Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Deuter – Sztuczny świat (1986)

  2. While the content of this video is so moving that it lends itself to a stand-alone article, the translation in the form of subtitles to the source material looks equally powerful.

  3. 5 minutes of film on this subject, in Polish reality. I assure you that it is not a cabaret, but actually a documentary:

  4. You can see the translator's freedom of translation by the way, but in this case I think the end justifies the means in such a context though 😉 .

  5. In Poland, 5% live very well, 10% are so-so, and the rest are vegetating, if not wandering in foreign countries.

  6. Babilon celowo zeszmaca ludzi…Przeszkódźmy im w tym!

    1. It's about controllability, they don't bend like lemmings, natural selection won't exterminate them. They have babysitters in the form of celebrities, benefits, it looks like a nwo goal 🙂 .

      1. Socialism ALWAYS ends in the multi-faceted bankruptcy of a given society. Only in fairy tales does there exist a good uncle or a STAR.

        1. The system thinks for you, and you just conform to it

  7. Unfortunately I belong to that generation 🙁

    1. I don't think there is any point in narrowing down the group to people up to 24 years old. I would calmly move the upper limit of 10 years upwards.

      Sister Anna, a teacher, has described here more than once and more than twice how the stupidity of each successive yearbook and its parents nails her. It's progressing quickly, but it's been happening for a long time. So writing only about 18-24 year olds in the context of the dumbest generation would leave out a sizable group of people, which I count myself among.

      1. Wiesz, tu nie chodzi o głupotę, tylko o wychowanie, wystarczy sobie popatrzeć na system edukacji. Ale faktycznie, jak się patrze na dzisiejsze społeczeństwo jak robią jakieś piwne wyzwania czy selfie jak piją piwko to mi się płakać chce. Kiedyś jakiś koleś wysłał dziewczynie mojego kumpla zdjęcie swojego penisa z podpisem “mój mały”. Skutki tzw. “bezstresowego wychowania”

  8. I like all of you no matter what brothers and sisters!!! 🙂 🙂

  9. I need to get a little better with my comments so my comments don't get blocked 🙁

  10. I have a topic for an artt: Anatomy of the mind of an atheist/believer/doubter.

  11. No, what matters is that I know how to calculate the elements and I know the chemical formula for phosphorus, I know what happened in Antigone when and who discovered America and that the earth is round. (Just kidding, I know nothing about the first three things, the last two are questionable to me.) But sometimes I'd like to learn how to sew on a button or how to successfully defend myself from a mugger.

    1. There was a tragic conflict in Antigone 🙂

      1. Come on, we discussed it in middle school, I read two pages, I don't know how you can read such rubbish. I preferred to read Sienkiewicz's trilogy or The Witcher. And now only the Bible ;p. A better plot, so to speak 😀 .

        1. Stop it yourself, I couldn't manage to read more than two pages of this thing either 😉
          Z Sienkiewicza podobał mi się “Potop”, a z fantastyki czytałam chyba tylko Diunę i Grę Endera, obie super.

          “A teraz tylko Biblie ;p. Lepsza Fabuła że tak powiem :-D”
          No 😀

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