Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Confusion. Jesusnonstop has already explained everything.

    1. And what is the conclusion in a nutshell?

  2. Z przesłania filmiku wynika, że słudzy diabła zawsze chcieli by ludzie myśleli, że Ziemia jest płaska, a kto tak nie uważał, kończył na stosie. Co implikuje, iż obecne teorie o płaskiej ziemi byłby robotą kontrolowanej opozycji, jak np. wspomnianego dziś już Matha Bolyana. Hmm… Moim zdaniem sprawa nadal jest niejasna, a jednocześnie bardzo zastanawiająca. Niby wiedza o kształcie Ziemi do zbawienia potrzebna nie jest, ale nie daje mi spokoju.

    1. If the earth was flat the horizon would be a straight line exactly at eye level. I recommend experimenting with a 3d program such as blender which is free. There is a standard horizon set for a flat earth. You can also make a sphere, zoom in the camera and see how it looks from different angles.

      I also recommend to fly a plane:)

    2. ,,Kolejny mit: w Średniowieczu wierzono, że Ziemia jest płaska”

      ,,Powszechnie wierzy się, że w okresie Średniowiecza ludzie sądzili, jakoby Ziemia była płaska. Mnóstwo stron internetowych, wiele wypowiedzi, tak odosobnionych internautów jak i pseudo-publicystów wyraża takie przekonanie.”

      If we assume that the servants of the devil have always promoted a flat earth, why would they now promote a spherical earth? If people can be tricked into believing that 9/11 was a terrorist attack, or that they can kill a president in broad daylight without consequences (JFK), or that there is no God, then what is the problem with falsifying a little bit of history about what people believed in the Middle Ages, or falsifying the whole persecution of Galileo for his preaching of a spherical earth?

      1. I still forgot about screwing the moon landing.

  3. I personally believe that the earth is round I also once believed in a flat earth for a while but I know that this is a bunch of nonsense

    another matter are the alleged flights into space which in fact do not take place official data shows that at an altitude of about 100km more than 1000 nuclear missiles were detonated in order to break through the glass which the Bible itself says is above the earth that is why sometimes in the sky you can see as if there were 3 suns for the reason that this glass which is above us distorts the sun itself and you can see it threefold

    it's impossible to fly on this carman line once even someone from the military intelligence service of Israel said that all these flights into space are bullshit because it's impossible to fly into space

    satellites do exist and they fly above our heads but they are not placed in orbit around the earth but just in front of the karman line and most of them serve only to receive signals from the earth and send them to other places on earth and that is the role of satellites

    as for the stars, they also exist and they are not a holographic projection as flat earth advocates claim, and I used to sit on various youtube channels where amateurs could see Jupiter, Saturn and other planets very well with their telescopes and their appearance in 100% agrees with what this ridiculous nasa shows

    in all aspects they cannot lie technology is so advanced that hiding many facts would lead space agencies to serious legal and financial consequences

    I personally think that these stars which are and which we see are not in our dimension but in a completely different space-time which is inaccessible for us

    and this could be the second heaven the bible speaks of
    in this second heaven dwells Satan and all spiritual beings who have joined him

    that's how I see it today when it comes to the universe and this trash we call our planet

    1. Why is the flat earth theory a bunch of nonsense? I saw how a guy attached a camera to a balloon and at an altitude of 100km there was a flat horizon, what's even funnier is that at Baumgartner's jump (somehow) the horizon was spherical, so they used a fisheye lens.

      1. The balloon was at 33 km. The horizon is heavily blurred by the glow, but there is indeed a curvature there! Only it's actually smaller than, say, Baumgartner's jump...

      2. The globe is so massive that a height of 100 km is too small to see the roundness

        1. then when can this rounding be seen? probably only after the graphic redesign in NASA design office 😉

  4. Or maybe the guy who made this video is a plant 😉
    The flat earth theory is consistent with the Bible,not to mention spherical.

    1. I've known and listened to this person for a while, she is not a substitute. You can check it out, shieldoftheson channel.

    1. Straszna arogancja i pycha na końcu tego filmiku od Wojtusia. Prawda jest w piśmie a tam nie ma słowa o kuli…

      1. And where in scripture does it say that the earth is flat?

    2. Nawiasem mówiąc filmik wprowadził za dużo zamieszania co wydaje się od razu podejrzane…

  5. Ufo, obcy a nwo/katastrofy klimatyczne/pochwycenie/chrześcijaństwo. I kogo porywa ufo? – film

    They "know" something, but it is a deception. They believe (ufo followers, n-a) that we are approaching the climax (which they call "ascension", "passage to the fifth dimension"), but they have been deceived 🙁 They don't know that the criterion will be faith in the Lord Jesus. They think that they can achieve perfection by themselves, become like little gods to achieve this ascension. They think Jesus is just a being who has already achieved inner perfection - someone on par with Buddha, Archangel Michael, St.Germain (and other so-called "ascended/enlightened masters"). Moreover, they think that aliens will be their liberators.

    Na potwierdzenie, że Ufo to tak naprawdę istoty demoniczne, cytat z filmu: „kiedy są porywani przez ufo [chrześcijanie] , to gdy wzywają Jezusa Chrystusa, porwanie natychmiast ustaje”. W dodatku autor mówi, że nie zna żadnego prawdziwego chrześcijanina, który byłby kontaktowcem („chanellerem” – przekazywanie wiadomości od kosmitów za pośrednictwem myśli, automatycznego pisania itp.), a zajmuje się tym tematem od dawna.

  6. Recommended for those who still believe anyone should land on the moon.
    Look at those stars on the moon during its darkening. Could it be that the stars are closer than he is?

  7. One last digression concerning the flat earth . In the Bible many times the Lord God Himself speaks of the ends of the earth. Please indicate where the sphere has its extremities ?

    1. też mnie to zawsze zastanawia, z tymi “krańcami”, co jak napisałeś, niejednokrotnie się przewija w Biblii…

      1. The Catholic Church and the general public have explained these extremities by the directions of the world.

        1. The Catholic Church as it has been proven many times on this forum is not a credible institution to say the least ?

          1. This is an obvious one. However, it is about the option of the ends of the earth as directions of the world or literally the ends of the flat Earth square.

    2. Then I saw four angels
      standing on the four corners of the earth1,
      holding back the four winds of the earth,
      so that the wind does not blow on the ground
      Nor on the sea, nor in any tree.

  8. Looking at the video, the guy did not give any specifics even from the Bible, only some of his guesses, and yet we have a whole bunch of quotes from the Bible talking about the four ends. Moreover, do you believe all this Luciferian propaganda NASA which is making water with our brains, they put the sun in the center of the system - the symbol of Satan and the earth was pushed into the background, and I am sure that is the opposite. The earth is the center and everything revolves around it.

    Check out this interesting experiment.

    So God made a vault and separated the waters under the vault from the waters above the vault. Genesis 1:7
    And God called the vault heaven. Genesis 1:8

    Are you able like Him to spread out the vault of heaven which is strong as a polished mirror? Job. 37:18

    That is, the experiments presented show exactly what is happening in our sky because all the stars are hooked into the sky and the vault of the heavens is like a polished mirror.

    Let them be lights on the vault of heaven to shine over the earth. Genesis 1:15
    And God made two great lights: a greater light to rule the day and a lesser light to rule the night and the stars. Genesis 1:16
    And God placed them on the vault of the heavens to shine over the earth. Genesis 1:17

    That is, God placed the sun, moon and stars on the vault, that is, on this polished mirror so it is no wonder that these phenomena that are in our sky reflect what is in the experiment.

    Anyway, there is a whole bunch of evidence for a flat earth and most of it is in the Word of God, there is nothing to believe in the NASE and all their propaganda;

  9. – prosto w twarz, dewiacyjna reklama : bestie z podziemi, w owczych skórach (wchodzą w kogoś), dekapitacje…

  10. The evidence for a spherical earth is hurricanes cyclones etc, in the northern hemisphere they rotate clockwise and in the southern hemisphere counterclockwise, the only force that can do this is the varying angular velocity caused by the fact that the earth is a sphere and has different angular velocities in each place, for this it must be in constant rotation. The highest speed is at the equator and the lowest at the poles.

      1. I'll just leave it at that, I believe what is in God's Word and not what the media tells us and that's about it.

        “(12) Jeśli nie wierzycie, gdy wam mówiłem o ziemskich sprawach, jakże uwierzycie, gdy wam będę mówił o niebiańskich?”

      2. Cupak, and how do you explain these passages, regarding the movement of the earth?

        ,,Wtedy – a było to w dniu, kiedy Pan wydał Amorejczyków w ręce synów izraelskich – powiedział Jozue do Pana wobec Izraela: Słońce, zatrzymaj się w Gibeonie, A ty, księżycu, w dolinie Ajalon!
        I zatrzymało się słońce, i stanął księżyc, dopóki naród nie zemścił się na swoich nieprzyjaciołach. Czy nie jest to zapisane w Księdze Prawego? I zatrzymało się słońce pośrodku nieba i nie śpieszyło się do zachodu nieomal przez cały dzień.” Biblia Warszawska: Księga Jozuego 10:12-13

        If one accepts that the earth is a sphere, and it is the earth that moves, and not the sun, then why does it say in the Bible for the sun to stop? If we accept that the globe moves, then wouldn't Joshua command it to stop, instead of the sun, and the moon?

        I jeżeli ziemia jest kulą, to co oznacza ,,pośrodku nieba”?

        ,,Słońce wschodzi i słońce zachodzi, i śpieszy do swego miejsca, gdzie znowu wschodzi.” Księga Kaznodziei Salomona 1,5

        ,,Pan jest królem. Oblekł się w dostojność; Pan oblekł się i przepasał mocą, Utwierdził okrąg świata, tak że się nie zachwieje.” Księga Psalmów 93,1

        (okrągły może być placek, słynne kręgi w zbożu. Google grafika: ,,okrąg”, następnie ,,kula”)

        1. ,,First Book of Chronicles 16:30
          Psalm 93:1
          Psalm 96:10
          Psalm 104:5
          Izajasz 45:18″
          (Filmik który podałem – 6:34)

        2. Very simply, firstly this passage is written from the perspective of a human on Earth, and secondly it was the Earth that could slow down its rotation along with everything on it, which is why no one felt anything.

          It is likely that a planet X flew past Earth, which caused the Earth's rotation rate to change.

          The circle of the world is from the perspective of people, when a person looks around he sees a circle because he can look in any of the 360 degrees, seemingly the matter is the impression of a circle.

          1. Cupak will still get some sort of award from Nasa for coddling imaginary philosophies.

            1. Let's treat this as a joke and not a joke

            2. I'll say it like this, everyone is hounding the nasa corporation which is satanic and hypocritical, but the biggest scientific research in the world which undermined evolution was conducted by this corporation and they proved that black holes are just a sick vision of Mr. Hopkins
              just as they proved that what that Nazi Einstein said was also fiction and that light does not travel at a constant speed of 300,000 thousand kilometers per second

              only depending on the density of the matter, we as Christians should be unbiased and not be such hypocrites

              and as for the lady from jesusnonstop whom I respect a lot for putting in so much work, personally when I watched her videos she is just obsessed with it and tries to find something that is not there in reality

              I don't want to argue with you, but let's be objective and not criticize everything

            3. You might as well get a reward from the Sheikh of Arabia in the form of two barrels of black gold (oil) 🙂 Apparently he will also pay everyone who gives evidence for a flat Earth, which is no joke 🙂


              1. I apologize to Cupak for this post.I got pissed off because changing the description in the Bible to suit my view is not right.

  11. I just wanted to tell you that the punchline of the video is that there is no point in arguing about these things. Whether the earth is flat, spherical or square. We are supposed to be united by faith in Jesus Christ, and the people of the devil are creating confusion. I translated the material due to the fact that theories like this have become heavily promoted and Christians have become very aggressive and have begun to attack each other over doctrine that really should be mostly a curiosity.

    The material was not meant to be proof that the Earth is spherical, just to point out that this topic makes divisions between brothers and sisters without edification and to point out that a spherical Earth can also be supported with Bible passages.

    Unfortunately, few people have recognized this.

    1. If one believes what the Bible says then one should believe its true appearance.There is mention of a vault,where is such a thing in the spherical earth?

      1. As I said, my point was not to debate, but to divide in the Body of Christ, so I will not continue the conversation. Peace be with you.

      2. ok a gdzie masz jasne przykazanie, imperatyw, nakaz – “będziesz wyznawał ziemię płaską (czy kulistą)” ?

        Here's the thing, you can't build science on opinions or allow opinions to divide.

        1. here is an interesting conference
          I recommend Part 1 on Bible interpretation and common misconceptions

  12. Kochani, jak myślicie, kiedy człowiek niewierzący prędzej się nawróci? Czy gdy będzie wiedział, że ziemia jest w centrum wszystkiego i wszystko kręci się wokół niej, no i że płaska jest oczywiście. Czy gdy będzie nauczony, że ziemia jest kulą, są miliony galaktyk, itp, itd…

    1. Luke at least you would greet us from the sea 😎
      We have to go specially to send a postcard from Miêdzyzdroje with greetings...

      1. Excuse me! Warm greetings from misty Międzyzdroje.

        1. HeY

          I only say hi from Kielce 😎

    2. tak dokładnie, w tym przypadku cytat: Poznacie prawde a prawda was wyzwoli” nie ma znaczenia.

      I only posted this video because of the effort Dawid made to translate it.
      By the way, how many comments appeared under this theory of flat Ziwmi in comparison with e.g. the topic of spiritual growth
      This means that there are many people on the Internet who are looking for sensational information about the Bible. I do not want to accuse anyone, let everyone judge for themselves, but probably some percentage of them show off in real life with these sensations forgetting about evangelism.

    3. I would opine that such a person would be helped by knowing the truth. If the flat earth theory was such an important part of a person's path to conversion then I would hear quite a few testimonies about it (I'm not saying there aren't any, I'm speaking statistically). At the present time I see no conversions by the flat earth theory, but discouragement of the haters, as well as unnecessary division among believers.

      You can fit the interpretation of Scripture and other clues to both a spherical Earth and a flat Earth. The problem is that there are people who claim that you don't believe Scripture if you have a different opinion about the shape of the Earth.

      I accept the spherical Earth version and admire God for how perfectly He created it and put everything in motion and how logically it all works.

      1. It is best to take everything through the lens of the Bible and not what the world is talking about.A spherical earth fits perfectly with evolutionism and was created by occultists.Where is the place for a vault in a spherical earth? Does God have his feet on a sphere? Why can you see stars in front of the dark side of the moon if they are supposedly the size of the sun? Does the Bible talk about the universe, other galaxies, or other earth-like planets? Why do you believe in this masquerade? It is the wisdom of this world.There is really a lot of evidence and the first evidence is in the book of Genesis.It does not affect salvation, but it does affect whether we allow ourselves to be swayed by Satan.Is it a coincidence that Copernicus was a Freemason? Astronauts are also Masons.

        1. wert3 I realize what you are saying, however, I am familiar enough with Biblical analysis to conclude that there are several levels of interpretation of Scripture. I too can attribute passages in the Bible to a spherical Earth, so debating whose argument is better is pointless.

          Is what flat earth proponents say wrong? I can't tell that for 100%. I just have a different opinion, and at the moment that model doesn't fit with other things I've learned, the very existence of which many of you are unaware of (these are also things supported by the Bible and don't fit the PZ model).

          I am an exact mind and it amazes me how God created the world perfectly so that it all works perfectly. I can praise the Lord for the work He created regardless of the model He adopted, because I have to admit that both are interesting.

          NASA, famous scientists, etc. were/are occultists, you don't have to tell me that. The question is whether any of you are aware that the Christian truth movement is infiltrated by just such people who impersonate Christians and promote all sorts of strange things backing them up with quotes from scripture? The other thing is that occultists often know more about certain things than Christians, just because they believe something doesn't mean it is automatically wrong.

          The point of the video as I pointed out was not to make divisions in the body of Christ.

          W Biblii jest napisane, że “poznacie ich po owocach”. Jakie są owoce agresywnego promowania tego typu teorii? Oceniam je jako zepsute. Można analizować i wymieniać się poglądami, ale w momencie jak ktoś niezgadzający się w drugo/trzeciorzędnej doktrynie tego typu z innym bratem i siostrą zaczyna narzucać te rzeczy w dodatku obrażając tą osobę to coś jest nie tak. Właśnie to widzę teraz w internecie. I niestety wśród obu obozów.

          I wouldn't be starting this topic if I didn't see how much this problem has grown. At the moment I think it is a psyop. I've been watching the elites play these games for a while now and I see Hegel's dialectic here again. I will try to describe it briefly to you here:

          NASA releases fake photos from space -> average people start believing it and truthseekers know it's a hoax -> elites put out people pretending to be truthseekers who come up with ideas as to why NASA is lying about the fake photos -> people divide into 2 camps, including truthseekers/Christians, and argue by choosing one of 2 options, both of which are wrong

          Who stands to gain from this? Elites. They will kill 2 birds with 1 stone because the truth is completely different than reported in both cases, and attention has been effectively drawn away.

          I point out that this is not just about the shape of the earth, but about many different things. Simply put, not everything that looks biblical is biblical. I've even seen a third theory about the earth that is neither flat nor round and it also made sense and was also biblically supported, sometimes better than the two previous theories.

          Finally, I want to say that I don't know for 100% what the shape of the Earth is. Maybe it is flat or maybe it is not? I have my opinion and can support it, just as others can support other theories. However, people with a different opinion are still my brothers and sisters.

          Do you think I'm brainwashed and naive? So be it, but let's end it there and focus on more important things. Analyzing and expressing opinions is important, but not when it reflects negatively on your brothers and sisters.

          If I have offended you with something, please forgive me, but I wanted to comment on this issue. I will try to translate in some time an alternative perspective on some things that may be useful in analyzing what is going on.

          1. Ehh we should discuss such things but not divide other Christians.I am surprised that one Christian can get offended at another because one believes in a flat earth and the other in a spherical earth.These are our beliefs,one eats meat the other does not.
            I'll tell you that I've heard of flat earth,concave etc before and it didn't hit me.One minute after seeing the arguments I decided it was true.It was like such a certainty that comes from God.
            Te podziały są też dlatego,że doktryny są zajęte takimi ”przekonaniami” zamiast skupić się na fundamencie.

            1. I understand what you mean, my argument is because I like to make some things clear wert3.

              I have heard 5 different theories:
              Flat, concave, so called lens earth, round and hollow. I am currently translating 2 videos, I don't want them to introduce division, but the material is noteworthy in itself. One is about space/moon and the alternative reason for NASA's lies, and the other is related to the hollow Earth theory, which also includes Bible quotes. It is important to note that NASA's fake photos are not proof that NASA wants to hide an acctual flat Earth. They are evidence that there is something in space, whether it is the Earth or something else that we don't know about and they want to hide it. It may or may not be a flat Earth.

              I have personally run over many people who thought they had discovered America. They had very interesting information, it fit Biblically, and it turned out they didn't know what they were talking about at all. For this reason I prefer to get information from people who have been in the ministry for say 10+ years, have Biblical training, and their ministry is bearing fruit. I am referring here to the subject of Biblical doctrines. Some I have contact with (fb / email) and so I can see if they are sincere and willing to help or if they have some hidden agenda.

              Greetings, if you want to talk in a relaxed manner then let me know.

              1. and Peace be with you

      2. My testimony is specifically related to the flat earth. It was after our sister's videos under the name Jesusnonstop that I received the grace of the Spirit of Truth from God.

        1. So praise be to the Lord God 🙂 .

          However, these types of testimonials are rare; I know almost none.

  13. The flat earth fb group raised 1500$ for cameras and a balloon, soon it will fly and show us the truth whatever it may be 🙂

  14. Arrivald as I read your comments I can see that you have a lot of knowledge now I was wondering about the cosmos and I don't really want to believe in this vacuum and the fact that the cosmos is so black and somewhere far away there are some stars in my opinion the cosmos is very beautiful in fact it is enough to look at our planet and the entire ecosystem to see how beautiful and diverse it all is I even when I look at ordinary white clouds I can see the hand of God in it and its beauty

    it is really very fascinating when I look at nature from a scientific point of view, my faith is strengthened because it shows that for all of this you need an architect and not just any architect

    I, for example, think that I do not have much knowledge myself, there are more guesses than confirmed facts but I treat it as a cool curiosity the most important thing is to bear the fruits of the spirit and grow in our Lord Jesus although sometimes it is really hard when around you there are only lemmings and no normal person

    1. If I got something and I say well it is from God and I owe it to Him.

      Knowledge is important, but it is empty if you don't have a relationship with Jesus. You have to know how to combine them (I'm not saying I know how to do it, but I'm working on it).

      Tak samo z owocami Ducha. Problem taki, że owoce > dary, a dziś mamy sporo ludzi, którzy wołają “owoce są ważniejsze od darów”, a sami nie mają ani owoców ani darów Ducha.

  15. Niektóre argumenty są ciekawe, ale – niestety nie mogą się ostać, bo: 1) Biegun Południowy (który wg teorii płaskiej ziemi istnieć nie może – został w XX I XXI wieku zdobyty wiele razy i większość zdobywców z niego powróciła.Nie mówiąc już o tym, że 2) na wszystkich wybrzeżach Antarktydy znajduje się mnóstwo baz badawczych, ale z odległości miedzy nimi wynika jasno kształt i miara wielkości tego kontynentu.Jak to wyjaśnisz – złudzeniem odkrywców, błędem w pomiarach, czy celkwym fałszerstwem?

  16. I too was curious why the flat Earth theory was promoted for so many years.

    Wydaje mi się, że “przeciwnik” również doskonali się w kłamstwie a im bliżej końca tym coraz większe będzie zwiedzenie. Na samym początku oszukiwali ludzi w innych obszarach, popatrzcie na wasze babki, dziadki, pradziadki, oni w ogóle się nie interesują taką tematyką więc po co im zawracać głowę tymi rzeczami, zresztą do teorii heliocentryzmu trzeba nieźle gimnastykować umysł, no bo jak woda może trzymać się boku, czy spodu kuli, w dodatku te wszystkie trajektorie, lata świetlne itp., prosty umysł tego nigdy w życiu nie pojmie, a nie prosty umysł tylko udaje, że rozumie 🙂

    Dlatego napisano w Biblii, cytuję z pamięci…
    1. they will call themselves wise and become foolish
    2. did we not preach this to you from the very beginning of the world's construction, how come you have not understood it? (I will add that from the very beginning the flat Earth model has been preached)

    Przy czym, wydaje mi się, że punkty 1 i 2 wykorzysta “przeciwnik” do uwiarygodnienia siebie, ale że jest kłamcą to zaproponuje nową kłamliwą naukę o niebocentryźmie.

    Zastanawia mnie tylko dlaczego np. taki chrześcijański “mózg” jak Chuck Missler nie kwestionuje heliocentryzmu. Przyznam, że wykłady na tematy stricte biblijne ma bardzo rozsądne i sobie je cenię, dlatego dziwi mnie, że tak brnie w nowoczesną naukę, której to nie sposób zwykłemu a nawet niezwykłemu człowiekowi zgłębić, musi albo wierzyć albo nie wierzyć, chcąc zdać egzamin musimy udawać, że wierzymy 🙂

  17. Cement is "Flat Earth in Scripture," timestamp 53:29
    Author claims that sun rays represented on the picture are not parallel. Such ignorance in geometry/perspective. The rays on the picture are parallel. The angle the rays are visible close to land is about half of the view angle on the cloud level–this is because the points the rays hit the surface of the earth is twice as close as the points the rays pass through the clouds.
    The comments to this video are disabled so there is no way to correct errors. Advice to the author "take a hike along railroad to the point the rails are intersecting". Strong believer shall never return.

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