Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Satan's real purpose

A very good text by Henryk Kubik written in collaboration with Cyril. I recommend it especially to new readers.

Please note, I do not identify with the author's views on the Apostle Paul issues which are discussed on

Generally I recommend this site to wake up and realize what kind of world we live in. It is the best site in this matter in the Polish Internet.





Satan's real purpose is to destroy man by the hands of God.

But why does Satan seek to destroy man?

Kiedy Bóg stworzył Ziemię i człowieka…

Job 38:(7) When the morning stars chorused joyfully and shouted all of God's angels?

In amazement, the inhabitants of Heaven gave a shout of admiration for God's creative works. But one of these people, in time, no longer liked it.

Ezekiel 28:(13) You were in Eden, the garden of God; your covering was all kinds of precious stones: carnelian, topaz and jasper, chrysolite, beryl and onyx, sapphire, ruby and emerald; of gold were your drums made, and your ornaments were made the day you were created. (14) Next to the cherub that defended the entrance I set you; you were on the holy mountain of God, you strolled among the stones of fire. (15) You were blameless in your conduct from the day you were created until you've been found wicked.

It is difficult to guess the specific reason, but Satan hated the human race and condemned it to death. Many Bible passages show Satan as an accuser of men before God. He accused Job, Abraham, and now he accuses our brothers and sisters continually before God.

Did the act of creating man in the image and likeness of God so enrage Satan?

Type 1:(26) Then said God, Let us make man according to our image and likenessand let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the flying creatures of the heavens, and over the flocks, and over all the earth, and over all the reptiles that creep upon the earth. (27) And God made man, in accordance with the image of God made him, he created man and woman.

So we know that Satan hated man and developed a prejudice against him and hated him. Most likely this was the wickedness that was discovered in him. But this was only the humble beginning of his rebellion.

Satan's first cruel act was to attack the lives of Adam and Eve.

Type 3:(1) And the serpent was cunninger than all the wild beasts which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman: Did God really say, Not of all the trees of the garden must you eat? (2) And the woman answered the serpent, We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden, (3) Just about the fruit of the tree that is in in the middle of the gardenGod said, You must not eat of it nor touch it, That you may not die. (4) At this the serpent said to the woman: You certainly won't die, (5) But God knows that as soon as you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

It was an attack on God Himself. Satan accused God of lying and envy. It was also a murderous attack on the first human couple.

Why does it look so drastic?

What would you say to a person who gives someone poisoned fruit claiming that it is safe for them and they need it?

Satan acted in just such a way. God gave a clear prohibition against touching and eating from the tree in the middle of the garden knowing that this would change man's genes and man would become mortal and die after a time.

The fruit, then, was the deadly poison against which God had clearly warned Adam and Eve.

They both died in time, which cleared God of the charge of lying made by Satan, who at that point became the first killer.

Manipulacja szatana, która spowodowała śmierć Adama i Ewy była … morderstwem.

Our great parents managed to produce offspring before their deaths that was no longer as perfect and as intelligent like parents. Satan for this offspring already possessed only contempt and hatred, which continues to this day.

According to God's Law, anyone who shed the blood of a man had to suffer death as well.

Genesis 9: (5) I will also demand of your blood, that is your souls. I will demand it from every animal. And from man I will demand the soul of man, for the life of his brother. (6) Whoever sheds the blood of man, that blood shall be shed by man, for in the image of God he made man.

The shedding of blood is a symbol of the taking of life.

For taking the lives of Adam and Eve, Satan received a death sentence. Isus Christ fully confirmed Satan's guilt.

John 8:(44) Your father is the devil, and you want to walk in the lusts of your father. He was a man-killer from the beginning and in truth did not perseverefor there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from himself, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

In this statement of Isus we see the pure truth without embellishment or attempts to whitewash the murderer. The underlined sentence explains everything. He lied and murdered. Apparently, the fruit of the tree contained a DNA code that, when consumed, altered the DNA, which manifested Suddenly Adam and Eve noticed that they were naked.

At the same moment the gift of eternal life ceased to function, that is, Adam and Eve lost the possibility of eternal life. They were fatally poisoned and this caused them to slowly age and as a result they both died.

Their deaths were a direct result of Satan's lie, who accused God of lying, and having lied to Eve, he caused the death of both of them thus becoming a liar, a slanderer, and a man-killer.

Unfortunately, Satan accomplished part of his goal by putting the first humans to death by the hands of God himself.

However, this does not absolve Adam and Eve from the guilt of breaking God's Law.

Religions actually justify Satan by claiming that he tempted Eve, quoting the Bible's description of the event. As you can immediately see in the face of these verses that Satan's guilt is much greater and deadly in its consequences. A just sentence was therefore passed on him for this crime.

Type 3:(14) Then said the Lord God to the serpent, Because thou hast done this, you shall be cursed among all cattle and all wild beasts. On thy belly shalt thou crawl, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life! (15) And I will establish enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring; he'll trample you headand you'll bite him in the heel.

Trampling on the head means the death penalty.

The death sentence, not executed immediately did not change Satan's attitude, who continued to seek the destruction of the human race at all costs. His rebellion was joined by other angels as well.

Before the flood, there was another attempt to destroy the human race, this time by the hands of God himself.

The authors were Satan and the fallen angels. The whole rebellious group came to the conclusion that it was possible to contaminate human genes, to cause the appearance of hideous characters like the Nephilim and their hybrids. In that case God Himself will destroy the mentally and genetically mutilated offspring of the fallen angels.

Well genetically mixed man with fallen angels and their hybrids will never be the same man God created in His image and likeness!

Other explanations make no sense.

Yes the fallen angels were attracted to women and corrupting human DNA with sex was certainly a pleasure for them. But after a few hundred years, women became They aged and died including their created offspring.

Therefore, the explanation that the angels lusted after women and families and were punished for it makes no sense. Coveting aging women and their mortal offspring was certainly not the primary goal of the fallen angels.

Satan with his group of angels hoped to destroy the entire human race by the hands of God.

He was dangerously close to achieving his murderous goal.

Type. 6(5) And when the Lord God saw that great was the wickedness of man in the earth, and that all his thoughts and the strivings of his heart were continually evil, (6) He grieved Lord God, that he made man on earth and pondered this deeply in his heart. (7) And the Lord said, I will exterminate the man whom I have created from the face of the earth, from man down to the cattle, down to the amphibians and the fowls of the heavens, because I'm sad that I made them.

Zwróćmy uwagę na krzywdę, jaką Bogu wyrządził szatan. Krzywdy wyrządzone ludziom są także OLBRZYMIE! Uratowanie Noego i jego rodziny przez Boga było z pewnością dla nich zaskoczeniem. Ponownie – dzięki mądrości oraz miłości Boga do ludzkich stworzeń – rodzaj ludzki został przez Niego zachowany.

Cały Boży projekt pod nazwą – ludzkość – był zagrożony. Jednak Bóg znalazł jednego człowieka, którego zapragnął ocalić jego oraz jego rodzinę – a także czyste zwierzęta.

Genesis 6:(8) But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. (9) This is the history of Noah's lineage: Noah was a righteous man, unblemished among his generation. Noah walked with God. (10) And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Cham, and Japheth. (11) But the land was polluted in the sight of God and full of iniquity. (12) And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was polluted, because all flesh has tainted its way on earth. (13) Then God said to Noah: I will put an end any to the flesh, for through it the earth is full of iniquity; I will destroy it with the earth.

Wydawałoby się, że nauczka z potopu i uwięzienie około 200 upadłych aniołów nie było skutecznym straszakiem dla innych aniołów, także zbuntowanych i przeciwnych istnienia człowieka na ziemi – zwłaszcza niedoskonałego i śmiertelnego.

Niemal wszyscy egzorcyści podają, że tak szatan jak i demony – dusze Nefilimów oraz upadłe anioły, nienawidzą z pasją Chrystusa oraz całej ludzkości.

It is because of Noah that mankind still exists today.

However, interestingly enough, after the flood God said:

Genesis 9: (11) And I establish my covenant with you, that already no flesh will ever be exterminated by the waters of the flood, and that there will never again be a flood to destroy the earth. (15) I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature in all flesh, and there shall never again be waters of a flood to destroy all flesh.

Let's see, since then God has done something remarkable, He has given His word that He will never exterminate humanity or animals en masse.

It meant:


Most false religions interpret this verse as a promise not to use the waters for extermination.

There is false understanding the term; Armageddon, which is translated as mass extermination of members of every religion except the sect that spreads these lies.

Armageddon is the destruction of Satan's army and not all mankind.

From this let us note that God creates new laws for mankind in response to Satan's actions. Szatan tworzy wieżę Babel – aby skoncentrować całą ludzkość w buncie przeciwko Bogu. Robi to po to, aby Stworzyciel musiał złamać swoje słowo i zniszczyć całą ludzkość.

The entire post-deluge history of Israel is a struggle for the survival of the Chosen People, first destroyed by the Egyptians. At the same time the fallen angels were very busy exterminating normal pure humans by contaminating them with sex with their own genes. And thus was created one of the most morally rotten places on earth, Canaan, which became famous during this period for the greatest and most cruel murders on earth.

Szatan i upadłe anioły wiedzieli, że Bóg planuje zaprowadzić wyzwolony z Egiptu Naród Wybrany do Ziemi Obiecanej. Więc z Ziemi Obiecanej uczyniono Kanaan – centrum zbrodniczych gigantów mordujących ludzi na masową skalę.

When the Israelites were personally delivered from Satan's Egyptian servants, Satan did not let up by whispering new ways of rebellion to the Israelites.

Większość zwyrodniałych Kananejczyków – hybryd z upadłymi aniołami utraciła życie i Izraelici zamieszkali w ongiś Ziemi Obiecanej im przez Boga.

Now we see that Satan was well prepared and waiting for the Israelites in Canaan. Of course, through God's personal intervention, he again failed. To this day satanists mock and blaspheme God for His acts of mercy toward Israel, the Chosen People.

Satan again did not give up and the attacks on Israel to some extent destroyed God's people, who were first divided in two, then 10 generations of Israelites had to leave the Promised Land.

Isus Christ appeared. Objective: salvation of the world.

Christ's plan was, and still is, obvious and clearly shown to us all.

John1:(29) The next day he saw Isus going to him, and said: Behold The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

This does not mean taking away the sins of one sect or isolated religion, but God's purpose is to save the whole world.

Mark 16:(15) And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, preach the gospel to all creation. (16) Who believe and be baptized, will be savedbut whoever does not believe will be condemned.

John 3: (14) And as Moses exalted the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be exalted, (15) That everyone who believes in him, he didn't die, but he had eternal life. (16) For thus God loved world, That he gave his only begotten Son to eachhe who believes in him has not perished, but had eternal life. (17) Bo God did not send His Son into the world, to judge the worldbut to world was by him saved. (18) Whoever believes in him will not be judged; but whoever does not believe is already judged because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

What blunt verses that clearly show us both Satan's purposes and God's purposes.

1. Cel szatana – The destruction of man on earth by the hands of God.

2. Cel Boga – saving a person from destruction.

“W czasach ostatecznych zrozumiecie to dokładnie.” Jeremiah 30:24

Some call the end times the final conflict between good and evil. And that is indeed the case. God is the ultimate good, sparing no effort to heal and save us all. Satan desires our death and is the ultimate evil.

Revelation 12: (9) And a huge dragon was cast down, an ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; was cast down to the earth, his angels were also cast down with him. (12) Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them: But woe to the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you burning with great wrath, for he knows that his time is short.

This verse as well as some of the previous ones show us the actual mentality of Satan, who does not access the Spirit of God and cannot draw upon the nourishing and healing gifts of our God.

John 8:(44)”… There is no truth in it."

Satan is deceiving and lying to the whole world!

This means that there are no exceptions and the Bible's warning must be taken seriously. Only now we are finding out that EVERYTHING we know from Satan's media and his teachings is a lie. The whole world is deceived by him and woe to all beings, including his servants, because he hates everything, with his own servants on earth includedwhom he also despises as much as he despises any human being.

One would have to be extremely naive to expect such a liar to provide any guarantee that his promises will be fulfilled!

Matthew 24: (21) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world until now, and shall not be. (22) And if they were not shortened these days, no creature would have survivedbut these days will be shortened due to the selected ones.

Further proof that Satan's goal is indeed the death of us all.

If you think this is the ultimate evil, you are still wrong. It is even worse than that.

Matthew 10: (28) And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; Fear rather him who can and soul and body destroyed in Gehenna.

Here Isus makes it clear what method Satan will choose when he is released again.

Come to think of it, Satan accuses all of mankind before God.

For what purpose?

Aby wystawić ludzi na próby – których celem jest nakłonienie maksymalnej ilości ludzi do łamania praw Boga – przez co Satan wants to bring the maximum number of people to the final death by the hand of God, the second death lakes of fire and sulfur.

Also, Satan's goal will be to force as many people as possible to accept the mark of the beast. There will be warnings from the angel of God before accepting this mark:

Revelation 14: (9) And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: If anyone worships a beast and its statue and accepts a mark on his forehead or on his hand, (10) then he too shall drink the very pure wine of God's wrath from the cup of his wrath and shall be tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb. (11) And the smoke of their torment ascends upward for ever and ever, and there is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his statue, nor for anyone who takes the mark of his name.

Celem Szatana zawsze było zniszczenie ludzi rękami Boga w jeziorze ognia i siarki – śmierci drugiej, z której już nie ma powrotu do życia!!!

Szatan doskonale wie, że tylko Bóg może ukarać śmiercią ostateczną – ponieważ jest właścicielem całego stworzenia.

There is another problem.

This is an attempt to whitewash Satan, and mistranslations of certain Bible verses are used for this purpose.

In many cases Satan's actions are described as deception. And in such a case Satan is whitewashed and serious suspicion falls on God that He is unjust because He punishes innocent deceived people.

A concrete example.

Type 3:13 (Bw) Then the Lord God said to the woman: Why have you done this? And the woman answered, The serpent made me deceived and I ate.

This verse clearly indicates that Eve was an innocent victim of Satan's deception, right?

Let's check out this version.

Type 3:13 (BWP v.1.1) Then Yahweh said to the woman, Why have you done this? And the woman answered: The serpent did me tempted and that's why I ate.

Słowo tłumaczone w obie strony – G538 ἀπατάω [EN]- can be translated to deceived and on tempted.

Jeżeli zwiódł, osoba jest niewinna ofiarą zwiedzenia, ale jeżeli skusił, miał pewien udział w przestąpieniu prawa, ale nie zwiedzona osoba, lecz skuszona dokonała własnego wyboru – poddała się pokusie.

Szatan nie tyle zwodzi i oszukuje, ale… tempts with lies by giving people up to temptation. Yielding to temptation is not innocence but open sin because tempted people voluntarily choose evil. Let's say someone organizes a bank robbery. It is promised to be simple and no one will arrest anyone. Satan tempts people with the opportunity to seize a mass of money. But their fault is that they want to, in a dishonest and highly dangerous way boost money.

Matthew 3: (1) Then the Spirit led Isus into the wilderness, that the devil might tempt him. (2) And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he hungered. (3) And the tempter came unto him, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, say that these stones may become bread. (4) And He answering, said: It is written: Man liveth not by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Satan kills humanity through temptation. Isus himself was exposed in the wilderness to confront the enemy of humanity, Satan.

He was exposed to Satan's main weapon: temptation. And Isus withstood this confrontation. Therefore, Satan exposes us to temptation and accuses us before God.

Matthew 10: (24) He is not a pupil over his master, nor a servant over his master;

That is, if Isus was exposed to temptation then we are all the more so.

Revelation 12: (10) And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, Now has come salvation, and power, and the dominion of our God, and the authority of his Anointed; for the accuser of our brethren, who day and night accused them before our God, has been cast down.

That is, Satan first tempts us, and as he succeeds he accuses us. A remarkable perfidy!

This gives us new insight into the methods of our chief enemy Satan!

Let's summarize:

Almost everything in the world is a lie.

Satan's goal is our eternal death at the hands of God.

Satan does everything to destroy us all, and his particular goal is wspólna śmierć – nawet sług szatana z nim samym włącznie, In the lake of fire, or eternal death.

Right now, Satan and his servants are preparing to slaughter us together. There will be an uprising of nation against nation.

This is the purpose of bringing and arming Muslims to Christian countries with white populations.

World War 3 Plan.

“Wtedy na każdym miejscu, wszędzie, obywatele, zmuszeni do their own defense against ethnic minorities and revolutionaries, will be exterminate these destroyers of civilization and the masses devoid of illusion towards Christianity, whose divine spirits, forming Christianity without compass and without direction, desiring ideals but without knowing where to place their devotion and adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation Lucifer's pure doctrine, finally exposed to public view." Plan3wars.

Why is the US/Vatican funded ISIS showing their degeneracy? To create our hatred of them, so that we will murder each other.

The same is true of Jews, especially Zionist Jews.

All their crimes are shown to us and colored even more so that we see their enormity and so that the fire of a terrible and justified in THEIR eyes hatred is lit in us.

Let us not be fooled by this, It is their aim that we should see ourselves as a righteous people, standing against a wicked savagery that must be exterminated.

Revelation 13:10 mówi –  Jeśli kto jest przeznaczony do niewoli, do niewoli pójdzie; jeśli he who kills with the sword must himself die by the sword. Here the perseverance and faith of the saints will be demonstrated.

Satan's goal is our battles with them. Satan tempts us with supposed justice, armed retaliation, and the outpouring of our hatred that he provokes

Let's not fall for these media manipulations, let's not be deceived and let's not try to fight on anyone's side.

Our model of conduct is Christ and it is not time to fight for the Kingdom of God.

War for peace is like rape for preserving virginity.

Let's not listen to TV, let's not read newspapers, let's not pay attention to the opinions of all kinds of politicians including the pope, because it's all satanic hate propaganda.

The authorities and the media are always against us and against God because they serve Satan.

They have always lied, they always lie, and nothing will change that.

Nie nabierajmy się na ich ‘troskę’ o ojczyznę, o Boga, o prawo czy sprawiedliwość.

They, the notorious liars, the authorities, the media satanists are not worth risking our lives for and exposing ourselves to the wrath of God.

Let's remember one thing.

Satan has no friends on earth and has no intention of to give his naive servants anythingbecause he himself does not have eternal life and his death is imminent.

Only the Bible containing the words of God and the Son is the source of truth. It is the living bread that will give us eternal life in an Earth liberated from Satan's hands.

Also consider the following sentence!

Why doesn't any religion inform you about this?

Article written by Henryk Kubik in association with Cyril.

Updated: 13 August 2015 — 08:48


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    1. Henryk Kubik writes few texts, but he prepares carefully for this. His work with Cyril has also borne fruit here.

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