Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The controversial guest list at the White House during the Pope's visit to the US.

The White House has sparked controversy with its guest list for the pope's visit.
Invitations were sent to transgender activists, America's First Gay and Transgender Bishop. .

Under these circumstances, does it not become certain that Obama is a man of sin?


"Let no one deceive you in any way, for that day will not come] until the deviation comes first and the man of sin, the son of perdition, is revealed" 2Thes. 2:3 BT.



One thing's for sure: the gender-neutral bathrooms at White House will come in handy, will come in handy.

Updated: 19 September 2015 — 09:46


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  1. Nie żyje Marcin Wrona reżyser filmu “Demon”. Został znaleziony martwy w hotelu. Stało się to w trakcie Festiwalu filmowego w Gdyni, na którym film “Demon” startował w konkursie.,1342,title,Nie-zyje-rezyser-Marcin-Wrona,wid,17857864,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=1159ca

    Może to też jeden ze znaków…

    1. it could be something like the death of Brandon Lee, Bruce lee's son.

      Popatrz a niedawno pisałem o tym filmie…

      Either he got too involved in the occult realm, or he revealed the mechanism of demons in the film.

      Many creators of such material, horror films have died under unknown circumstances.

      1. It's possible that satanists killed him. Why do I think that? Look at the date of his death, September 19, 2015.

        He was killed 6 days before his birthday, 6 months before the month of his birthday, and on top of that he was 42 years old. 4+2=6 , which means we have 666.

        P.S don't take this seriously, I kinda wanted to play adi 🙂

        1. Marcin Wrona's autopsy results are in, according to media reports. He died as a result of hanging. Interesting...

  2. Well, all indications are that a demon must have been inside him. According to new information about the circumstances of his death:
    “Jak podaje RMF, Marcin Wrona popełnił samobójstwo. Ciało reżysera znalazła jego żona. Wrona powiesił się w łazience hotelowego pokoju. Miał 42 lata.”

    3.5 years is made up of 42 months, also an interesting symbolic number for this.

  3. Wrona wyreżyserował również film “Demon” – zaprezentowany w Konkursie Głównym Festiwalu Filmowego 2015 w Gdyni.

  4. Z kim się przystaje…tego się pada ofiarą

  5. Ale papa jest postępowy…

  6. Most people are asleep and the Day of the Lord is coming.

  7. Is the pope in Rome already? Or is it old?

  8. You mean in the states obama is back or what ?

  9. On TVP2 at 4 p.m. on September 24, there is to be a live broadcast of the Pope's speech to the U.S. Congress and it is to last over an hour. If he says something sensational and directly related to John's Revelation, we should immediately, as people who know the truth, make as many people as possible aware of and warn against deception, regardless of the consequences incurred in Satan's world. Let us watch and be ready for the coming of the Lord every day for the rest of our lives.


    Haha, great! Jewish Google is also running a collection for these Islamic aggressors. They want to push them on us to destroy the white race.

  11. Haha, the American people are praising Korwin.

    Here's what they write:

    This guy is great. As far as I'm concerned, we need more forward thinking individuals like this man in Europe. He should be Poland's president.

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