuwam natychmiast.. Każde zdanie zaczyna się od “ja”. Jeśli rozmowa w towarzystwie toczy się na temat, o którym narcyz nie ma zielonego pojęcia np. budowa silnika samolotu natychmiast przypomni sobie jak samolotem leciał na wakacje i zacznie to opowiadać zebranym dziwnie modulując głos i sprawdzając czy na pewno wszyscy słuchają i podziwiają. Jeśli ktoś nie podziwia jest zdyskredytowany, jest tyko idiotą. I te pokolorowane historie, z najprostszej czynności narcyz uczyni powieść sensacyjną. Bo on ma tyle przygód, taki dzielny, taki biedny. Całe lata reagowałam złośliwością i odbijaniem piłeczki, teraz totalnie ignoruję takie zachowania. Ewentualnie ostentacyjnie okażę brak zainteresowania narcyzem i staję się wtedy w jego oczach durniem, który się nie poznał na geniuszu.

        1. It's like seeing myself.

  3. Jak to? W kościele o tym nie mówili ( tak jak o wielu innych rzeczach ). To na pewno musi być jakiś heretyk, żyd, mason, cyklista itp. ! ( tak reagują sterotypowi katolicy w zderzeniu z tak szokującą prawdą… ). Biblia im się jawi jako księga od której można stracić wiarę lub głupoty ( tak, tak )…

  4. Ja dalej sie nie uwolniłem z tego pudełeczka w którym mnie zamknęła. Myslę czasami, że jestem wolny ale teraz po przeanalizowaniu tego tekstu to wszystko co mi się wydaje może być tylko grą. Sam juz nie wiem. Jest tak jak piszesz Jacku jesli to znajomy z pracy to tylko 8h kontaktu gorzej gdy to żona. Czytając te punkty wiele by się zgadzało przeraziło mnie zwłaszcza to jasnowidztwo bo żyjąc z osobą u której podejrzewam ducha mogłem doświadczyć tych “proroczych” wizji którymi od czasu do czasu rzucała. Informacje wiedza o ludziach oraz kontrola tychże także by się zgadzała. Ostatnio usłyszałem od niej, “że każdy ma swojego Jezusa”! To mnie już rozwaliło na łopatki 😛

    1. And to think that our friend unjustifiably dismisses the content posted on Detective as over-interpretation, exaggeration, etc. And in the real world everything is confirmed and agrees with the Word of God.

      Adam! Be more humble and listen more and talk less because you don't know anything yet if you claim that the Bible is truth and the texts on DP are falsehood. Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ for new birth and knowledge of the truth.

    2. Oczywiście że każdy ma swojego “Jezusa”.

      Catholics have a carved jesus on the hands of the queen of heaven.
      the faith movement has a kundalini spirit they call jesus
      Muslims have jesus the prophet
      etc. etc.

  5. There is one problem with the above analysis. It is written like a psychological analysis by a doctor - that means it fits everyone. I see in it not only some of my own characteristics, with which I struggle, but also those of people around me. Most of these are character traits of almost all people, so I think that with something like this you have to be careful not to go to extremes, that demons are responsible for everything (the demon of crying, sadness, pain, disappointment, etc.) - most of it is our vanity and pride.

    1. According to my assessment and experience, and I have a lot of it, the above analysis applies mainly to women.

    2. Thank you Peter, Brother for this filling addition to the earlier material on this deceptive spirit.
      Wokół mnie (w pracy) jest kilka osób pod jego wpływem. Moja była żona również znajduje się w jego niewoli. Faktem jest, że opętuje głównie kobiety. Mężczyzna również może mu ulec (np. mój kierownik, kiedyś “przyjaciel”, inni współpracownicy także).
      Uprzedzam, że wiedza o nim jest swoiście niebezpieczna i należy posługiwać się nią mądrze i z rozsądkiem. Ogromnym błędem jest powiedzenie komuś opętanemu duchem jezebel o tym, że jest pod wpływem tego ducha przewrotnego. Wyśmieje osobę o tym mówiącą na początku, ale później będzie się mścił i kopał dookoła dołki. Jest spora różnica pomiędzy osobami egoistycznymi, narcystycznymi a spętanymi przez ducha jezebel. One wypełniają (z mojej obserwacji każda) od 29 do 30 z wymienionych punktów. Kogo prowadzi Duch Święty będzie to wiedział, laikowi w psychoanalizy bawić się odradzam. Duch jezebel zastawia pułapki ma ludzi dookoła, również chrześcijan. Może udawać, że ustępuje, wołać przez ofiarę o pomoc, symulować zainteresowanie Jezusem Chrystusem itd. Po to tylko, żeby zbliżyć się do nieświadomego ucznia Jezusa chcącego pomóc i uzależnić go swoją udawaną potrzebą opieki i wsparcia. Może wymuszać ustępstwa dla “lepszego samopoczucia”, zmiękczać wiarę i wynikające z niej reakcje wobec złego. Bardzo przewrotna, śliska i potężna jest to bestia. Bez Jezusa Chrystusa w sercu i świadomej mocy Ducha Świętego nie próbujcie z nim walczyć. “Naukowe” podejście spowoduje porażkę. Duch jezebel zna człowieka prawie od początku stworzenia.

      1. Yes it's true, it's a mistake to tell such a person about having a DJ.

      2. Wniosek: te istoty nie mają ludzkiej duszy, więc nie są ludźmi lecz diablakami, tylko formalnie przypominającymi ludzi…

  6. I unfortunately had more than half of these qualities. Now I also have a few of them meaning I need release. Hopefully that will change in the near future 🙂 I'll be able to do it soon.
    The worst part was that one of my family members had the same traits. Except that he was incredibly dominant and caused us to quarrel to the point of death over any subject. I usually let it go, but the offended pride caused quite a stir.

  7. As I have written in the past I myself have been under the sway of this terrible spirit.
    Praise be to God the Father and to the Son, Jesus Christ, that I have been freed from him.
    You know, the worst part about all this is that I destroyed my husband.
    He now misses the old me,it's sick.I have a feeling that he has become addicted and it's hard for him to function in the new reality.
    The only rescue in the Lord Jesus.

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