Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Project "Lucifer"- the strangest conspiracy that NASA is involved in

Translated by Jacek. Thank you.

Gas Planet with Rising Star and Nebula on background


“Przygotujcie się, gdyż przyszedł czas by napisać o budzącej grozę teorii spiskowej.

Jeżeli jesteś fanem/ką literatury science fiction, to znasz serię znaczących powieści pt. „2001: Odyseja kosmiczna” pióra Arthura C. Clarke’a (ekranizacja w reżyserii Stanelya Kubricka). W części drugiej, zatytułowanej „2010: Odyseja kosmiczna”, monolit obcych, który krążył wokół orbity Jowisza dokonał samoreplikacji i rozpoczął kondensację tego gazowego giganta, by w końcu przekształcić go w małe słońce. Proces ten zamienia księżyce wcześniejszej planety w nadające się do zamieszkania światy. Wskutek tego ludzie na Ziemi nadają drugiemu słońcu na niebie nazwę „Lucyfer”. To stosowna nazwa nowej gwiazdy w Układzie Słonecznym.

Most of us see such a concept in terms of science fiction, as almost impossible to realize given the current level of advancement of our technology. However, there is a group of conspiracy theorists who not only believe it is possible, but actually claim it is one of NASA's ongoing projects.

Jupiter is called a "would-be star" in the sense that if its mass were greater, a nuclear fusion reaction could take place, which would actually make the planet a star. Unfortunately (fortunately?) astrophysicists have calculated that for this to happen, Jupiter would have to have a mass 75 times greater than its current mass. Conspiracy theorists believe that this mass deficit could be corrected with nuclear fuel, which could trigger nuclear fusion. This is where NASA's Galileo, Cassini, Voyager and other space probes come in.

They require a reliable fuel source to do their work, as solar energy becomes difficult to harness beyond Mars orbit. Therefore, NASA has equipped its probes with an energy source called an "RTG," or "radioisotope thermoelectric generator." The radioactive decay of fuel tablets containing the radioactive isotope plutonium-238 in the radioisotope thermoelectric generator provides a constant supply of electricity to power the probe. For example, the Galileo space probe contains two such generators, each containing about 7 kg of plutonium-238. What would happen if you detonated this explosive charge on Jupiter?

Nothing, or at least nothing that could be observed. In 2003, the Galileo probe intentionally collided with this planet. NASA took this approach because it was feared that crashing the probe into one of Jupiter's moons risked contamination with Earth bacteria.

Conspiracy theorists saw the project as the realization of Project Lucifer. They feared that during Galileo's flyby in Jupiter's thick atmosphere, the pressure would build up to such a level that the plutonium in the RTG would trigger a thermonuclear reaction, in effect creating a new sun. It has been almost twelve years since the Galileo probe was buried in the heart of that gas planet and nothing has happened. There is no second sun in our sky, so suspicion is absent, right? Not exactly.

There is another gas giant in our Solar System, Saturn, and it is not much smaller than Jupiter. There is also another probe orbiting Saturn, called Cassini. It is equipped with over 30 kg of plutonium-238, and it is still orbiting that planet until NASA orders otherwise. So are we in danger? Physicists say no. Even if every atom of plutonium inside that space probe were involved in a nuclear detonation, it would not be enough to cause a chain reaction like a drop of water in the sea. Our technology would have to evolve steadily for hundreds, if not thousands of years before we achieved the ability to form stars. And even if such technology were available today, why would we need a second sun? Our sun functions perfectly, even given the sightings of massive UFO-like objects that occasionally steal the energy it generates. If one of the gas giants were to suddenly become a star, it would most likely upset the subtle balance in our solar system. Its gravitational pull would pull asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, undoubtedly sending some of them toward us. So why has this conspiracy theory received attention? It must be our fascination with possible earth doomsday scenarios.


Updated: 6 August 2015 — 17:24


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  1. Unfortunately, these conspiracy theorists are most likely base, because how naive do you have to be to theorize about such things? NASA is indeed satanic, but it is also satanic for the same reason it made people believe it was conquering space. It is easier to push all the theories from the big bang theory to evolution and now even interfering with the size of a planet several hundred times larger than Earth when people believe that our world revolves around the sun, which is one of billions of similar stars. Let us not be crazy. Let those theorizing about the enlargement of saturn first verify if the evidence for the sphericity of the earth exists and if it is true.

    1. I agree with you 100 %. Jesusnonstop has already thoroughly explained the full indoctrination regarding the sphericity of the earth. It is mentioned several times in scripture that the earth has four ends. End of story.
      Christ reigns over us.

      1. To zabawne, bo niedawno czytałem text zestawiający Biblię z wiedzą “naukową” i pierwszym punkt miał dowodnić, że w ST jest jasno powiedziane, że ziemia ma kształt kulisty. Pierwsze słyszę o tej teorii, że “ziemia ma cztery krańce”. Czyli, że jest płaska, tak? Może ktoś zapodać link w temacie? Skoro bezczelnie kłamią o teorii ewolucji, to ja im nie wierzę już w nic do końca i staram się mieć otwarty umysł.
        No i mogę tylko domyślać się, jak wielkie salwy niekontrolowanego śmiechu można wywołać u znajomych, zarzekając się, że ziemia nie ma kształtu kulistego…

        1. Izajasza, 40:22 – Ten, który siedzi nad okręgiem ziemi, której obywatele są jako szarańcza; ten, który rozpostarł niebiosa jako cienkie płótno, a rozciągnął je, jako namiot ku mieszkaniu:

          Jesusnonstop YouTube and Dailymotion channels with God

        2. Istnieja rowniez teksty zestawiajace wiedze naukowa z Bibią dowodzące że ewolucja jest biblijna czy to znaczy że mamy wszyscy uwierzyć w kreacjonizm ewolucyjny? Tak jeszcze na zwieńczenie tego oftopowego tematu – chyba wiecie co oznacza ewolucja dla człowieka? To że może ewouowac do nadczłowieka a nawet boga. O proszę nagle nazizm wyłonił nam się zza krzaka 😉

      2. Where beyond the apocalypse?

      3. Since the Earth has 4 ends it means it is a square or rectangle. Don't you people think that in the Bible the text about 4 ends could be a metaphor 🙂

        1. I too get the impression that this is simply a metaphor.

    2. I am looking for interesting articles about nasa in this regard, do you have any leads?

        1. thanks, something about connections to the authorities, servants of new age ideology, etc.

  2. I think that Satan is interested in taking over the earth and will do everything to keep it only for himself, he will not experiment with tampering with nuclear explosions, because when he is lost from heaven he will have nowhere to go, the struggle for control of the earth between Satan and Jesus continues from the beginning of its creation.

    1. “walka o przejecie we wladanie ziemi” – czy Biblia uczy tego? Wyrzucenie oskarżyciela z nieba i czas wypuszczenia innych bytów z otchłani to też czas Boga i przez niego określony. Każda strona robi swoje, tak jak i ludzie mogą wybrać sobie stronę, aż do pewnego czasu mówi NT, ale to nie to sam oco dualizm.

      “W naszym wszechświecie nie istnieje dualizm. Istnieje tylko jedna, nadrzędna siła, którą jest Bóg Wszechmogący przedstawiony w Biblii. Zgodnie z dowodami biblijnymi, istnieje jedna wszechmocna siła, a nie dwie. Zatem, jakakolwiek doktryna dualistyczna, zawierająca się w stwierdzeniu że istnieją dwie, równe sobie siły, wzajemnie się zwalczające (dobro i zło) jest doktryną fałszywą.”

  3. Yes the Bible says that when 40 days Jesus was in the desert Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms so he had the opportunity Satan feels he has them, remember that Satan is a rebel and remember Adi that in heaven there is war and the Bible describes two opposing forces

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