Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I do restricted access to the blog

Nie zamykam, nie kasuje, ale blog będzie dostępny dla grupy ok 20 – 30 osób.

Please email me at

The criterion for access to the blog will be a minimum of one emotionless comment on a post excluding the one you are reading now.

I won't give access to someone I don't know or know from the wrong side. I'm sorry.

Decyzję swą argumentuje częstymi atakami personalnymi. Szczytem było napisanie przez jednego czytelnika, że na ognisku czytelników ja ludzi wytruje. Masakra. Po tym komentarzu i paru innych doświadczeniach na forum doszedłem do wniosku, że część moich czytelników to nie dojrzała emocjonalnie grupa pseudochrześcijan popisujących się wersetami. Podkreślam – część!

I spend too much time dealing with people who are not mature.

Znaczna część się uraduje tą decyzją, ale jeszcze nie otwierajcie szampana…

For balanced people this will be a disadvantageous decision, but I have also thought it over. First of all, you already know what the world is like. Secondly, something superior is the Bible as this sword of the spirit. The blog just made you realize what this world is like.

A blog is not necessary for salvation and I don't care about fame or stroking my own ego with statistics that grow.

Besides, in my opinion there will be a Great Tribulation soon, or a Third War before that, so the time of grace is running out. Some of the Christians will wash their robes in the WU.


Updated: 18 April 2015 — 21:23


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  1. You're doing the smart thing by restricting access to your blog, it's not worth it for people who are only going to insult and argue to come to this site.

    1. Smart? I doubt it. Although I appreciate Piotr for his input and I have respect for him, unfortunately such an approach (flunking) is immature. Piotr takes too much to heart the opinions of people on the Internet. Hateful people and common rudeness happen everywhere, this phenomenon is known even on culinary blogs, and closing oneself to people is simply unchristian, especially taking into account the statistics, which are growing, that is that there is a demand for such places on the Internet.

      I understand that the admin has to sort through probably a large number of comments, messing with it every day, but the pay in heaven awaits , remember that. 😀

      1. Dear brothers and sisters, I suggest you pray to our Father, for He can do everything. Let's pray for Peter, that he can bear the burden of proclaiming the truth, struggling with people who are against him. There are a few of us here and you know that prayer can do a lot. Peter is doing so much, he is a very sensitive man, let's help him.

  2. Dear Detective I've been reading your blog for a year and a half or maybe more but I don't comment
    and your blog I will define in a simple way is important to me 🙂 so I hope I will get access to your blog though 🙂 regards

  3. Jeśli admin nie zablokuje starego “Detektywa” to będą mogli czytać stare wpisy uświadamiające. 🙂

  4. I came across your blog today and I thought I had to do something about it because it's starting to look like an addiction to me. I turn on my computer and what's the first thing? The truth detective. I turn it off and what's the last thing? Still look at the detective.
    And here you go, restriction, nothing but rehab, you read my mind.
    Very valuable blog, I appreciate your hard but probably satisfying work, through which I see that LORD GOD is slowly making you immune to, to put it mildly, rudeness.
    Some people also have a peculiar sense of humor, which is not always understood by others and instead of being funny it can be sad, although this sadness does not always have to be intentional.
    Mi pomocne było jedno z kazań Siergieja Nieczytajło.Pewna siostra przyszła zapłakana ,że w zborze ją obrażają itp… i on nie wiedział co ma jej odpowiedzieć,więc zapytał Pana i co usłyszał,to powiedział jej:a co to siostro,na ciebie to już napluć nie można?Na naszego Pana pluli a na ciebie nie mozna?Taki sens ,dosłownie nie pamiętam.
    The Lord is working on us to conform us to Himself, for that is all that will matter in eternity - Christ in us - thank the Lord for you, for your work for us and others.

    1. I'm glad the blog drew you in 🙂 I'm glad it did.

      “Mi pomocne było jedno z kazań Siergieja Nieczytajło.Pewna siostra przyszła zapłakana ,że w zborze ją obrażają itp… i on nie wiedział co ma jej odpowiedzieć,więc zapytał Pana i co usłyszał,to powiedział jej:a co to siostro,na ciebie to już napluć nie można?Na naszego Pana pluli a na ciebie nie mozna?Taki sens ,dosłownie nie pamiętam.”

      I watched this Kesja and even posted either on the blog or the forum.
      The problem is that if I compare myself to a pastor, although I do not have such biblical knowledge, then any pastor is condemned to speak and the members of the church to listen. Here anyone can say something against the author and spice things up. Besides, if I suffered for Jesus' sake, it would be different. Here everyone has a patent on Bible knowledge. This is not the oppression mentioned in the Bible.

      Also, I'm constantly guided by Psalm 1 and that's what I try to stick to.

      Napisałem żeby przeciwnicy jeszcze szampana nie otwierali. Dlaczego? ano dlatego że tą decyzję nie przedyskutowałem z Bogiem….Jeśli Bóg mi da jakiś znak to kto wie…
      Ostatnio we wrześniu postąpiłem podobnie w finansach nie radząc się Boga i się przejechałem….

      1. Jesus is the truth and if you preach the truth and they spit on you, you suffer for Jesus' sake and this suffering has many colors.

  5. Let the star of Zion (Israel) light the way of the faithful. Glory to JESUS CHRIST.

  6. I too have been reading the blog for quite a long time and have commented little and I know that there is always true and valuable information here and I hope to have access to your blog.Godspeed.

    1. Sylvia, I wrote that 1 comment is enough

      1. How about giving credit to all those who want it at the beginning and then sifting out those who are sowing ferment?

        1. it's a way out, too

  7. I comment rarely but read daily. I recommend to those who are looking for, have questions, etc. I will not comment on what you want to do your blog, your decision, I will quote only one text :
    We are talking about the spiritual idea of widening the stakes of our tents. The text in Isaiah 54:2 reads like this: "Widen the reach of your tent and the curtains of your dwellings; do not be shy; lengthen your cords and drive in firmly your stakes"! A beautiful and sentimental statement, always eagerly embraced by all Christians. This whole chapter is readily quoted by preachers. Let us look at this text from the point of view of development, which this chapter directly speaks of. When it speaks of development, we can divide reality into two parts, the inside and the outside.The inside of the tent is ours, familiar, developed, family. It is no longer necessary to make an effort and work intensively on it. In the interior there is shelter, a sense of security, the impression of a well arranged world of our own. The inside of our tent is good, the outside is bad. Our home is what is good, what is inside the tent.

    Outside is foreign, not to our liking, sometimes hostile. There is no rest there, no sense of security. There is a reason why we separate ourselves from the outside world with our tent.

    No matter what you think of the world outside your tent, it is by the Lord's command your field of operation. More, God's blessing is measured by your ability to expand, to grow. You are to drive stakes into new ground to change it according to God's will. You don't need to protect and isolate yourself from the world; rather, you need to transform it. So where do you move the tent stakes in your practice? Perhaps a new church or outpost needs to be established? Maybe start a much more intensive evangelism at work or school? Prayerfully look for a place that is foreign, not your own. Why not at work or school? How about in the world of unwelcoming neighbors? Then drive the "stake of your tent" there. If you're ambitious, stick it where it's hardest, worst. Work, sweat, grow, expand, change the world. Or shut yourself up in your tiny world and pretend that YOU are the last righteous person in this evil world.

    1. “Albo zamknij się w swoim malutkim świecie i udawaj, że Ty jesteś ostatnim sprawiedliwym w tym złym świecie.”

      but unfortunately, I don't consider myself the last one to be righteous. Well...I am just a blogger. There are many quiet people with more knowledge than me.
      In my estimation, if there had been a hijacking today, I think I would have missed out on the 99%, and I'm not one of those people who get complacent. I just know the criteria...

      On the other hand, no one will accuse me of doing nothing, of not fighting. I won't agree with that.

      1. I only quoted a text here that moves me because it is true in this present evil world. And you admin are real, for such people Jesus is waiting, brave, speaking the truth, walking the difficult path regardless of the opposites. The stakes of your tent already reach far, so it is really a pity to roll them up.
        Those who wish you well will always support you in what you do, and there are more of them. Don't worry about those evil ones, and maybe it will happen that thanks to you they will be converted and you will meet them in the Kingdom of God.

  8. Peter, don't do it! PLIIIIIIIS!

  9. Detektywie, czytam Twój blog od długiego czasu(często w rozmowie z mamą padają słowa “widziałaś co dzisiaj na detektywie jest napisane?”). Uważam, że jest źródłem wielu cennych informacji, a dla osób które poszukują prawdy jest genialny:) bardzo proszę, nie zamykaj dostępu do bloga. Dla wielu osób takie blogi są początkiem poszukiwań Boga. Jeżeli Twoja decyzja jest nieodwracalna to bardzo proszę o dostęp do strony. Z Bogiem

  10. Moim zdaniem lepiej by było nie blokować bloga, lecz komentarze …. jeśli by ktoś chciał pisać niech Cie adminie poprosi jeśli będzie siał kąkol to papa. Twoja praca jest cenna i szkoda, aby była ograniczana.

  11. I also ask for access despite not commenting Your blog helps me a lot greetings

  12. Personally, I do comment on some things, but in my opinion two stupid ones and the person gets fired. I read your blog Peter and sometimes comment. I will read it and if I have to comment as well. Regards

  13. Dear Admin,
    Don't do this, don't restrict access to the blog. Think of those who seek the truth, who want to learn the truth about God and his teaching, about the lies of this world.
    Your blog is one of the few that proclaim the truth about Christ. I am one of those people who were converted thanks to this blog, thanks to YOU I gained life. I myself was tormented by demons, I didn't know what to do, but I was able to learn to trust Jesus and entrust my life to him. If you shut down access how can others learn all this.
    Niech inni plują na nas, niech gardzą nami, niech rzucają wyzwiskami – i co z tego. Przecież należymy do Chrystusa, a nie do tego świata, więc opinia innych jest dla nas obojętna.
    We have to face this world, we have to proclaim the GOOD NEWS, even at the cost of our lives, because even if we were to lose them, we would gain much more.
    You are doing a very good job. You've been given a God-given talent to discover the truth, but what good is that talent if you hide it under the covers.
    Think about your decision some more. If you were to close the blog I do not condemn you, it's your decision. I can only thank you for everything.
    May Jesus Christ guide us through this journey called life!

  14. I also believe that the opportunity to read should be for all, while with making among the commenters as much as possible you have the right. Greetings in the Lord.

  15. I have been reading your blog for a long time and I think that what you are doing is very important.You are making people aware that we are approaching the end times and the only rescue for us is in God.I think that many people started to think differently and maybe they converted.I converted a few years ago by reading H.Kubik.Of course,the decision belongs to you and we have to respect it.I ask for the possibility of access to your blog:)Like Kesja I start my day from the news on your blog:)

  16. Peter... I would like to write something very briefly.
    The decision is, of course, up to you.
    I only feel sorry for potential newbies who could still be helped by your blog, because apparently time is running short. Many certainly still just read it without joining in the discussion... I personally appreciate your work very much. I am sure that you have helped many people to a greater or lesser extent... By restricting access even to those who would like to read it, you give satisfaction to the evil... Surely you know that. But as I said it's your decision and I respect it because I understand you to some extent.
    I don't know if I'm going to be Jesus Christ 🙂 I don't know.

    1. przepraszam .. miał być jeden komentarz ale cos “obcięlo” koncowke mojego postu 🙁 miało być:
      I don't know if I will still have access to the Truth Detective, but I admit that I would love to. Greetings in Jesus Christ 🙂 .

  17. Piotrze nie upadaj.Stworzyłeś rodzinę,która codziennie się odwiedza ,na Twoim blogu!!!.który dodaje otuchy .Każdy z Nas został w jakiś sposób skrzywdzony psychicznie lub fizycznie,codziennie musimy walczyć ze złem ,którego siła wzrasta .Problem tkwi w tym świecie ,nie w Tobie.(Grzegorz Braun- Prezydent-Iskra)……Pozdrawiam .Niech Was Bóg Strzeże.

  18. Peter, I don't have the slightest doubt that Our Lord Jesus is working in you, and through you He has helped many people, including me. Because it is thanks to you that I came to know the Truth, I came to know Him. You are the one who planted in me the Knowledge and that I am trying to be better day by day by opposing sin, reading the Bible and directing others to His Word. That's why I think you shouldn't shut down your blog so that others can have the opportunity like me. I know it is hard and just plain sad for you at times, but you need to be persistent and for Him and for us. Although however you go about it I will respect your decision and hope to have access to your blog in that case.

  19. Dear Detective, you write:
    “Blog nie jest potrzebny do zbawienia a mnie nie zalezy na sławie lub połechtaniu własnego ego statystykami, które rosną.”

    I masz racje, ze blog ten do zbawienia nie jest potrzebny ale nie zapominaj, ze ten blog moze kogos do zbawienia pokierowac. Ten blog moze pokierowac do czytania biblii – tak bylo ze mna, czytalam wczesniej blog H.K. Teraz jestem rowniez tutaj i nie wyobrazam sobie dnia bez przeczytania Twoich wpisow. Nie komentuje ale jestem tutaj codziennie. Ten blog moze kogos pokierowac do naszego Ojca.
    Robisz wielka prace na chwale Bogu i Tobie nie zalezy na na pochwalach, sa one dla Ciebie obojetne. Tak samo potraktuj opluwanie – jakby tego jadu nie bylo. Nie jestes w stanie poprzez zamkniecie bloga odizolowac sie od zlego. Jestem swiadoma tego, ze musisz czytac wpisy, ktorych wolalbys nie otrzymywac i nie czytac ale tak wlasnie dziala zly.
    These are my thoughts, but I will respect your every decision, because really only you know in your heart what you should do. May our Savior protect you.

  20. Accept criticism as Jesus does blasphemy, you have a group of people standing behind you and they will strengthen you through Jesus and God, it's not worth getting carried away like this, I've gone astray because I have a weak faith but I always want to come back to your blog and it always puts me back on a better track, don't limit it to people because it's not those who criticize you who suffer, it's the people who need to be lifted up and brought back.

  21. Peter, please don't do this selection ! I myself rarely comment on your posts but they brought a lot to my life ! I enjoy reading your blog and appreciate the amount of your work !

    I like to look here many times each day.

    Do your job and don't worry about the haters!
    May God reward you for all your efforts :-))

  22. Często się nie udzielam na blogu, ale jestem tu kilka razy w ciągu dnia…a bloga czytuje od 2012 roku…i rozumiem…

  23. Dear Brother
    I ask you to present this decision to the LORD in your personal community.
    It's an important decision. HE WILL TELL YOU WHEN TO REALLY DO IT. It is important that it comes from the Lord and not as a result of the devil's attacks. The devil must be resisted with the TRUTH OF THE WORD, with fasting, prayer, perseverance, and faith.
    We are but vessels of clay, oppressed from all sides, weak, even battered at times. So that in our weakness not our strength would be revealed, but the power that surpasses everything and comes from Him. So writes Saul in the 2nd letter to Corinthians. I experience this myself and I know that many of my loved ones who love the Lord experience the same. Take care, Brother of the Lord, and those who have been BLESSED by your hard work and know the LORD know what to do to truly help you.
    Bless you, Brother

  24. You're doing the wrong thing, I came across here for example looking for the Korwin party logo. It was in some article, then I started reading bolg, came across Jared and others on yt. Not long after that there was a newborn.

    By cutting off the blog, you are doing wrong. You say the Bible is the most important, but e.g. articles that support it are also important. E.g. the ones that talk about rivers drying up. We are supposed to spread that on rooftops.

    As far as I'm concerned, I won't be submitting an email for access, because I associate that practice a bit with secret societies after all. We are to preach openly.

  25. “20 – 30 osób” trochę to mało więc wówczas
    it will happen that those who are supposed to read will not be able
    in these nasty times this place is a torch in the dark tunnel
    ” Czy po to wnosi się światło, by je postawić pod korcem lub pod łóżkiem? Czy nie po to, aby je postawić na świeczniku?”

  26. Yesterday's attempt to enter the site scared me admin you have driven us to fear, sieve if necessary but carefully choose the sieve

  27. ADONAI.

    ADONAI. Dear Jesus, help us, in Your Holy Name, to endure every kind of persecution.

    Help those who err, convinced that they are testifying to Your Work.

    Open the eyes of all those who may be tempted to destroy others through wicked actions, deeds and gestures.

    Protect us from the enemies of God who will rise up to try to suppress Your Word and chase You away.

    Help me to forgive those who betray You, and grant us the Grace to remain steadfast in our Love for You.

    Help us to live the Truth that you have taught us, and to remain forever under your protection.

  28. Peter I also like most here think that you should not restrict access to your blog but it's your decision. I visit it almost every day, there is a lot of valuable information that stimulates and renews our faith. What I value most is the information and lectures whose foundation and source is the Bible. Think about the people who like you and I all searched for the truth, we all clung to the robe of Jesus our Lord and having His Word we can do without this blog, but there are people who are still searching for the truth, help them and us in strengthening our faith, spread the truth and remember about the complete armor:)

  29. This blog is a potential expensive indicator for salvation.
    I got to know the truth thanks to H.K.'s site, and then I got to know your site, and it made me even more aware. Thanks for your fruitful work.
    When it comes to this blog, it's not worth limiting it to a specific handful of people.
    Dokładnie jak napisał Matesz, “taka praktyka kojarzy mi się trochę z tajnymi stowarzyszeniami mimo wszystko. Mamy głosić otwarcie.”. Otóż to, to nas odróżnia od Masonów, Czaszki i Piszczela, etc. A Twoja działalność nie ma nic do ukrycia, bo starasz się pisać prawdę i tylko prawdę. Konspiratorzy ukrywają kłamstwo, brudne interesy (w skrócie mają coś do ukrycia, nie ma się czym chwalić, itd.).
    Personally, I'm all for an open blog, with reading for everyone, but limited commenting.
    You will do as God tells you, at this time let us pray for the admin. May God bless him and you! Let us love each other Brothers and Sisters!

    “Nie zapalają też świecy i nie stawiają jej pod korcem, lecz na świeczniku, i świeci wszystkim, którzy są w domu. (Ewangelia Mateusza 5:15)”

  30. Witaj Piotrze, czytam Twój blog od dłuższego czasu, ale bardzo rzadko komentuje. Myśle, że jest dużo takich osób jak ja. Podoba mi się to, że tak często dodajesz nowe wpisy i jesteś szczerym, wierzącym chrześcijaninem. Może lepszym pomysłem byłoby abyś ograniczył możliwość komentowania dla określonej grupy ludzi, niż abyś miał ograniczać całego bloga dla wybranych? Rozumiem ataki, które przechodzisz, poniewąz jesteś przeciwny aktualnie rządzącym politykom, systemowi, w którym przyszło nam żyć, jak i zorganizowanym religiom. Prorocy ze Starego Przymierza tez nie byli mile sluchani i widziani. Jeremiasz zalowal przed Panem, ze sie urodzil…
    Przedstaw przed Panem co masz zrobic ze strona i pamietaj, ze “Blogoslawieni jestescie, gdy wam zlorzeczyc beda, i przesladowac was, i mowic wszystko zle przeciwko wam, klamajac dla mnie. Radujcie sie, i weselcie sie; albowiem zaplata wasza obfita jest w niebiesiech; tak bowiem przesladowali proroki, ktorzy byli przed wami”

  31. Shalom
    A może podejść do spraw inaczej – dostęp do boga dać wszystkim natomiast możliwość udzielania kometarzy tylko wybranym.

  32. ups – miało być bloga a nie boga. poproszę o poprawkę

  33. As I mentioned I have to ask God because I haven't done it, but the blog is weighing me down mentally and sometimes there is a lot of rudeness from immature people who think they are adults.

    If I limit, I will take the above people into consideration.

    Thank you for your kind words and support.

  34. I've already gotten used to this blog. I've written before that the blog has helped me put everything together. Collecting information about various things [NWO, philosophy, paranormal phenomena, parapsychology, Christianity, politics, conspiracies, illuminati and so on] I often ended up on this blog, as if I was directed. At first I disregarded this blog, I was distanced from the Bible, Christianity, but when I started reading it many things came together. I find answers on the blog. I also like to share information myself, and write with others.

  35. My entire family looks at this blog and does not comment. With a decision like this, I would wonder who is suggesting I think about shutting down access to the site for everyone versus creating a group of people patting each other on the back.
    Also, I will not be requesting blog access to not be among the featured people. All in the hands of the Lord. GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST.

  36. Reading for all, commenting for a select few. How about this?

    1. also an idea, but I don't know if this script can do it

  37. Módlmy się za Admina, bo nasz Ojciec w niebie wie najlepiej…
    On potrzebuje takich wojowników jak Ty Adminie, czyż nie mamy “stracić” swojego życia by zyskać, to wieczne?
    Tylko z Jezusem można poznać prawdę, bo “bóg” tego świata ją ciągle zakrywa.
    Since I accepted Jesus into my heart I am free and happy, although it is not easy in this world. Besides, Jesus never said it would be easy.

  38. So do you want to leave the blog with just noders?

    1. not noders, but people not boors. I mean commenters. I don't hang out with scoffers.

  39. Nie będę oryginalna, bo to co chciałabym powiedzieć już zostało powiedziane. Twój blog Piotrze był pierwszym blogiem, na którym zaczęłam pisać komentarze. Zawiera wiele cennych informacji, podnosi na duchu, sprawia, że czujemy się wspólnotą /przynajmniej ja tak to czuję/. Szkoda byłoby to tracić. Wiem, że to co robisz, wielu się nie podoba i jest solą w oku dla sługusów złego, który wie, że ma mało czasu. Chce pociągnąć za sobą jak najwięcej ludzi, a twoja praca bardzo mu przeszkadza.Pan Jezus ostrzegał, że tak jak Jego nienawidzili – tak wszystkich idących za Nim też będą nienawidzić ; jak Jego opluwali i ośmieszali – tak czynić będą w Jego naśladowcami. Robisz naprawdę dobrą robotę, ten blog jest światłem, które przyciąga zagubionych i lampą dla tych, którzy już idą drogą ku zbawieniu. Jakąkolwiek podejmiesz decyzję, pamiętaj proszę, jak wiele osób masz po swojej stronie i jak wiele osób Cię wspiera. Niech miłość naszego Pana będzie twoją ochroną i wsparciem.

    1. detmold brought up a good idea, Commenting for registered users is something I will probably do for a test anyway

      1. How to register ?

        1. po prostu spróbuj skoemntować coś i pojawi się strona do logowania a na niej link do rejestracji lub na górze po prawej kliknij Magda “rejestracja”

  40. Today is September 13 and I came across your blog, I'm glad it's available, thank you

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